Hi everyone. Well my little plan for home detox failed. Or more correctly "I" failed.
I didnt do a very good job of weaning my doseage down, and when D day arrived, I finished it off with all up 210mg for the day. Anyway, my last hit was at midnight on Friday. I was fine that night and for most of the next day, but started to feel a bit uneasy by about 8 to 9pm, and by midnight, was feeling decidedly uneasy. I just couldnt get comfortable in bed, and was sweating and then cold. Legs going everywhere, and I couldnt concentrate on reading or anything really. My friend was dishing me out "Morphinum" which is a Homeopathy remedy, but to be honest, Im very suspect of these sort of remedys, and dont put much stock in them. Well I had a terrible night (didnt sleep a wink) and must of moved position at least 200 times. I was also dry retching, bad stomach cramps and started getting diahorreha around 4am....by 6am I was feeling extremely anxious, and I think this is what was my downfall....thats when I started thinking of scoring.....by 10am Id had enough, and gave in. The question I'd like to ask everyone is.."Do you think that Valium or something similar, would help for the anxiety and restlessness?" My doctor told me that there are patches that are available now. Does anyone know anything about them? I really wasnt expecting it to be as bad as what it was. Its very difficult to tell someone whose never been there what its like. Being restless and not being able to get comfy in bed doesnt sound like much, but it just about drove me nuts.......But the anxiety is what really got me...that was what got me in the end...anyway....anyone with experience of using Valium (or something similar) to ease the pain....Id like to hear from you......Cheers....
Mike :)
Hi Mike,
To be totally honest with ya, valium may help in the short term but any longer than that and it'll become more of a hindrance then a help, i thought exactly what your thinking and 5yrs later i'm still weaning off them, i'm down to 8mgs a night now, but i think they're causing me more problems than they're solving. and nw my anxiety levels are through the roof i mean sometimes i'm even scared to post!!! how sad is that! i feel scared of everything, so my advice to you is ride the rapid and get it over with rather than dragging it on for years as ive done, i wish i'd of just done my rattle and had it over-mind you its easy to say that now, i doubt i couldve done that then, but i wish i had
To be totally honest with ya, valium may help in the short term but any longer than that and it'll become more of a hindrance then a help, i thought exactly what your thinking and 5yrs later i'm still weaning off them, i'm down to 8mgs a night now, but i think they're causing me more problems than they're solving. and nw my anxiety levels are through the roof i mean sometimes i'm even scared to post!!! how sad is that! i feel scared of everything, so my advice to you is ride the rapid and get it over with rather than dragging it on for years as ive done, i wish i'd of just done my rattle and had it over-mind you its easy to say that now, i doubt i couldve done that then, but i wish i had
Mike, the only thing I can tell you is this: Yes, Valium will help you in the short term. They use it in detox facilities. However, and this is a BIG however, it's very easy to get addicted to and an EXTREMELY tough withdrawl. It's a benzo. Pain stuff, while hard to get off, is a walk in the park compared to quiting a benzo. I know, because I did it. SO, if you take Valium, yes it will help. If you take it too long, it's going to be hell on earth for you my friend. So talk to your Doc about a very short term plan if you really feel you need it. Maybe 2 weeks. Over 2 weeks, you are in trouble. And I mean BIG trouble.
Gabbi- I quit Xanax (way worse than Valium) ct after 7 years. It was like being in hell for 12 weeks. You are SO right to taper, which you can do on a benzo. So take your taper slow. No one should do what I did. I don't care what anyone says.
