Don't My Friend Start Young

Okay well I have this friend. She not really my friend she my best friend. We have gone through alot of stuff but I don't like what she is starting to do. Well there is this other kid named Jacob. He is okay when he wants to be but other times he just is a big jerk. Well my best friend Vicky hangs around with him and now hes starting to sell crack to her the first time she said it wasn't the real thing but today she said oh yeah he got the right stuff this time. She only 13 and she has already started. Another one of my friends told her that if she dies because of that that she wasn't going to her funeral. I just can't get her to stop even thought this is just her third time. I don't want her to get addicted so please help me out.

check out that link. maybe you can share it with your friend. she is starting down a very dangerous path that leads no where but death if it is not stopped now.

no one lives a long healthy happy life on crack.

i will be praying for you

~adam a
Tell her you care and you dont want tob hurt her you want to help her.