Per Elims request- Did you have a previous drug/alcohol problem before becoming addicted to pain pills.
But I never would have admitted to it then. I convinced myself it was everyone else's fault that I drank to much or snorted too much. I had to face facts. Non drunks don't drink to get drunk every time they drink and non addicts don't take illegal drugs. They may experiment but they don't do it on a regular basis for years. Or skip from one drug to another looking for the perfect high. Yeah, I do believe I've been an addict since I was a teen.
For me, I knew I had a problem with alcohol a very long time ago and even quit drinking back in '97, went to a few AA meetings, got life going back on the right track and became "normal" was awhile before I took anything, including tylenol...One travisty occured, I never got involved in AA so I had no recovery program except for abstience from alcohol and my sister gave me a xanax for the "stress" forward, I'm sitting in the doctor's office, filled out the questionnaire that yes, I am an alcoholic and proceed to go in and work it so I could get the script for xanax....then the headaches and on to the bad back....It is a progressive disease, powerful, cunning and baffling....
If I would have stuck around AA the first time, worked the program and educated myself on this disease, I might have a different story today....But I do know now, looking back that I was alcoholic from before I took my first drink and an addict because I drank/used for the effect.....I didn't know how to deal with life or how to live it....the steps are showing me how....
In the beginning, when I CT'd the pills, I did blame my doctor as he KNEW I was an alcoholic but today, that was just me again not be completely honest with myself and not accepting the fact I am powerless over drugs and alcohol....
If I would have stuck around AA the first time, worked the program and educated myself on this disease, I might have a different story today....But I do know now, looking back that I was alcoholic from before I took my first drink and an addict because I drank/used for the effect.....I didn't know how to deal with life or how to live it....the steps are showing me how....
In the beginning, when I CT'd the pills, I did blame my doctor as he KNEW I was an alcoholic but today, that was just me again not be completely honest with myself and not accepting the fact I am powerless over drugs and alcohol....
Nope never had a problem with either . In fact I took my pills as perscribed for the longest time until that dreadful day when I made the mistake of taking a couple of extra ones for pain and turned into wonderwoman. It was all downhill from there. Shantel
i smoked pot for 30 years and it wanst until i started opiates that it all went downhill from there. i know some of it is genetic as my mom is a vic addict too. jewels
I started drinking alcoholically at about 15 and dabbled with various other drugs (it was the 70's) but it wasn't until the mid 80's (and alcohol had already caused lots of probs.) that I discovered opiates. Love at first sight. I felt like they filled a part of my personality that was missing. From day 1 that was it. I hardly ever drank again - I didn't have to! Somehow around '92 I quit everything - even cigarettes. I did attend AA and NA for a while. I did really well for 6 - 8 years, got married, moved to Tx., got pregnant with twins. Became very ill during my pregnancy - in the hosp. for most of it, delivered 10 weeks early, the babies each weighing only a little over 2 lbs. One of my babies made it, one didn't. I can't even describe the pain of losing my daughter when she was only 5 months old. I eventually fell back on my old friends pain pills, did you know they kill all pain, not just psychical. Of couse they take joy and everything else too until you're numb. And for a while that was o.k. I did'nt know if I could havelived otherwise. Now though, I need to try life again, because I;m just existing.
Jewls (and everyone), do you really think its genetic?
Hey Danny my story may be alittle different but I also agree it runs in the family.
See my moms parents both drank but they came from upper middle know Manhattens before dinner,1/2 nap than beer/very high classy acting folks
My dads family(father) & my dad were just flat out drinkers
add this to the fact that I have been out on my own since the age of 13-14 It kinda adds up for DOOM.
I take full responsability for the drugs Ive done,the choices I made,BUT I do agree that addiction is something that is in our genetics!!!
Good topic Danny
See my moms parents both drank but they came from upper middle know Manhattens before dinner,1/2 nap than beer/very high classy acting folks
My dads family(father) & my dad were just flat out drinkers
add this to the fact that I have been out on my own since the age of 13-14 It kinda adds up for DOOM.
I take full responsability for the drugs Ive done,the choices I made,BUT I do agree that addiction is something that is in our genetics!!!
Good topic Danny
I heard a funny one one the other day at an NA meeting. One of the guys refered to himself as a Try-addict. Made sense to me immediately.
Anything I try, I get addicted to. Only thing I ever stopped using because I did not like it was pot. Smoked a fair amount for a while in college and then quite 'casue there were so many things I liked more.
Anyway, yeah, I was an alcoholic/addict when I started taking Norco for me knee. I knew better when I started and knew where I would end up but it did not matter.