Yeah i know danny, i'm recovering from heroin addiction and i was origanally on nitrazepam which my drug worker swapped for valium about 2yrs ago so i can taper-aparently its easier to taper with valium than nitrazepam, so i've been slowly reducing my dosage as advised with my D.worker as well as reducing on subutex, i couldnt go cold turkey cos i've been on em sooooooooo long (started on nitrazepam at 18-i'm now 30- i mean what kind of doc perscribes a patient already getting huge amounts of methadoone each day, 20mgs of nitrazis a day??? never mind its my fault cos i asked for em' how young and niaeve i was, but NO MORE
Thanx 4 the advice
Thanx 4 the advice
Gab- Just do the taper and do it slowwwww. People, if you read this, the thing about benzo's and getting off them is that it's not like a pain pill or heroin or anything. The actual physical stuff last about as long as an opiate. BUT, a benzo affects your mind differently. They are absolutely great for short term use. But if you stay on them, all hell breaks loose when you quit. That's why I'm quiting Vicodin after being on them only 90 days. I never, ever, want to go through what I did. I'm paranoid to take an aspirin because of it. The best way to describe it is think of your worse acid trip and multiply by 100. They are terrible drugs if used too long. You should NEVER-EVER ct them like I did. And it's real easy to switch from one drug to another, as we all know. But the last thing you want to make your DOC is a benzo. The good thing is you get over it.
Hi Mike,mate you are just going to have to bite the bullet and just do it,sure get some valium to help you short term,it will give you some sleep and sleeping through the worst part of withdrawing can be good,mate if I was you I would take some morphine orally for a few days and cut the amount down each day,it will help for sure,but in the end you are going to suffer for a few days,mate why not try and get some methadone to help you for the first few days,it is great if you just use it for about 4--5 days,you will still not feel great for a while,but in the end withdrawing from this crap will be good,just keep remembering why you are giving this stuff up,health,money all of the reosons you have told me.
Bite the bullet and do it mate,sure get something to help you but be strong and do it,heaps of us here have been where you are and we have all suffered but we are still alive and for me personally,being free from hitting myself up each day is a great feeling,be strong mate,suffer for a while to feel the benefits of being clean,the fatigue part is going to stay with you for a while,theres no getting away from that,Im sorry to say.
Bite the bullet and do it mate,sure get something to help you but be strong and do it,heaps of us here have been where you are and we have all suffered but we are still alive and for me personally,being free from hitting myself up each day is a great feeling,be strong mate,suffer for a while to feel the benefits of being clean,the fatigue part is going to stay with you for a while,theres no getting away from that,Im sorry to say.
Can't you read. She obviously can't taper. Not only did she say she can't but she even had 210mg the last day and couldn't/didn't even last 1 day without them... I think we need to make other suggestions.
Don't take Valium. That will be worse then the pain pills to stop and first you gotta stop the pain pills.
Can't you read. She obviously can't taper. Not only did she say she can't but she even had 210mg the last day and couldn't/didn't even last 1 day without them... I think we need to make other suggestions.
Don't take Valium. That will be worse then the pain pills to stop and first you gotta stop the pain pills.
Kiwi, are you confusing Mike with Gabbi? I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with you about Valium. I know first hand. However, if used for 4-5 days, it's ok. Thats what they would use in a detox center. See, the problem though, is people trade one for the other. And any benzo is a b**** to get off. I mean, that stuff will kick your butt and BIG TIME..So if they used it for 4-5 days, fine. Any longer..looking for trouble. Man, I went through the worst nightmare of my life...hey, you are in Canada right? Any snow?
Thanks for the advice everyone. I will see the doc tomorrow, and maybe get a "short term" script of valiums. I dont want to get a worse habit than what Ive already got! Cheers Chad...your spot on with your advice as always. Ive really got to manage to get to sleep. It was a terrible night mate...when I finally did have a hit, it actually just offered relief, rather than a buzz! My legs actually hurt rather than the usual pins and needles. A friend reckons Im not there yet with giving it up. Im not sure whether shes right, but I was looking foward to that hit like I never wanted anything so bad before! Just banged 70mg straight up, and 2 hours later did 100mg...that one was nice. Bloody hopeless I guess. Anyway....Im off to the docs tomorrow and will see what he has to say. He has told me about patches, so I might explore that avenue also. Thanks everyone for your advice, and I will let youse know when I decide to give it another try.