Do you have trouble saying no?

I was talking to one of my girls and was telling her how my sponsor has 17 years sober and still has trouble saying no. Me, on the other hand, learned when she told me no is a complete sentence and have no trouble saying no. How about you?
Yep. I am a pushover at times but I am working on it. Especially with my kids; it is turning into a very manipulative situation.
I'm the WORST. Ugh. I have definitely had to learn to say no a bit more when it comes to my job, but other than that I'm so so bad about it. But then I'm also bad with following through with things, so I say "yes" but then don't finish it (not like, picking someone up at the airport or stuff like that), but agreeing to commitments, etc.

The learning just never ends.... Bleh :)
THIS tells me just how far Ive come.After giving & giving phycially,mentally,emotionally Im finally strong enough to say NO.
Does that mean Im a *itch when I do it?Of course not.Theres ways of doing it in a stlye that nobodys feels hurt.
I have another question along these lines... How about apologizing? Do any of you find yourself saying "I'm Sorry." as a replacement for any number of other statements. Or when you are upset at the other person? Or just because you can't help yourself?
SP you dont know me yet BUT!!! I can honestly say there have been times I have gotten ...cranky on here...I mean we all have those hard days,but thankfully I am one of those that can honestly say I save NO PROBLEM admitting mistakes & saying Im sorry without even having to go into a long drawn out explaination.
Being wrong isnt such a horriable thing,if we are real we can learn & grow from it...I sure know I have
It would seem I have more trouble saying yes, lol.

No is a complete hubby has told me this for many years, and when I came in the program I have been told the same....

Today I know how to say No....also, another one I have learned while in recovery....say what you mean and mean what you
Ya know Kat I was thinking about this thread and I don't think it really has anything to do with how many years you have in recovery. For me, when the light came on and I found out not only was I an alcoholic/addict but also codependent and started working on that part of me too, then it became so much easier to say No.....did that make sense? Lol....

I have not problem, except with the kids, then it's "maybe"
I use my mother's famous quote for the kids..."we'll see"
I have no problems saying no,but...i do go on to explain the reason for my answer.~KIM (even if the explanation is as simple as"i dont want to" or..."because i said so")
Hell No.
Listen to you Brooke!! LOL You are so mean.

I say yes and regret it.

I am a softy, especially when it comes to my children, family & friends.

Heck when it comes to just about anyone who am I trying to kid, I don't even have to really know them to offer to do something.

I have been known to furnish my ex employee's apartments, help people move from state to state, offer people a place to live, clothes, money, rides to work etc etc..I would give the shirt off my back to anyone that needed it. Then I usually don't get the same respect in return by someone when I need it. Then I regret whatever it is that I have done.

I don't do something out of the kindness of my heart to get something back in return. I don't buy gifts or do favors to get something for it. So don't get me wrong. That is NOT what I mean. I have just been known to go above and beyond for many people and not get the same treatment.

I am just too nice sometimes and then I could just slap myself for it. LOL Either the person does me wrong or doesn't do what they say they will do. Or they just flat out take advantage of my kindness.

So I guess I have a hard time saying no. My problem is that, I usually volunteer to do something nice and then that person will do or say something and I regret ever offering..

I have a hard time with the word no. When I say no, I mean no but usually with my kids, especially, it's yes. Same with my friends. I don't ever want to let them down and they know it.
I have had a problem with it but I'm improving.
I think the key for me is to surround myself with people I love that I know love me back. There is nothing they couldn't ask of me and nothing they'd ask that I couldn't or shouldn't do.
And that's somethng you and I can count on Kat.....
i NEVER SAY NO,,THATS A GREAT ISSURE FOR ME,,THATS WHY MY BANK ACCOUNT GOES LOW,,,OOOOOOOOOOO caps on ,I just cant seem to stop plesing people,,I want so bad to be wanted needed loved ,and just plain excepted by people,,and I am driffrent ,,,the older ones no ,,my story ummmmm.poopie

I am so happy to see you post. You've been missed SO SO MUCH.

Just wanted you to know.
