Did You Notice.........

I could just kick myself in the butt today.......I forget something important when I posted last night.......
We have some people that are MIA.........
Marina....who last wrote that her doctors appointment was changed to Friday, and that would let us know how it went, where are you?
Abby, who had surgery Friday, I hope you are ok....
And Browndog.......where are you dog, must admit I worried about all of you........

Jr, I love what you posted about your family.....all girls in mine, just imagine the fights that went on.......but I love them very dearly, even though they always stole my clothes.....

None.....not self absorbed.........but maybe we all just have so many things going on in our lives that we just miss some of the good stuff. You know the bad is easier to see at times, it presents itself so blantantly.........but the good can be something so small that it gets overlooked........

I hope that you all enjoy the day and the game if you are watching...I got my tums all ready......lol

You said:

"....the bad is easier to see at times, it presents itself so blantantly.........but the good can be something so small that it gets overlooked........"

Very true for me. Staying grateful for the small things is a challenge, but so important to staying clean and sober.

Now enough recovery talk....Tell BA I'm sorry his birds are getting their wings clipped today, but I'll be here for him in his time of need....you too. lol
LMAO.....Bad said, "he has some issues with the Eagles and he doesn't care who wins.....He would much rather watch a college game"
Although I may need a shoulder to cry on if they lose........
You are remarkable. Your love and compassion shines through in your posts. I just want you to know that I love you.
Your hubby is lucky to have you. I missed your picture tho, anyway you can repost it? I'm having trouble opening attachments in my email so I didn't get to open Rae's.
Your baby has an ear infection? Thats too bad. Those are painful. Keep her tylenoled. My daughter had so many when she was a baby she had to get tubes.
I wish we all had "better halves" like you. You are truly an angel.
I hope the baby feels better. How old is she anyway? Is she your only child?
Thanks Tina, for being you, you are a definate assett to this board.
Hey Briar and Marie I guess you should read too, I posted in Molly's morning thread to you but I don't know if you saw it.....
The baby seems better.....much happier today, thanks for asking......She is 20months old.....and I have 4 all together.....been through the ear infections and tubes.....My 14 year old will be getting tubes forever in one ear......
Briar I hope that things brighten for you and your husband......what a hard situation to be in day by day.......I will keep you in my prayers.....
Marie just keep fight and collecting those hugs and kisses......mine I have been snotty as of late but they still are worth it!...
You both take care and thanks for all the kind words....

PS Briar I will try to send the picture and you may not have to download to see it...if not one day when you are on I will post it real quick for you.
Tina, I've said it before and I'll say it again.... Your husband is incredibly lucky to have such a warm and compassionate wife...

And we are all lucky to have you on this site as well.... THANK YOU!!!!!

Carol, you do not deserve to have anything negative said about you. You are an AMAZING woman and you have offered some of the best support on this site. You are the first to tell a newcomer "Welcome aboard"...... And no matter what that person is going through, even if it's recommending something no one else agrees with, you always find the positive in that situation and make them feel good about themselves. Thank you for everything.

Hey, i just needed to say that i DID get offered the job back, but i have to go and talk to the AS*hole boss on Tuesday!

I have decided(whitch wasnt hard to do) that im not going to go back there to work!! I have had enough of feeling like crap and it , im sure, will happen in some way again. I would like to have faith in people, but some people are beyond that in my books. And onece you do me wrong like that, i just dont think i would ever forget it and it would just turn out bad again.

So to all of you that were wondering.......Im still unemployed right now and im going job hunting on Monday!!!!!
Im kind of exited about it!!! SAY A PRAYER FOR ME!!!!

Your Friend, Christina*~~~

Dani.....just came acrossed this and wanted to say tks! you're pretty darn amazing yourself and I enjoy chatting with you. May we both find some peace and good times this week! Keep your chin up, I know I sure will! (wink)
hey tina and everyone
i am so happy now i have the net at my house so i can get on at night and read and talk to all of you. tina you talked so vivedly about others when in fact you are one of the sweetest people i have ever typed to. you and ba are of a choice few who definatly care of others without regard of yourself. indeed there are others on here i look up to, briar, teresa, browndog, jr, molly, tmom, lb,bob, and so many others but you are definatly one of the best
love ya
Misty, after reading the first post in a week last night I turned the computer off. Thanks for reminding me why I come here.

Dear Jonny,Hey you!!! Im glad your finally gonna be here at nite.I try sometimes to get here but nite time I hang with my family.How are you doing!!!>>???mj
that was the best post ever!
keepin it real!
you go girl!