My husband went to a psychiatrist about getting on buprenophine. He walked out because it's 2 sessions for $500 and that doesn't include getting the medicine. The whole program would be thousands of dollars. He also thought he could be on it long term. That's untrue- 3-6 months and it's weaned off. Now he's considering a methadone clinic. His attitude is he's tried everything and nothing has worked. He's convinced that he must have something in his system or he'll never give up the pills. I'm ready to give up- does methadone work for some people? Has anyone been on it successfully for years?
Methadone almost ruined my life, it's a synthetic opiate that is very powerfull. If your husband is going to get on this stuff, make sure he is monitored by a professional. Iv'e seen people take the wrong combo's of methadone along with other drugs and they did not wake up. My problem with methadone was I was already abusing opiats and methadone was like the supreme high for an' opiate junkie..................................................Sand.
J, Methadone is about the worst drug that you could possibly use to detox. I do not want to make you feel bad, but I have seen first hand and on many occasions, my friends go to Rehab get treated with Methadone and come back totally addicted to it.
Please, see if you can find someplace that does not use Methadone to detox, I did. They used injections of Bubronex and mild dosages of Librium to help me through the worst.
And here I am 34 days clean and on nothing but Paxil, for anxiety and depression. I am not saying I feel great, not yet, but I abused drugs for over 20 years so I can't expect to get over them for at least 2 or 3 more months.
Best wishes for your husbands recovery.
Please, see if you can find someplace that does not use Methadone to detox, I did. They used injections of Bubronex and mild dosages of Librium to help me through the worst.
And here I am 34 days clean and on nothing but Paxil, for anxiety and depression. I am not saying I feel great, not yet, but I abused drugs for over 20 years so I can't expect to get over them for at least 2 or 3 more months.
Best wishes for your husbands recovery.
Thanks for the replies. My husband wants to use methadone for the rest of his life. He said he's tried every kind of detox and nothing has worked. He says he's accepted that he will always take pills and that getting on methadone might save his life or keep him out of jail. This is after I discovered his problem. The first time I knew he used pills he said it was something "he used to have a porblem with" and he "could control it". After I found the insurance claim forms for various urgent care visits seeking pain pills- now the only answer he has is he needs a methadone clinic. He says "just give me my drugs". Of course I have no trust in him and it sounds like he's looking for the easiest answer.
J. Yes methadone does work for some people long term. I myself have been on methadone for 3 months. I have not used any pills or even thought about using since I started the methadone. I also hear bad things about methadone, like it's withdrawal period is longer - though not as harsh as pain pills. It is not my plan to stay on it for the rest of my life. I will soon start tapering.
Good luck to you and your husband.
Good luck to you and your husband.
If one can't stop narcotics (like most addicts.) methadone is the only alternative. I am on buper now after 3 years on methadone. I am using buper (Subutex) to try and get clean. But I can tell you after using all narcotics that methadone is the only thing one should consider maintaining on. It is the most addicting narcotic but if you choose to maintained what does that matter. s*** man, they are doing research now as to why people on methadone maintaince have a lower rate of heart attacks, cancers, etc. Most came to MMT with health problems (like me) like AIDS and HEP C. If I can't stay off narcotics I will get back on methadone. Subutex is no good for maintance.
the BOSS
the BOSS
Sorry to disagree,
My brother-in-law is on methadone and he's killing himself slowly.
I'm sure there are a few people that take it and get off narcotics successfully.
But some of the stories I hear, and seeing what is happening before my eyes,
I wouldn't recomend it to anyone. Good luck to whoever is on it.
Take care...................................God bless.....................................Bob
For the people who are on it, I'm asking for you guys to come back and post after your off it. It would be nice to hear some success stories about this program...........................................................Take care.................Bob
My brother-in-law is on methadone and he's killing himself slowly.
I'm sure there are a few people that take it and get off narcotics successfully.
But some of the stories I hear, and seeing what is happening before my eyes,
I wouldn't recomend it to anyone. Good luck to whoever is on it.
Take care...................................God bless.....................................Bob
For the people who are on it, I'm asking for you guys to come back and post after your off it. It would be nice to hear some success stories about this program...........................................................Take care.................Bob
Bob - you don't know how badly I want to be able to come back and post my success story to won't kid you...I probably would not have started on the methadone had I heard all the stories that people have desided they would tell me AFTER I started...I had no clue that it is mostly used "for life"...that is why I am looking into switching to the bup. I want to be off of everything. I don't want to have get up every morning at 4am and go stand in line to get my dose, I don't want to have to worry about what is going to happen if I don't make it to the clinic that day. Thats not the life for me..neither was the pills..I can tell you this...had it not been for the methadone - I probably would not be alive today to be typing this to you. I had let my use get way out of hand..there were nights I was afraid to go to sleep because I knew I had "did to many"...and wouldn't wake up. I thank God every day that I found I pray that he will help me get off of it and function in a drug fee/methadone free world.
Some people say methadone users just traded one drug for another, well I can tell you this, I have NEVER gotten a buzz off methadone. Trust me - if what I feel on methadone is what I had felt on the pills - I wouldn't have become an addict. I feel normal for the first time in years. Not high!!
Sorry didn't mean to go on forever.
Some people say methadone users just traded one drug for another, well I can tell you this, I have NEVER gotten a buzz off methadone. Trust me - if what I feel on methadone is what I had felt on the pills - I wouldn't have become an addict. I feel normal for the first time in years. Not high!!
Sorry didn't mean to go on forever.