And do you consider yourself clean...even if alcohol isn't or wasn't your you feel that it could be a "gateway" back there?
I have never considered myself an alcoholic however...looking back I don't think I really ever drank "socially" I mean I did but I didn't...I would get buzzed every time. So now I have been wrestling with drink or not to drink. I really don't want to but have a strong desire not too! Does that make sense?
Especially in light of the holidays.....I am just not going to drink..period...but as I tell myself that...I feel like I want one. Anyway I feel so good not having any mind numbing chemicals in my will be interesting to test this.
Just wondering if anyone else has any thoughts or theories.
I don't drink. It wasn't my DOC either but when I did drink I always drank to get a buzz..not flopping around drunk or anything, but to relax after work or whatever. .but I quit for medical reasons..and it was always beer
Nope haven't drank in ages...Last year during one of the several times I went c/t I found myself starting to "use" alcohol because I missed a buzz. Scared the heck outta me, cuz alcoholism runs in my family. Had my "party days" way back when, but other than that and my scare last year...I guess you could say I can take it or leave it and I leave it lol...I don't like the way it makes me feel or the taste really for that matter. But being an addict I sure as hell don't want to play around with it...Christmastime I used to make a mean Eggnog, ya know the kind with brandy, bourbon etc...Whew!!! I have to say though and I know there are many schools of thought out there (opinions) if I do indulge? I would still consider myself clean as alcohol never came CLOSE to my addiction to painkillers....jmo
Nope haven't drank in ages...Last year during one of the several times I went c/t I found myself starting to "use" alcohol because I missed a buzz. Scared the heck outta me, cuz alcoholism runs in my family. Had my "party days" way back when, but other than that and my scare last year...I guess you could say I can take it or leave it and I leave it lol...I don't like the way it makes me feel or the taste really for that matter. But being an addict I sure as hell don't want to play around with it...Christmastime I used to make a mean Eggnog, ya know the kind with brandy, bourbon etc...Whew!!! I have to say though and I know there are many schools of thought out there (opinions) if I do indulge? I would still consider myself clean as alcohol never came CLOSE to my addiction to painkillers....jmo
I have never been a drinker. Yes, a drink every now and again. Not because I am anti booze, I just not a drinker.
Today booze scares the poop outta me. I can see myself taking one drink and not stopping.
I attented one company Christmas party already this year with a couple more to follow. I was conscious of booze for the first time.
I have never been a drinker. Yes, a drink every now and again. Not because I am anti booze, I just not a drinker.
Today booze scares the poop outta me. I can see myself taking one drink and not stopping.
I attented one company Christmas party already this year with a couple more to follow. I was conscious of booze for the first time.
I'm don't drink, hence the term, clean and sober. That's important to me. It's up to you KeeKee, if you don't think you would have a problem, then try some controlled drinking and see what happens. My concern though is that you're on sub and that's a big no-no from everything I've read. So be really careful. Sub surpresses your respitory system just like any other opiate and drinking can make that worse.
Wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
Wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
Thanks know I am so enjoying this feeling of being no...I don't want any booze...and your right about the sub..there are varying and different opinions but I don't care...I am clean and sober!! yahoooo
I haven't had a drink in a long time, of course I am also on sub. I can have a drink and then thats it, no more. My father was an alcoholic and I used to be so afraid I would become one. I have no desire to drink. I was told by my counselor that when one of your parents is an alcoholic you have a 90% chance of having an addictive personality. I personally think that I have an addictive personality. I do like to have a mixed drink once in a while, but I haven't. I don't drink to get buzzed either, I would drink a mixed drink when I was at a bar, but I wouldn't drink to get drunk. I can stop at one. However, I am just going to cut alcohol out of my life.
My husband had a real problem with drinking on the weekends and he would get wasted. This is one reason I don't drink is because I hated seeing him drunk and then having to sleep next to him with that beer breath, UGH! it was just gross. Well my husband has a stomach problem and I kept on telling him that it gets worse with his drinking. He didn't believer, he didn't want to believe me. Finally he had enough and he just stopped. He hasn't had a drink in like 2 months. I am very proud of him but at the same time I worry that if he just has one drink he'll start all over again.
