
Hi Bronco-
How are you feeling? I haven't been on the computer for days. I hope you are OK and that you haven't experiences anymore shaking and weird heartbeats.

Good deal with your hubby taking the pills away. I'm so glad.

I took my last 2 this morning (Saturday).
BETSY............... Oh my gosh, you are such a beautiful person. I have been feeling great.. no more problems at all. matter of fact, things are going well. I think about the pills for a sec. but I dismiss it as soon as it comes. I have replaced the pills with this extreme make over workout for beginners and I have lost 4 pounds so far. I think I pee'd every last bit of lortabs and somas out of my system...I drank so much water and my urine is now clear. I am sleeping all night and no more hot flashes.I tell u I am in total amazement at just how easy this was. I only had that weird setback into day 5 but never again.I even questioned myself if I was addicted???!!!because getting off was way to simple. I still do not know where my pills are. I have not even asked my husband and do not intend to for a long time. Betsy, you are gonna LOVE THIS FEELING OF BEING OFF THE PILLS. Thank- you for doing this with me Betsy. Ya know, I could not have decided to do this alone but having everyone join in...and all the support here, I honestly owe my life to these people............di
We owe YOU the big thanks, Di! God must have brought you to this site to get the Easter Taper going for us, He knew you'd kick our butts into action. I'm so glad you're feeling well!
hey betsy,

how is it going today, I have been wondering ..



Hi Didi-
I'm ok, how about you?

I have to tell you (don't think I'm weird) that when I was little, around 4 or 5, I had imaginary friends named "Didi" and "Eskimo!"
hey betsy,

I AM your imaginary friend, lol

when my little neice was learning how to talk, she called me didi, I love it even now that she is 9, its silly now but i thought i would use it on here just to be safe, but now i really dont care about that so much, so actually my name is adrienne ( my dad loved adrienne barbeau)

im so glad you are doing well, Im doing ok, still pretty tired.
keep up the good work!
