Dilaudid Withdrawali

I've just found this site and hope someone can offer some help. Is it possible to wean off dilaudid or is it necessary to stop entirely. My husband was prescribed this medication for legitimate reasons but needed to take it for many months. He has tried to stop many times but the nausea, vomiting, involuntary movements, sleeplessness etc. is too much. Thanks for any help you can give.

What route of administration is he using? Oral, Inssuflation or IV?

Your husband is addicted. Whether it's a physical or physcological or both, is something only a Dr. can determine. Has your husband dealt with addictions in the past?

He is going through withdrawals when he tries to go cold turkey. Very uncomfortable but it won't kill him. Depending on his physical condition, he would be better off going to a Dr. and getting off of the drugs with professional help.

Hope this helps...

Cut the dosage by one quarter every 3 to 5 days.compazine is good for nuasea and librium to sleep.Its about going down slowly,....not fast.It will be uncomfortable but not horrendous going slowly.
Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my post. He was getting the Dilaudid via IV for some time in the hospital then was given the pills. He is attempting to wean off right now taking as little as possible to relieve the symptoms of withdrawal. How long does it take for the body to completely rid itself of the drug?