My husband had a real problem with drinking on the weekends and he would get wasted. This is one reason I don't drink is because I hated seeing him drunk and then having to sleep next to him with that beer breath, UGH! it was just gross. Well my husband has a stomach problem and I kept on telling him that it gets worse with his drinking. He didn't believer, he didn't want to believe me. Finally he had enough and he just stopped. He hasn't had a drink in like 2 months. I am very proud of him but at the same time I worry that if he just has one drink he'll start all over again.
I honestly dont enjoy alcohol! Gives me a headache every time so i never drink anymore!
I hate it now and don't drink, but used to socially, and boozed it up in my very younger years. I did try light drinking a couple of times on sub, and 2 glasses of wine put me out! Not a good idea.
If I had any desire to drink, I would. I don't think it would be a problem for me, since it never became a problem before. I just am repulsed by alcohol these days, and want to be far, far away from it.
If I was having an occasional drink, then yes, I would still be clean. This issue is one reason why I don't like the whole idea of counting clean days.
But that's just me, and I don't advocate this for others.
If I had any desire to drink, I would. I don't think it would be a problem for me, since it never became a problem before. I just am repulsed by alcohol these days, and want to be far, far away from it.
If I was having an occasional drink, then yes, I would still be clean. This issue is one reason why I don't like the whole idea of counting clean days.
But that's just me, and I don't advocate this for others.
no i dont drink............maybe a few times a year.........
with frinds that buy one for me or make me a drink in a blender........
i use to wish that i liked to drink..........
i would watch my freinds get tipsy........and they seemed to really like it...
for me i get sick and i cant enjoy myself to much............
it's not a problem for me or a big deal..........
i get invited to the bar all the time..........all the time.......
my friends love to go out and have a few drinks...........
i dont go.....i just say i am tired and i would much rather come home and take a shower and be home with my husband and post here.........
my big fun is being in my cozy home and gettin on the internet........
now that i have my own lap top........i can sit on the couch and in bed......
and be safe at home with my husband and winnie lays right next to me all cuddled up in the blankets........
i use to get so excited to go "out"........but now i get excited to come home and take a shower and put my clean jammies on and do my own thing...
love ya kee kee...........
with frinds that buy one for me or make me a drink in a blender........
i use to wish that i liked to drink..........
i would watch my freinds get tipsy........and they seemed to really like it...
for me i get sick and i cant enjoy myself to much............
it's not a problem for me or a big deal..........
i get invited to the bar all the time..........all the time.......
my friends love to go out and have a few drinks...........
i dont go.....i just say i am tired and i would much rather come home and take a shower and be home with my husband and post here.........
my big fun is being in my cozy home and gettin on the internet........
now that i have my own lap top........i can sit on the couch and in bed......
and be safe at home with my husband and winnie lays right next to me all cuddled up in the blankets........
i use to get so excited to go "out"........but now i get excited to come home and take a shower and put my clean jammies on and do my own thing...
love ya kee kee...........
Atta girl is a totally free feeling and not one worth losing.
Thanks for the replies....I must say I thought I was a "social drinker" I always did everything to excess...that included drinking and was always the life of the party!! I have no desire to do that anymore and have been sickened by booze since I started my career in pill popping. If I would drink to much I would get violently ill and I mean it was a order to avoid getting sick I just wouldn't drink because I liked the pills more...
Anyway I realize what a sick question this even is..I am just thinking of the holiday season and am wondering how I will explain to my kids that I won't be serving a nice bottle of Shiraz with dinner this year....or why there will be no egg nogs and brandy wine...I just have so many things to explain (if that is the right way to put it) anyway thanks for putting up with me tonite!! lol
I had an awesome meeting tonight and those people really strengthen my resolve as to why I just don't want to medicate period. To me I think that is what I believe I have always been doing!
I just wanted to ad also our culture...North America...drugs and alcohol abuse and use is rampant...I mean its a real problem. You go to other continents in the world and they don't have the issues we do ... well with the exception of Europe..would be interesting to see those stats. Anyway I know that our lives revolve around booze and is so intermingled in our culture and really part of who we are..its scary.
