I'm detoxing off of sub at home without tapering off. I missed my doctors appointment because I have become so addicted to crack I cant do anything.
I was in recovery for 2 years. I had used cocaine or crack for about 10 years and I was tired of it. I went to NA meetings and found a great bunch of people who helped me. I stayed off the s*** for about 6 years until recently.
First I started using oxys while I was in recovery. I got complacent and did not realize what oxys where I thought they where just regular pain killers. man was I wrong. I found a new drug and I was hooked right away. After many months of insanity I went on methadone then went to a doc for sub. Ive been on the sub for almost a year now. Then for some reason I thought I could do a few lines. A few months later I'm smoking it again!!!!!!!!! ( I hope someone can follow whatIm saying I'm going back and forth .) So anyway... back to present...
I had 2 pills left so I cut them in half and took for four days and then nothing... Its been 6 days now. and I can still barely walk. I have taken a few loratabs cut in half spread out. I have 2 little kids and can not lay in bed all day. I did though day 2,3 and most of 4. I dont know how long I'm going to feel this bad. Can anybody tell me what to expect? I was on 16 mgs a day. for about a year. Yes Im trying to stop everything and I have gotton in touch with my old sponser. But I am very afraid. I think Im done with crack but Ive thought that before. That has been going on for abbout 3 months now. It didn't take long for things to get bad. Ive lost 20 lbs that puts me at 93 lbs. skin and bones. My kids need me so I have to go. thanks for any advise thats out there., Angie
Hi Angie .I know how you feel as I just went through it .When you say you cut the pills in half , are you referring to 8 mgs or 2 mgs pills ? Just know that there are many of us who have gone through what you are going through and we are here to help.I know first hand how awful you feel .......I am sorry, I was just reading the post again and realized that you did not taper .Can you see the Dr. again and taper down ?The way you are doing it can be very difficult .Jumping off from almost 16 mgs. a day is a huge leap .It sort of defeats the purpose of the suboxone.You are in my prayers. Rob
In total agreement with Rob, can you call your doctor and try for some help? That is a huge plunge. I am so feeling for you.
I havent been able to get back. I'm still pretty weak. Does anyone know how long I should feel like this? Its day 8 with a few loritabs... Total of 3 or 4 . just a half when I had to take care of my kids and husband was not around. Today Im still so weak I can barely walk. I calle dthe doc to ask him how long it should take. waiting for his call. He wants me to come back but I m not doing this s*** again!!!!!!!! I have no desire to use anything I want to be clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friends at NA tell me not to go back on anything, get totally clean. I trust them there good people. anybody with experience of getting off of sub? Id appreciate it. thanks angie
My friends at NA tell me not to go back on anything, get totally clean. I trust them there good people. anybody with experience of getting off of sub? Id appreciate it. thanks angie
As long as you know that you jumped off way too soon . I jumped from a little less than 1mg after about 4 months .The first 15 days were by far the hardest.It has been arond 47 days and I am just now feeling normal .I understand exaxly how bad you are feeling .You will probably keep feeling like this for about another week , maybe a little more and then you should feel a little beter.After this stage you will more than likely have no energy for a couple of weeks but it is not as bad as what you are feeling now.The leg cramps did not pass entirely for about a little more than a month.The longer you take any opiates , the longer this will last . Everything I am saying is just what happened to me .Many people have used sub and tapered down slowly without feeling any real discomfort . I know I jumped way to quickly and I like you paid for that mistake.I hope this answers the question . Good luck , Rob