Hello Everyone,
Some of you already know me. I have the boyfriend who first started dope on Christmas Eve mass and has been on methadone trying to get clean for that last 6 years.
I want to know if it's common for addicts to complain a lot about things hurting like feet, leg, back, stomach problems if they are getting clean on a program or is it more common when someone is getting fuked up?
I'm so sick of hearing him say my foot hurts, my back hurts. I have a stomach ache or headache. He's a constant complainer. Is it his personality or the drugs talking?
Please give me some answers.
This is when he needs somethin + if only on 1or2 maybe up too 3 a day + bin at the game for the past 6 years the gear is out of his system in 3 days + if he was too remain like this for a week without the use of meth hed start to feel better as each extra day went buy. I think u said he was reducing on meth though so hes reducing too fast or not on high enough dose. Try + get him too reduce too 30mil + then he can change over 2 subutex. Its worth travelling 2/3 hour drives to get into a clinic as i think u said in one of ur earlier messages that u cant get them round ur way. When hes having a next moan, check his pupils + see how small they look then whenever u see his pupils any more pinned up (smaller) ud now know hes scored on top. Need someone to chat too today to get me through a tough patch.
Hope ur not so confused, Luv Skippy.
Hope ur not so confused, Luv Skippy.
You have been so sweet with your kind words. I am really thankful that I found people I can talk to about this. When I was on my way home last night he called me on the mobile phone and said that when I get back to HIS APARTMENT, he emphasized that HIS APARTMENT to get my "s*** AND GET THE f*** OUT". I didn't know at first where this was coming from but then I realized that I had confided in my sister and her husband (my bf's brother) and they called his parents to tell them that he's f***ing up again. He thinks that we're all against him and the world is working to destroy him but he doesn't think he's doing it to himself. He is so mad with me for speaking to his mom but what the hell do I do. He's gonna lose everything I told him. I started to get my s*** together and the next thing you know he's in our bedroom telling me that this is not what he wants me to do. I said you told me to get the f*** out and that's what I'm doing. I said how can I help you if you can't even help yourself. I started getting really cold towards him. I couldn't even look him in the face he was making me sick and he wasn't even high. I told him that he should ask god for his help and he said "what's the point I just want everyone to get on with their lives and forget about me cause I'm a f***up". I asked him if he wanted to stop the s*** and he said "he doesn't know" so I know that he's not ready to give the s*** up. He did say that he doesn't want me to leave but he can't promise me anything. We talked about a lot of things like would he be able to lower dosage on methadone and he said ask any addict and they'll tell you that methadone is the best stuff if you want to get off "the gear". I suggested lowering his methadone dosgage and switching to subutox. He is so scared of withdrawals that I know that's why he keeps going back to it. I explained to him that I never felt the pain of withdrawals but there has been plenty of pain in my life that is indiscribable. I have lost a lot more than him in terms of years and scars that I have that won't go away. It's been ten years for me since I lost my pride and virginity to a man I didn't even know. I have sacrificed my dream of being a singer so I could get on with my life- just a simple life. I told him I'm the one with a reason to do drugs if that was my choice he has not one except that when he was younger he got punished a lot for doing bad in school and hanging out with the wrong people. He also said it was because when he was 18 he had a curfue of 10:30pm. Now I ask you is that so bad??????????? When I was talking to his dad on the phone last night I asked him if he had a bad childhood. He was so upset at what his son was saying that as his parents gave their kids everything they possibly could and densome. His dad busted his a** as a PAPD Leuitenant (Port Authority Police) just so his boys could have the best of things. I know there are parents out there who could care less if their kid was an addict and it's ok for them to watch them destroy their lives, but his parents really do care. They said that they're not mad at him they just can't take the hurt anymore. His mother is on stomach and depression meds for her anxiety and she blames him ( my bf) for everything that she's going through which I don't think a mother should do but she's probably lost all her marbles from the years of the drug abuse. I can't say I really blame her actually I understand now what he has put her through. He's doing it now to me and I know that this is not what he wants for the rest of his life to wake up one day and realize that his whole life just past him by. I will keep being strong for him and I will keep you in my prayers because you're probably sooo young and you need to change your ways too. I'll be here skip if you need to talk. I just hope that one day you realize that life is worth much more than what you're doing to it now. I should be 6 feet under right now but I made one decision that was the most important to me- I wanted to live. Hang in there.