The Middle Eastern Countries I know for sure don't have these guess they have others..I am thinking specifically of the UAE...united arab emirates...very very cosmopolitan..because of the oil money....they are immersed in fact as a visitor there I needed a permit to drink alcohol and was only supose to drink at my brothers home..he works over there...anyway I am digressing
you guys are all in bed...I am wide awake...its only 9:13 here....I should go clean my house or something!
Anyway I realize what a sick question this even is..I am just thinking of the holiday season and am wondering how I will explain to my kids that I won't be serving a nice bottle of Shiraz with dinner this year....or why there will be no egg nogs and brandy wine...I just have so many things to explain (if that is the right way to put it) anyway thanks for putting up with me tonite!! lol
I had an awesome meeting tonight and those people really strengthen my resolve as to why I just don't want to medicate period. To me I think that is what I believe I have always been doing!
I just wanted to ad also our culture...North America...drugs and alcohol abuse and use is rampant...I mean its a real problem. You go to other continents in the world and they don't have the issues we do ... well with the exception of Europe..would be interesting to see those stats. Anyway I know that our lives revolve around booze and is so intermingled in our culture and really part of who we are..its scary.
The Middle Eastern Countries I know for sure don't have these guess they have others..I am thinking specifically of the UAE...united arab emirates...very very cosmopolitan..because of the oil money....they are immersed in fact as a visitor there I needed a permit to drink alcohol and was only supose to drink at my brothers home..he works over there...anyway I am digressing
you guys are all in bed...I am wide awake...its only 9:13 here....I should go clean my house or something!
i am so glad that your not having alcholol..........
i just was thinking about the sub your on to.........
it may make you real sick...........
i guess i best be gettin my butt in bed........
i need to start comming home and take a shower and go to bed...
i like this time of the night...........its quite and peaceful....
after being at work with close contact with patients every minute of my day....
and all the hustle and bustle of hospital..............
its just nice to have peace and quite ..............
i am sitting her on the couch in front of the christmas tree...........
is real pretty guys...........
the glow of the tree brings a warm feeling in my heart..............
hope you all are enjoying the little things this holiday season........
i just was thinking about the sub your on to.........
it may make you real sick...........
i guess i best be gettin my butt in bed........
i need to start comming home and take a shower and go to bed...
i like this time of the night...........its quite and peaceful....
after being at work with close contact with patients every minute of my day....
and all the hustle and bustle of hospital..............
its just nice to have peace and quite ..............
i am sitting her on the couch in front of the christmas tree...........
is real pretty guys...........
the glow of the tree brings a warm feeling in my heart..............
hope you all are enjoying the little things this holiday season........
Sub and booze don't mix; I tried the first night on sub and it made me so sick. I could feel the sick effects of the booze, but no buzz.
It is hard around the the beginning. Now, after almost two years, I don't even think about drinking. and I was a daily beer drinker, and definately got "festive" on the holidays. I liked xmas because you could drink all of those Kalua
It does go away (the compulsion) and it does get normal to not drink...I didn't think it ever would. lol....
*in case people are lurking, I just want them to know that if I can do it, they can too.*
It is hard around the the beginning. Now, after almost two years, I don't even think about drinking. and I was a daily beer drinker, and definately got "festive" on the holidays. I liked xmas because you could drink all of those Kalua
It does go away (the compulsion) and it does get normal to not drink...I didn't think it ever would. lol....
*in case people are lurking, I just want them to know that if I can do it, they can too.*
I have a drink now and then. But since I have gotten f2f and gone to meetings. I am starting to think I am not going to drink just for today. I have been clean of my DOC for 29 months. I never did like alcohol anyway and I always managed to pick up a raging alcoholic boyfriend. So I am glad for my drug free years and just for today I am not going to get drunk. I will deal with tomorrow when it comes.
Kee Kee,
Here is poll I did on this a few months back. It is 8 pages long but you can get an idea of how many smoker's and drinker's are on this board!
