Do You Get Paranoia?

i've just come back from lunch to realise i was a bit late back. i had met a friend.
I'm sure I can hear people talking about me taking a full hour sometimes and not 40 minutes I should. sometimes I forget.
what does it matter i don't get paid anyway.
I feel like i can hear people talk about me and that they don't like me.
I have like this inner "jiminy cricket" voice.
Forgive me Wall...I just don't understand what you are talking about? Kim
You are so not on your own with the paranoia issue!!! I suffer really badly from paranoia, thats one of the reasons I don't post very often x
What happens with me, I'll start to reply to a post then I'll think Awww noo everyone'll think I'm a spac and I often delete my reply before I post it??? strange huh, but so frustrating x x x
I totally understand the paranoia issue babe x

Hey Kim,
I think Wallja means she feels like people are talking about her, and gets paranoid about it? correct me if i'm wrong W x
who cares your not getting paid thats your time do whatever. i mean unless your stopping someone else from going to lunch. still its your time
thank you gabbi..(-:
sorry mdgirl I don't know how to explain any better. (-:
I know how you feel and its a horrid feeling, what I try and tell myself when I'm getting real para is, what is so important about me thats gonna make others talk about me and even notice me? and I know theres nowt special about me really so why are others gonna bother talking about me?? I try and talk myself outta being para BUT it doesnt really help that much, its kinda the way my mind works? but it is a right royal pain in the arse x
hey wall,

i used to feel like that too, but fact is, most likely they are not even talking about you at all. what i used to do some times just to be silly is jump in the convo and say something like what did i do now (sarcasticly) and nudge one of them with a wink. and then maybe compliment them about thier earings or something. its just us. we complex. low self esteem. to be honest with ya. from what i know of ya you seem pretty dang awesome to me. it takes a lil practice don't be so hard on yourself. plus we arent gonna please everyone anyway. but what does it really matter? we cant save the world only ourselves. i seriously think you are pretty dang all right!!! so hold your head up. stick that chin up. its easier to see heaven that way. you rock sista. now bust us a move while your at it hehehe (((((HUGS)))))


Always remember that if you are a good person and people STILL hate you there is only one reason for that... They want to be just like you. Consider it a compliment, I do.

Though it is unfair to you it is THEIR problem. Dont you even worry that pretty lil head about it. Hold it high and be sure of yourself and eventually they will lay off of you. Good always overcomes evil. You do what you do and the best you can at doing it and everyone else can hate away. Just keep smiling! Kill um with kindness baby.
Good Moning Wallja,I feel that being paranoid is probaly a part of the illness.I think most addicts will feel like that at one time or another.I will agree with Mrs(good grief)but she is know your a good person hold on to that & let them talk if they are.You cant control what others do or say only what you do or say...mj
aah you guys....xxooxx
you said just what I needed to hear, thank you so much.
I'm so lucky to have you guys to listen and to listen to.
Saved me from a nervous breakdown running round the room like beavis and butthead.ha ha ha
group hug......xxxxxxxxoooooooooxxxxxx wish I could buy you all flowers.
No Flowers needed just you to keep posting & hanging out.So how are you these last couple days I feel like Ive been gone for a year???How are you feeling BESIDES paranoid
I would feel so bad complaining about what i've been through after what you have. I bet you're glad to be back though, everytime I went in I felt like "there is no place like home"
I can't attach pictures on here, but I look at my nephew at times and he makes me smile.
I feel so stressed and always tired, but today is a okay sort of day. thank you for asking.
I just wish I could get rid of the inner voice that says go on take some more you'll feel better.
I need a better voice to listen to, one with more common sense!
That voice used to be my husband but I've become alienated from so many people now.
My family just drive me crazy and know just what to say to hurt.
I'm so sorry to whinge, please know I feel for you so very much.
I worry i'll be in trouble for having this site on all day but it's been my saviour so far, and why i've not gone round the bend. The most positive thing I've done for a long time.
hugs and kisses
hope you're okay
Oh sweety PLEASE dont be afraid to lay things onto me.Belive it or not it really helps me if I can do or say something to cheer someone else up.
Those damn little voices are a addicts worst enermy.You can clean your body out but your mind will keep messing with you & thats the part you really have to try & be strong.I still CRAVE that feeling so much even after 4 mths,but I know that I just cant.
Im sorry your family is like that,I do know how that feels.My mom 7 I just started to talk again after 4 mths.yup she stopped talking to me just as I was starting to clean up my act talk about support huh?.but I found others in my live that are here for me.Like this board for one.I know it may not feel like it but little by little very little sometimes you do better & it may take awhile but having been there & now to be here i can say its worth it...mj

i know you were talking to molly, but stop apologising and you are not whining, you are expressing feelings and emotions that are very normal at this stage in the game. i went through the same thing i allienated all my sober friends and my family. i hurt alot of good people along the way and felt aweful/guilty bout that. but they love me unconditionally. same thing with god. he never left me i left him. i ditched all the people and things that mattered most to me in life. then when i quite drugs i gave up drugs (my best friend) and all the people i associated with who did drugs and i went through a huge mourning perioud. it was a BIG deal. i mourned my drugs. i mourned the loss of all the people i lost because of my drug usage and all the things i enjoyed before drugs. but its a process i slowly took baby steps to get them back. i started counceling and took one day at a time and one by one each day did one small thing to take back control what i deserved to become who i was before drugs and even better!!! there is hope dont give up. talking about it helps so freaking much. you are so not alone. trust me you might think because you didnt get arrested or your kids didnt get taken away or you lost yur health that you don't have reason to feel remorse or whatever. the fact is you do have guilt and all the other crap that we as addicts feel.those feelings need to be tackled and addressed in order to heal and move on to live happy and productive. so keep talking. we all relate and care very much!

I thought I was the only one with those feelings??? I totally get where you're coming from. I never feel like I'm good enough and that everyone is judging everything I say.

Gabbs... I had no idea. Most of time you come across so together. I hang on every word you say.

Good morning CG I was just gonna sign off the BF wants to get me out for some air & ICECREAM how could I turn that down?
I just wanted to say goodday before I sign off...Talk soon I hope????mj
I would love to talk Molly. Enjoy your ice cream!

well it turns out I wasn't being so paranoid after all. i just got taken into my boss, who says that my quality of work had been complained about.
i'm panicking I lost my last job as they didn't think i could do it properly and cope with my stomach illnesses.
I can't lose this one, I like it too much. they were being constructive but I don't get why the people who complained couldn't just have come to me first.
You guys would be proud of me I didn't cry in front of her. But I didn't want to shake her by the neck and say "can't you see I've got other things on my mind"
Hrm let me guess... are you thin? Attractive? Out-going? Doesnt mesh well in an office environment sadly. Been there, done that. Girls can be very catty and wont stop until they see you walk out the door.

If any of this is ringing a bell for you, I have some counter-actions that will help you get them before they get you *wink*