Dosing Of Sub For A Brief Relapse

I was wondering if anyone knows the appropriate dose for Buprenorphine after a brief relapse on OxyContin...40mgs of Oxy for several days...and how long to taper...I was thinking maybe just 2mgs for 1 day, maybe 1 mg for 1 day and then off..any one with experience? Thanks.

If you took 40 mg of Oxy for a very brief period , without having a recent habit, I probably wouldnt use SUB.
*** However , If you have bad w/d because of a recent habit and choose to use it , Your schedule seems pretty good. No more than 2 mill and do your complete taper in 4 to 6 days. (( 2 mill, 1 mill, 1/2 mill)) You should be OK
Good luck