I personally enjoy having a couple mixed drinks on occassion. I keep alcohol in the house at all times. I hardly EVER drink here at the house but it's here locked up.. I have a 15 year old so I lock it up even though she has been a good girl so far. You just never know with teenager's.
I went out Saturday night with my brother, my best friend, her boyfriend and my boyfriend. We all drank. My boyfriend, brother and I called a cab to take us home. It was like 16.75 to go 12 miles ( maybe). It was worth it. I would NEVER risk drinking and driving. I think anyone that drinks and drives is STUPID. I could never live with myself if I hurt someone else.
I don't see a problem with drinking as long as it is done responsibly and in moderation. Once a month or once every 2 months like I drink is moderation. In my opinion!! So far hasn't created a problem for me. I guess I would have to burn that bridge if it ever got to that point.
My grandparents are in their late 70's. They both enjoy drinking wine. They drink on Holiday's. When I go to their house for Thanksgiving & Christmas my boyfriend will drink and I won't. I have 3 children to drive home, so I will let him drink and I will drive. Now my mom that raised me by herself doesn't drink, She can't stand drinker's.. LOL
Who knows how long it will be before I drink again. I don't sit and dwell on it. It isn't my drug of choice. I could seriously take it or leave it. I hope my post doesnt offend anyone.
Here is poll I did on this a few months back. It is 8 pages long but you can get an idea of how many smoker's and drinker's are on this board!
I personally enjoy having a couple mixed drinks on occassion. I keep alcohol in the house at all times. I hardly EVER drink here at the house but it's here locked up.. I have a 15 year old so I lock it up even though she has been a good girl so far. You just never know with teenager's.
I went out Saturday night with my brother, my best friend, her boyfriend and my boyfriend. We all drank. My boyfriend, brother and I called a cab to take us home. It was like 16.75 to go 12 miles ( maybe). It was worth it. I would NEVER risk drinking and driving. I think anyone that drinks and drives is STUPID. I could never live with myself if I hurt someone else.
I don't see a problem with drinking as long as it is done responsibly and in moderation. Once a month or once every 2 months like I drink is moderation. In my opinion!! So far hasn't created a problem for me. I guess I would have to burn that bridge if it ever got to that point.
My grandparents are in their late 70's. They both enjoy drinking wine. They drink on Holiday's. When I go to their house for Thanksgiving & Christmas my boyfriend will drink and I won't. I have 3 children to drive home, so I will let him drink and I will drive. Now my mom that raised me by herself doesn't drink, She can't stand drinker's.. LOL
Who knows how long it will be before I drink again. I don't sit and dwell on it. It isn't my drug of choice. I could seriously take it or leave it. I hope my post doesnt offend anyone.
I actually tried to dr suggested that I drink a glass of red wine daily...well, I think I may have drank 3 glasses...and had to hold my nose for bottle is in the fridge and I'm using it to cook with now...yucky!
Ill be honest ...on a hot summers day a ice cold beer would be so refeashing...BUT I am the type who cannot have 1-2 beers & stop so I CHOOSE not to drink at all....Its not worth it
I like red wine but only one glass on occassion. The red communion wine is pretty good:-0) For the most part wine gives me a headache. I can't not drink that much of it. My grandma loves her some wine. She will be 79 tomorrow. I have seen her drink all my life but have never seen her drunk.
My mom can't stand the smell of it. When I was younger she used to drink those Little Kings. Remember those? In a green bottle? LOL Yuck. Malt liquor. Now she won't drink at all unless it is a virgin drink.
I have been sick as a dog from Mad Dog 20/20 and Brass Monkey. That must be why I don't drink that often. Having a hang over and being sick from drinking is NO FUN.. Just not worth it.
My mom can't stand the smell of it. When I was younger she used to drink those Little Kings. Remember those? In a green bottle? LOL Yuck. Malt liquor. Now she won't drink at all unless it is a virgin drink.
I have been sick as a dog from Mad Dog 20/20 and Brass Monkey. That must be why I don't drink that often. Having a hang over and being sick from drinking is NO FUN.. Just not worth it.
never had communion wine...we use grape juice and oyster crackers