Anything I try, I get addicted to. Only thing I ever stopped using because I did not like it was pot. Smoked a fair amount for a while in college and then quite 'casue there were so many things I liked more.
Anyway, yeah, I was an alcoholic/addict when I started taking Norco for me knee. I knew better when I started and knew where I would end up but it did not matter.
Yes I did and yes I do believe it is genetic.
I've said this before on another thread but long before I even picked up any mind altering substance,there was serious dysfunction going on.Of course I couldn't recognize it then but some classic addict behavior was going on.
Also my dad had a drinking problem before he became a minister.
One of my brothers was addicted to gambling and got busted robbing a bank in Tulsa.
One brother used to shoot up Preludin before he got popped.
My sister is OCD........never has used alcohol or drugs but is a slave to her disorder.
I've said this before on another thread but long before I even picked up any mind altering substance,there was serious dysfunction going on.Of course I couldn't recognize it then but some classic addict behavior was going on.
Also my dad had a drinking problem before he became a minister.
One of my brothers was addicted to gambling and got busted robbing a bank in Tulsa.
One brother used to shoot up Preludin before he got popped.
My sister is OCD........never has used alcohol or drugs but is a slave to her disorder.
I said yes, but do eating disorders count? That's addictive behavior, though not to a substance.
Sorry if I screwed up your data.
I said yes, but do eating disorders count? That's addictive behavior, though not to a substance.
Sorry if I screwed up your data.
So now that alot of us agree on genetics...WHAT can be done?I mean yes we are in recovery etc,but we all know that if it comes to genetics its not as easy as 12 steps,therapy etc,...Theres something inside of us that makes us feel normal when we use?
Ill say it & not be afraid.......Im scared.Why because I feel as if I have this fighting force inside of me.True Im doing so well in my recovery but it scares me to THINK that my body is trying to betray me
Ill say it & not be afraid.......Im scared.Why because I feel as if I have this fighting force inside of me.True Im doing so well in my recovery but it scares me to THINK that my body is trying to betray me
I agree, it is genetic. My mom never drank or used drugs. Her parents, my grandparents loved booze. They drank with my great grandparents and I remember a lot of dysfunction and violence centered around drinking. My dad was an obnoxious drunk. He quit drinking and using drugs 29 years ago at 40. He never went to any program and has quite a disdain for others who can't just quit on their own, like he did. He is still the miserable, judgemental, finger pointing man he always was sans booze and drugs. He is what you would call a "dry drunk." I have an aunt on my mom's side who is a heroin addict and then of course there is my sister, myself and my niece.
Molly-I think we have to be as dilligent with it as a diabetic monitoring their insulin.It's not going to go away.12 step Programs,therapy and anything else you can do to keep yourself balanced and spiritualy fit work.They don't cure the problem.
I've accepted it today.I don't do a lot of grief over why I'm not ever going to be normal.I did that for many years and I wasted a lot of time enjoying life.
It's really simple and basic for me today.Don't pick up a drug or drink no matter what happens.
I've accepted it today.I don't do a lot of grief over why I'm not ever going to be normal.I did that for many years and I wasted a lot of time enjoying life.
It's really simple and basic for me today.Don't pick up a drug or drink no matter what happens.
Gina- I would say probably counts..
As far as genetic, I'm not sure but I'm not a geneticist..I think it's more environmental than genetic..
As far as genetic, I'm not sure but I'm not a geneticist..I think it's more environmental than genetic..
Tim Thank you for your reply.Its not easy for me to come here & admit Im scared.
Also I wanted your input on something if you dont mind.
When I was under the age of 5 I was very very sick(tonsilitis)so sick that my mom use to have to pack my throat in ice to keep the swelling down,I was also on some VERY hard core stuff at that age(pardon my spelling)Phenabarbatal,techrocyclin etc...Is it possiable that being on such heavy things at such a young age changed my brain chemistry around?
Am believe me Im not looking for excuses or anything.Im still holding at 8-10mg of Sub & WILL NOT use anything,but it makes me wonder if that played into things.
Such as even when I was young say 5-10 years of age I always felt so lost alone.I could be around my whole family in a room full of love yet feel so outside of it all.
Id like your input on this pleasse
Thanks molly
Also I wanted your input on something if you dont mind.
When I was under the age of 5 I was very very sick(tonsilitis)so sick that my mom use to have to pack my throat in ice to keep the swelling down,I was also on some VERY hard core stuff at that age(pardon my spelling)Phenabarbatal,techrocyclin etc...Is it possiable that being on such heavy things at such a young age changed my brain chemistry around?
