Hi--I really need some advice--badly. I have been taking pain meds for many, years for a chronic disease. Whenever I go into remission I taper off them slowly. I hate them--the constipation, being a slave to them--I hate them! I have gone into remission and have been tapering back from about 50 mgs. Oxycontin and am now at 7.5mgs percoset. The problem is about 9 months ago I developed a fever and mind numbing fatigue. After a million tests they decided it was my gallbladder and they removed it. Apparently my gallbladder was severly inflamed and I had scar tissue on most of my major organs--they do not know why. I went up only slighty on the pain meds b/c it was really not bad. However the fever is back and I am so depressed I can't see straight! I was just wondering and I pray someone answers me--could I get on suboxone for like a week and just get off? I am SO tired of worrying about the taper in addition to my other medical issues. Please someone, if you can, answer.
Im sorry but the only answer I have for you is to discuss it with your Drs.They are the ones who know your condition & if Sub would be helpful for you.
I do know of some on here that have done the Sub short term,however Im not one (been on it 3 years now)
In dont mean to sound negetive,but really talk to your Drs.tell them your concerns & see what they advise.
Good luck & please keep us updated
I do know of some on here that have done the Sub short term,however Im not one (been on it 3 years now)
In dont mean to sound negetive,but really talk to your Drs.tell them your concerns & see what they advise.
Good luck & please keep us updated
Are you an addict? Do you take more than prescribed? With your health issues, you need to work with a dr, not us. We can help with the mental stuff but personally, I wouldn't advise you to do anything other than to call your dr and ask him about a safe detox and then treatment.
If you want your life back...look into a local NA/AA meeting.
If you want your life back...look into a local NA/AA meeting.
No I am not an addict but this site is the only place that exists that really supports people who are getting off drugs whether they are addicted or for other reasons. I have never done more than prescribed, probably less. The only reason I wrote was because I do not knw anything about detoxing with suboxone. The taper is so long and while I am in remission I just want to enjoy it without worrying about the taper. I really want to thank everyone who has helped me gain knowledge over these past few years on how to taper, amounts etc. because even if you are not addicted it can seem like a daunting task. I also want to say how very much I admire everyone here because quitting in the best of circumstances can be trying and to quit while having a craving is.............well I don't think there are enough words to say! So thanks again. You all make it so much less lonely! Irish
Irish, speak to your prescribing physician about this. Tell him/her exactly what you have told us. Yes, you can detox with suboxone and it has been known to help with some pain issues. But honestly what you are describing is beyond what suboxone is rx'd for. Your body is dependant on opiates and addict or not, it's a painful process to heal from the negative side effects of these drugs. I am not sure that suboxone is what you need, but I don't know....I am not a Doctor.
There is a good thread going here about how opiates effect the brain....I am sorry can't remember which one but it's here. If your not an addict you have surely become dependant and the drugs you have mentioned will most definitely effect your brain chemistry.
You have been taking some serious drugs for a long time. I am sorry that you are going through this but we aren't Doctors here and I think you need some specialized help.
Good luck and I hope you get well soon.
There is a good thread going here about how opiates effect the brain....I am sorry can't remember which one but it's here. If your not an addict you have surely become dependant and the drugs you have mentioned will most definitely effect your brain chemistry.
You have been taking some serious drugs for a long time. I am sorry that you are going through this but we aren't Doctors here and I think you need some specialized help.
Good luck and I hope you get well soon.
getting off your pain meds ...is never easy,,,,time is thee answer,,,,ask your dr,,,I myself dont think sub is a good thing,,,but what ever works ,,works,,,,bless you,,,,and hope to you,,,,poopie
The thread KeeKee's talking about is "Your brain on drugs" by Tim. It's an excellent source of info.
I guess I don't understand how you CAN"T be an addict. Maybe not in the true sense of the word but your body is addicted, right? And isn't your mind just a little twisted from taking them for so long? I congradulate you for your being in remission. That's awesome and I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this....I'm just afraid to give you any advice because of your illness. I really think you should talk to your dr. Sub doesn't sound like the right thing for you though, that much I will say.
I guess I don't understand how you CAN"T be an addict. Maybe not in the true sense of the word but your body is addicted, right? And isn't your mind just a little twisted from taking them for so long? I congradulate you for your being in remission. That's awesome and I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this....I'm just afraid to give you any advice because of your illness. I really think you should talk to your dr. Sub doesn't sound like the right thing for you though, that much I will say.