Do You Give Back?

Over 5 months ago I was put in touch with a woman who told me about bupreorphine and recommended an addiction specialist. During my 22 days of detox she called me every so often to see how I was doing. When I had 30 days pill free she asked me to speak at a meeting at my local hospital. There was no way on earth I was going to do that. I had returned to work and was just beginning to live completely pill free. Why would anyone care about what I had to say?

She asked me if I would come visit the facility and I could finally meet her. When I had 60 something days I took her up on her invitation. I sure hate hospitals but meeting the woman who changed my life became very important to me.

The hospital detox unit sure didnt look like a hospital. The patient rooms kinda looked like dorm rooms. Everything was open and comfortable.

The hour I had planned to spend there turned into my being there all day. There are banks of computers for the patients. I showed people the basic tools to use a computer. Things we take for granted. A simple thing like applying for a job online was something some of them didnt know was possible. (I of course showed them where to find games and how to play them.)

I attended a meeting there. The man that spoke was late 30s early 40s. He started with pills in high school and went on to heroin. His upper middle class family had thrown him out after he had stolen just about everything in the house. He lived on the streets in and out of jail. He continued to steal and sold himself to men for money. He was sent to the hospital for another court ordered detox and in his words something was different this time. He began taking suboxone and attended meetings. He now has a good job, an apartment by the beach a new car and has returned to school. He returned to the hospital to tell people his story. Many people do, its part of recovery there.

"There for the grace of god go I". It's impossible to be on the pitty pot or to criticize when you know of the hell people have endured.

I want to give back. If I can help someone write a resume or apply for a job or job training I feel good. I will never forget how frightened, confused and uncomfortable I was 5 months ago. I want people to know there is a life after drugs.

Do any of you give back?

You are so sweet. I'd like to think that I give back...but I think, in truth, that I have slacked off over the past few months...definately need to share what I can with my fellow addicts!
Yes, I give back daily and it's what keeps me clean & sober today....
Ditto what Stacey said.
I try to help people I know who have addiction problems. I try to talk to them and try to get them to get help. I go to SEABHS, which is where I went to get help, and I try to guide others there.

I don't, however, talk to persons I don't know about it. I do tell people who I know need help my story of taking pills and then getting help hoping that it will give them hope and motivation to get help.
Giving back is what its all about. We all do it in our own way.IMO--

Anyway it was July 1989 I was asked to share my story celebrating one year clean at Smithers my second rehab -the rehab that changed my entire life.

It was the greatest feeling. Certain things in life you never forget. That night was very special.

I am a very giving person. That's me.

I go to the hospital as much as I can. I sware I get so much out of it.

Christamas is just around the corner. It must really stink to be in detox on Christmas. I plan on being there Christmas day.


What an amazing thing to do...........

I remember when I was sitting in detox three years ago, scared to death, was my third day there, I was in horrible withdrawals, and they took us all down to a conference room. I remember being so emberassed with my hospital wrist band on, and at first wasnt willing at all to listen to anything that was said nor even look at them.

This was different, It was people, people just like me. Six or so recovered addicts spoke about how drugs had taken over there lives. Some of them ended up on the streets, one had been a prostitute, most of them kicked out of there homes. There were bankers, lawyers, all of them told there stories of living on the street, stealing, lying, you name it, but yet they came back better than ever.

If anything at all stuck with me that entire time, that did............I remember being horrified and comforted at the same time. I left that conference room knowing I could be them one day............The person on the other side. I will never forget that feeling.

Still working on it with the Suboxone.


Jeff that was a great thing to do...............BIg Hugs.
What an amazing story, thank you for sharing that.

We all give back everytime we talk too or encourage someone on this board. That's our gift.

I try to give back in meetings by sharing my story whenever asked. I sponsor those that need someone to lead the way for awhile. In NA and AA, the program teaches us to give back. It's a goal I try to meet every day, somehow.

this is just my opinion...but i try to live according to this:

there are three reasons to be love, to teach, or to heal. you may be doing one of the three, two of the three or all three at one time...but at ALL times you should aspire to be doing at least one.

i wish i could give back more...i try, but it never feels like i do enough.

thanks for a great post catherine! and also, i think you are doing a great job talking with steadfast! i am so in awe of the things you say, and how well you relate to are a very wise woman, catherine! in fact, i would say, awesomly wise!

love ya,

Hey Catherine.

There you are. I've been wondering what you've been up to. Now I know!!

What a fantastic thing you are doing. It must be great for them to have you there and awesome for your own recovery.

I must say I don't really give back in that way at all. I work as a carer in an aged care facility and find myself all cared out LOL by the end of the day.

Not good enough really!


I think everyone on this board gives back when they talk to newcomers and try to help them.

I think what you are doing is fantastic, and mutually rewarding.

But remember, not everyone feels as if they have something to give back. Some people are holding on by a thread, and giving all they can to keep it together, or get it together for themselves. In order for anyone to be able to give back, there are always people on the receiving end. Fortunately, when we give back it is a mutually exchange, and allows receiver give something back too. Therefore, everyone who reaches out in any way, is in fact giving back.

Nice way to put it Atlas.

A lot of times I get so caught up in my own life and familt, it's hard to reach out

What an exceptional thread, do i give back prop not, the american culture sometimes facinates me (uk here) in fact i have a question if anyone cares to answer, are americans socialised the same way as us brits into hiding problems rather then sharing them? kind of dont air your dirty washing? jaxx