Does Anyone Relate?????

I've had panic attacks and depression ever since I was young. Started after smoking pot and I felt like I was in a dream, like nothing was real. This same feeling plagues me to this day, particualarly when I am in the midst of a panic attack, which seems to be alot, while I'm detoxing on the suboxone. I am trying very hard not to take benzos. or alcohol, as this will become problematic in the long run. If only I could just not feel this, I think I could manage the other symptoms of the panic attack. Does anyone out there understand what I'm talking about and have any suggestions on what to do about it??? Thanks for any help that is given.
How long have you been taking the benzo's? Is there an alternative med for the panic attacks? Is it your choice to go off or your doctors? Were you taking too many? Sorry, just need more info.
mbfla,,, My daughter has panic attacks, I never realized how bad they were until I saw her have one and it was a bad one.. I know she went to the doctor and he put her on lexapro also celexa is another good one they are both antidepressants and they have something in them to help with panich attacks since she has been on them she has not had one ... Thank God.. I hope this helps I know there will be someone on here soon that might have some other suggestions as well.. So just keep posting, that also helps alot.. Oh also, the antidepressants take awhile to get into your system at first they may make you feel alittle funny but if you keep taking them as prescribed they should help you.. and the side effects will go away..
Thank you both for your help. I am presently on Paxil, and have been for the past 13 years. Maybe it is losing it's effectiveness. I haven't taking any benzos in a few weeks. I wasn't really taking much. What I was trying to say is taht banzos are the only thing that stop the panic, and that feeling of unreality. I was wondering if anyone out there has had those feelings of unreality before and what they did with it. Don't mistake unreality with with out of touch with reality, because I am definately in touch with reality, almost to much for my liking. Thanks
just a thought, does your perscribing doctor of the paxil, ever do blood test to check level? i have been on luvox for 5 years, and recently discovered that i was
suppose to have it checked every 4 to 6 months, i guess to determie if you had too high a level in your system,which could be making a person not feel well.
you may want to ask about it,not sure if it is the same with paxil.
let me know how you are doing and if you need to talk i will be on later, i will say a prayer for you and hope you feel better soon:)kimber

Actually, no I've never had levels done. I think you can and should have levels done on every psychotropic. I will inquire, thx
Mb you mean you sort of feel like your playing a part not really living the moment?I had that years ago when I smoked alot of pot.I dont really know what that is.Maybe its just another way your body is getting use to the changes????mj

this is one of those "things" that is hard to put into words. All I can say is that I know where I am, I know that a chair is a chair, etc., if you get what I mean, but somehow it doesn't look like a chair. It seems like it is one dimensional and not real, like in a dream. Does this make any sense at all???YIKES...I must sound crazy!!!!!! Anyway, thanks for responding, at least you tried to understand. I feel like I'm the only one who feels this way.