Am believe me Im not looking for excuses or anything.Im still holding at 8-10mg of Sub & WILL NOT use anything,but it makes me wonder if that played into things.
Such as even when I was young say 5-10 years of age I always felt so lost alone.I could be around my whole family in a room full of love yet feel so outside of it all.
Id like your input on this pleasse
Thanks molly
Yes I did. Or at the same time anyway....
I was abusing Cocaine big time and drinking like a fish when I didn't have the pills. That was in my early 20's. And no, I didn't think I had a problem at the time although I couldn't figure out why most of my friends didn't want anything to do with me. It wasn't until I went to the pills full time that I started having a relationship with them again. I guess pills were easier to excuse than coke.....
I was abusing Cocaine big time and drinking like a fish when I didn't have the pills. That was in my early 20's. And no, I didn't think I had a problem at the time although I couldn't figure out why most of my friends didn't want anything to do with me. It wasn't until I went to the pills full time that I started having a relationship with them again. I guess pills were easier to excuse than coke.....
Molly-My shrink says it does but that's just her opinion? It's not based on any scientific fact.
I think adolescent drug abuse definitely sets up parameters for problems later on in life.You are bombarding your brain with chemicals that are proven to have deleterious effects.
It's hard to realize when you are 20 years old that you may not grow out of it.
I felt omnipotent back then.
Everybody that was my friend would tell me I had a serious problem so I took care of that..........I made new friends.
I think adolescent drug abuse definitely sets up parameters for problems later on in life.You are bombarding your brain with chemicals that are proven to have deleterious effects.
It's hard to realize when you are 20 years old that you may not grow out of it.
I felt omnipotent back then.
Everybody that was my friend would tell me I had a serious problem so I took care of that..........I made new friends.
Thank you Tim I feel that there should be some seriuos research on this stuff.And if addiction runs in a family & a child under the age of 5 is over medicated it really makes me feel as if it will lead to major problems later on.Thats so sad to think of an innocent child paying a price for something that they had no control over.
Well for now my time is up I must get moving & start my day.
Danny thank you for an interesting topic & I hope to get back on later & see others input on this.
I hope you all have a nice Saturday....molly
Well for now my time is up I must get moving & start my day.
Danny thank you for an interesting topic & I hope to get back on later & see others input on this.
I hope you all have a nice Saturday....molly
I was in the NO category. Its very interesting. I have no family history of chemical addictions, and I mean NONE. No one in the immediate family, none of my fathers 10 aunts/uncles, not his parents, not my moms parents, none of my parents siblings, we are now looking at my greatgrandparents....The only addicts are ones that married into the families...but here I am....
So while genetics might make one more likely to become an addict, not all people who comes from families with addiction issues become addicts or even dry drunks...And coming from a squeaky clean family like I did is no "vaccine". This won't be like genetics for eye color, it will not follow nice Mendelian rules....
I also have no history of alcohol or other drug abuse. Three drinks in a week, in college, was a binge week for me. Tried pot 5 times in my life. Never tried any amphetamines of any type, or coke, and IV drug usage might as well as been in a different universe...
But there I was...stealing from peoples medecine cabinets, lying to doctors and emergency rooms and well...fraud too...just like a street junkie. And I "looked so nice too". Makes me want to puke. Someone on here sagely pointed out that they were no different from the crack house addict or resident of a heroin shooting gallery, I can ditto that for me. You lied or stole? Join the street gang...same bankruptcy...
What I had been really curious about was whether those who had previous chemical addiction histories had told their doctors before starting opiates. Heck for my physical that was one of the questions to be checked off. How honest were folks? I am truly curious.....
So while genetics might make one more likely to become an addict, not all people who comes from families with addiction issues become addicts or even dry drunks...And coming from a squeaky clean family like I did is no "vaccine". This won't be like genetics for eye color, it will not follow nice Mendelian rules....
I also have no history of alcohol or other drug abuse. Three drinks in a week, in college, was a binge week for me. Tried pot 5 times in my life. Never tried any amphetamines of any type, or coke, and IV drug usage might as well as been in a different universe...
But there I was...stealing from peoples medecine cabinets, lying to doctors and emergency rooms and well...fraud too...just like a street junkie. And I "looked so nice too". Makes me want to puke. Someone on here sagely pointed out that they were no different from the crack house addict or resident of a heroin shooting gallery, I can ditto that for me. You lied or stole? Join the street gang...same bankruptcy...
What I had been really curious about was whether those who had previous chemical addiction histories had told their doctors before starting opiates. Heck for my physical that was one of the questions to be checked off. How honest were folks? I am truly curious.....