Do You Know Why U Use? Want 2 Tell Me?

Hi Im a 30yr old woman pregnant and trying 2 stay clean iv been a heroin addict 2yrs and im currently taking subutex 1.6mg down from 32mg but i have a needle fixation which nearly lost me both breasts and my life but i still do it!WHY cause it stops me self harmin in other ways. there is a reason why i use and if you want to know ask meXX
Are you in therapy? My daughter is a recovering H addict and self-harmer as well...there is hope if you seek it...

Peace ~ MomNMore

Hey, No Joke please come and share.
hey no joke, I hope you come back.

I was a self-harmer for years. I actually just had a surgery to remove some of the WORST scars, the ones that were pretty terrible looking. They were hurting me professionally and so I had to pay to get them removed.

It helps to learn to sit and tolerate your feelings ... it helps to accept them ... all of this is really hard to do.

are you in therapy? therapy didn't actually help me, haha ... I'm such a hypocrite for asking.

The best advice I can give you is to study and acquire DBT skills (dialectical behavior therapy). You don't really need a therapist if you're disciplined about it.

Also, yoga and buddhist practices already possess these principles, so if you can learn mindfulness and meditation, you can master the basics.

These were the only things that helped me to quit self-harming, quit smoking cigarettes, and quit other excessive behaviors.

You need to practice these things daily or your addictive behaviors will return.

Hope you're well,

Here's the wikipedia entry for DBT ... haha ... it's actually pretty accurate and comprehensive, it seems. So, I'm sharing it. haha Yay, wikipedia!

Pay special note to this section, as it helps with self-harm AND substance abuse THE MOST:

Distress Tolerance

Many current approaches to mental health treatment focus on changing distressing events and circumstances. They have paid little attention to accepting, finding meaning for, and tolerating distress. This task has generally been tackled by psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, gestalt, or narrative therapies, along with religious and spiritual communities and leaders. Dialectical behavior therapy emphasizes learning to bear pain skillfully.

Distress tolerance skills constitute a natural development from DBT mindfulness skills. They have to do with the ability to accept, in a non-evaluative and nonjudgmental fashion, both oneself and the current situation. Although this is a nonjudgmental stance, this does not mean that it is one of approval or resignation. The goal is to become capable of calmly recognizing negative situations and their impact, rather than becoming overwhelmed or hiding from them. This allows individuals to make wise decisions about whether and how to take action, rather than falling into the intense, desperate, and often destructive emotional reactions that are part of borderline personality disorder.
Thanks for filling us in on why we use- -

You cant possibly believe its all so black and white ?- - that we all have the same issues that caused addiction------
Anyway- good information- -you know what they say-> - "Take what you need, and leave the rest"**

Best Regards,
Thanks, Jack!

there is a reason why i use and if you want to know ask meXX

nojoke posted a month ago- -I guess she/he wants to build up the suspense
Yeah you know I've been waiting, Jack:)


Some guy who was clean for fifteen years was on Judge Mathis today. I don't get to see that although Tres and I confess to that divorce court Judge watching. We'll call eachother if it's especially hilarious.

Anyway, the guy has fifteen years and picked up. Said he was clean for a week. I called BS on that cause he was itching and scratching and not writhing in pain, vomitting or running to the bathroom.

Anyway of all people the Judge asks "Why? Why id you pick up after fifteen years?
He says "The economy".

Well count half the free world in dagnabit.

While I realize many heroin addicts have had bad life experiences, and many have had a terrible childhood. I myself cannot use this excuse for becoming an addict! Having battled with my addiction for over 20 years now I have come to know many many other addicts like me who can also say they have not had any bad experiences in life or deep psychological reasons for taking heroin, and I know a LOT of addicts!
Out of all the addicts I know, practictically ALL of them agree that the only reason they take heroin is simply because they LIKE IT!
Why is it that drug workers and treatment facilities all want to find the "deep psychological reason" for our need to "block out the pain"??!!!! Most of these so called "experts" only know what theyve read in books and frankly they do not have a clue!! If we are honest, we all take heroin because we like it! This is what I tell the councillers when theyre trying to find the root cause for my addiction. I had a very happy childhood, have never suffered any abuse at the hands of a partner or anyone and have never been through a traumatic experience!
It would be refreshing if more people were honest about their addiction and simply admitted the main reason for taking heroin is because they enjoy the feeling it gives! They may have started taking it because of psychologigical problems (but thats not why I was simply curiosity for me) but in the end it still comes down to the fact that the feeling of the heroin "high" beats any feeling of "blocking out reality"
Having said this, I do wish I had never tried the stuff in the first place! I hate being dependant on this crap and would love to live a "clean" normal life. I really believe what Switzerland are doing (giving out free pure diamorphine to addicts) is the best way forward. They have proved this system works. The crime rate among addicts has been drastically reduced and the addicts themselves are able to live a better, crime free life and can take the drug in a safe and clean environment. It also ends up costing the state a lot less money when you consider the money it takes to "police" drug raids/operations and then the cost of all the people in prisons on drug related just makes so much sense to make it a medical issue (which is what it actually is!) rather than a criminal issue (why should addicts be branded a criminal just because they made a wrong choice due to whatever reason??)....Unfortunately, the reality of other coutries following switzerlands example is not likely, even with the proof it works and the incentive of saving LOADS of money purely because this way forward is not a "vote winner" !!
Good post there Sonia**
Excellent post, Sonia! :)
Yeah, great post, Sonia! I had an ideal childhood myself. I loved my life until I had to learn to deal with stress later as an adult. Not so easy, dealing with stress sober!! Definitely a challenge.

I am from the alcohol board and agree with you that we cannot deal with life too well-hence self medicate to block out feelings.

I had a good childhood too and at 42 started drinking in binges.

Sure gotta learn a lot of stuff.

ciao, from kazz from ozz