You have been so sweet with your kind words. I am really thankful that I found people I can talk to about this. When I was on my way home last night he called me on the mobile phone and said that when I get back to HIS APARTMENT, he emphasized that HIS APARTMENT to get my "s*** AND GET THE f*** OUT". I didn't know at first where this was coming from but then I realized that I had confided in my sister and her husband (my bf's brother) and they called his parents to tell them that he's f***ing up again. He thinks that we're all against him and the world is working to destroy him but he doesn't think he's doing it to himself. He is so mad with me for speaking to his mom but what the hell do I do. He's gonna lose everything I told him. I started to get my s*** together and the next thing you know he's in our bedroom telling me that this is not what he wants me to do. I said you told me to get the f*** out and that's what I'm doing. I said how can I help you if you can't even help yourself. I started getting really cold towards him. I couldn't even look him in the face he was making me sick and he wasn't even high. I told him that he should ask god for his help and he said "what's the point I just want everyone to get on with their lives and forget about me cause I'm a f***up". I asked him if he wanted to stop the s*** and he said "he doesn't know" so I know that he's not ready to give the s*** up. He did say that he doesn't want me to leave but he can't promise me anything. We talked about a lot of things like would he be able to lower dosage on methadone and he said ask any addict and they'll tell you that methadone is the best stuff if you want to get off "the gear". I suggested lowering his methadone dosgage and switching to subutox. He is so scared of withdrawals that I know that's why he keeps going back to it. I explained to him that I never felt the pain of withdrawals but there has been plenty of pain in my life that is indiscribable. I have lost a lot more than him in terms of years and scars that I have that won't go away. It's been ten years for me since I lost my pride and virginity to a man I didn't even know. I have sacrificed my dream of being a singer so I could get on with my life- just a simple life. I told him I'm the one with a reason to do drugs if that was my choice he has not one except that when he was younger he got punished a lot for doing bad in school and hanging out with the wrong people. He also said it was because when he was 18 he had a curfue of 10:30pm. Now I ask you is that so bad??????????? When I was talking to his dad on the phone last night I asked him if he had a bad childhood. He was so upset at what his son was saying that as his parents gave their kids everything they possibly could and densome. His dad busted his a** as a PAPD Leuitenant (Port Authority Police) just so his boys could have the best of things. I know there are parents out there who could care less if their kid was an addict and it's ok for them to watch them destroy their lives, but his parents really do care. They said that they're not mad at him they just can't take the hurt anymore. His mother is on stomach and depression meds for her anxiety and she blames him ( my bf) for everything that she's going through which I don't think a mother should do but she's probably lost all her marbles from the years of the drug abuse. I can't say I really blame her actually I understand now what he has put her through. He's doing it now to me and I know that this is not what he wants for the rest of his life to wake up one day and realize that his whole life just past him by. I will keep being strong for him and I will keep you in my prayers because you're probably sooo young and you need to change your ways too. I'll be here skip if you need to talk. I just hope that one day you realize that life is worth much more than what you're doing to it now. I should be 6 feet under right now but I made one decision that was the most important to me- I wanted to live. Hang in there.
confused, it's me again,
I dont know if this is what you want to hear but put the subutex option to him and if he agrees then great but if he doesnt then i really think you need to assess your situation.
Maybe you need to start thinking about yourself because at the end of the day NO ONE can help your bf except himself, if he aint ready to give up yet maybe you should walk away until he does?
Maybe your enableing him to still use because you know he's using and your still there?
Maybe you could be the shineing prize at the end for him when he HAS given up?
I just know that you could carry on like this for another 6yrs and maybe by then you've started using??
You are worth more than what he is giving you, i know i dont know ya but i know the nature of an addict so i can imagine that he will sneak and lie ect all us addicts have done stuff we are ashamed of, but it is the nature of the beast anyway i hope this at least gives you summat to think about, take care, you sound a really strong person and i wish you all the best
I dont know if this is what you want to hear but put the subutex option to him and if he agrees then great but if he doesnt then i really think you need to assess your situation.
Maybe you need to start thinking about yourself because at the end of the day NO ONE can help your bf except himself, if he aint ready to give up yet maybe you should walk away until he does?
Maybe your enableing him to still use because you know he's using and your still there?
Maybe you could be the shineing prize at the end for him when he HAS given up?
I just know that you could carry on like this for another 6yrs and maybe by then you've started using??
You are worth more than what he is giving you, i know i dont know ya but i know the nature of an addict so i can imagine that he will sneak and lie ect all us addicts have done stuff we are ashamed of, but it is the nature of the beast anyway i hope this at least gives you summat to think about, take care, you sound a really strong person and i wish you all the best