It is 26 hrs now without anything. I read somewhere that motrin can help leg and muscle cramps. Is this true? Is it addictive or harmful in any way? I kept a bottle cause i didn't think they were harmful. Thanks.
Stormy, motrin is non addictive and does help, thats what I took after I quit and still take from time to time.
mortin is advil, its not addictive. but i don't think it really helps. i took flexeril(muscle relaxer) to help with leg spasms during withdrawl, it really helped. i also found to walk helps. try getting some fresh air. at night put a pillow between your knees, it helps relieve some pressure on your legs and back, and might help the spasms to lessen.
good luck
good luck
Thanks for your responses. I'm gonna try them and see, I just wanted to make sure that they were safe. I quit sub 2 weeks ago, then immediately started taking tramadol. So I want off of all pills, ya know. It sucks I thought it was all over, but now I guess I never really went throught the withdrawal cause of the trams.
I took a 1/3rd piece of a tram at about 2:00. It did not completely make me better, but I felt a little better. Did I just mess everything up, or will the w/d still last the same amount of time? It had been about 30 hrs since my last use prior to that.
just stick with the motrin, it wont be long till the tramadols out of your system. yuor half way there and probably at the worst of it. just keep hanging on. it wont last forever. you made it this far. rea gave great advice to help ease the symproms while you are getting through this. keep posting and let us know how yuo are doing.
just stick with the motrin, it wont be long till the tramadols out of your system. yuor half way there and probably at the worst of it. just keep hanging on. it wont last forever. you made it this far. rea gave great advice to help ease the symproms while you are getting through this. keep posting and let us know how yuo are doing.
Stormy, thats a small amount so I doubt you screwed anything up but try to stay away from the tram, you dont need it, you can do this now your so close.
Thanks, I started freaking out for a sec, thinking I messed it all up and was going to have to start over. Even though I have been sick all day. Yes, I read all of those posts including rae's and have taken the suggestions. I just want this to be over. No more tram at all. I have taken about 10 + baths today. about to take another in a few minutes. Thanks for your help. Calmed me down a bit.
glad to be of help, yep hot baths were my best friend i took lots during detox as well. just make sure you lather up the lotion afterward. that feels good as well and your skin will thank you. 10 sounds excessive but i was same way, it works!! light some candles and turn on some tunes as well. use some pretty smelling lotion afterward too then give yourself a pedicure and manicure maybe even a facial. it will keep you busy plus help boost your spirits and feel good about yourself a:)
glad to be of help, yep hot baths were my best friend i took lots during detox as well. just make sure you lather up the lotion afterward. that feels good as well and your skin will thank you. 10 sounds excessive but i was same way, it works!! light some candles and turn on some tunes as well. use some pretty smelling lotion afterward too then give yourself a pedicure and manicure maybe even a facial. it will keep you busy plus help boost your spirits and feel good about yourself a:)
Thanks teri. The tub is the only place I feel alright. I hardly have the energy to get out myself. I have 3 sleeping pills so I am hoping that I can get some sleep tonight. Not much sleep last night. I think the B-12 is helping plus the other vitamins. Just before I read this post I put my headphones on. Gotta get out of this funky mood I am in. The radio is a wierd thing for me though, cause some songs, actually lots of songs, make me depressed or make me think about partying and stuff. Just gotta listen to the right stuff. Thanks for your support.
Oh, and I had to shave my legs again cause the little hairs were always standing up, like goose bumps and they were bothering me soo much. Now I really need lotion but have no energy to put it on.
ultram can cause w/drawals. I've seen vicodin given to ease w/drawals from tram. the w/drawals mimick cardiac sx's. ultram works like an opiate as it fools the receptors to think they are occupied so as to relieve pain.
hahaha your adorable, just put the darn lotion on with some candles and i even love some of those cd's that are the sound of nature. i love those one. but again i love being out doors. i even have one that sounds like a crackling bon fire with rushing river water running in backround. that one and the huge thunderstorme one with the sound of rain are my 2 faves. those onse dont have music in the backround. i dont like the music ones with it unless its the flute or sounds native american.
hahaha your adorable, just put the darn lotion on with some candles and i even love some of those cd's that are the sound of nature. i love those one. but again i love being out doors. i even have one that sounds like a crackling bon fire with rushing river water running in backround. that one and the huge thunderstorme one with the sound of rain are my 2 faves. those onse dont have music in the backround. i dont like the music ones with it unless its the flute or sounds native american.
Maybe I should have clarified. It started with heroin, then vic and tyl., then sub, then trams. So no way would I take a vic, that would be crazy for me. I am going to get through I am sure. I think the tram has the least w/d. I hope. Thanks for your help though.
Yes, I like those cd's too, my favorites are rain and water. Too bad I don't have any. I guess I could d/l them. Classical is usually pretty good for me as well. I'll probably turn the radio off when my b/f gets home in 1/2 hour anyways.
Yes, I like those cd's too, my favorites are rain and water. Too bad I don't have any. I guess I could d/l them. Classical is usually pretty good for me as well. I'll probably turn the radio off when my b/f gets home in 1/2 hour anyways.
sorry i did'nt mean that-- i just wanted to share with you what i know so u would know that there are w/drawals assoc with ultram. alot of people don't realize cuz its not controlled. i would never suggest that to you. i will hope for the best for u that u will feel better soon. u definately are moving in rt direction. did u say u were on sub? whatever happened with that? i just started 1 wk ago.ultram is not a narcotic but can work like one. Thats all i was trying to say. again--sorry
Oh, no problem. I was not clear enough for you to know. You couldn't have known. I was on sub for 2 weeks, tapered down from 8 mg to 1 mg. I quit but I had trams in the house cause I didn't think they were all that bad. I started taking them right after I quit the sub so I wouldn't feel bad. It has been about 2 weeks on the trams, well seeing as I quit now. How long are you planning on being on them?
them = sub I mean.