Dottie - In The Hospital - Comimg Home Today

For those of you who have wondered where Dottie is - she went to the hospital on Sunday. She called me last night, they had run a battery of test, there are some things wrong but thank God, nothing life threatening.

She said it was okay to post to board - I just called her a few minutes ago - I forgot to ask last night. Last night she didn't know all test results so I didn't ask a lot of questions.

She has missed e'one so much and will be on the board when she gets home.

She was first planning on going to work today - is that not our Dottie?

So happy that sh'e going to be fine,
Love, Jean (her twin)
JeanIf & when you talk to her again please let her know Im thinking of her...mj
Hey sweetie!
Hope you are feeling better real soon.
Post us when you can.Now rest!!!And take care of yourself...
Hello to all my wonderful friends
God, how I Have missed you all, My deepest thanks to sweet Jean, although she is going through her own tradegy, which I Can never convey how bad I felt hearing about her cousin, through her own grief, kept in touch with me & added so much comfort to me at the scariest time I Can remember, Ilove you dearly my twin & God bless you for being there for me, & also in your grief, Gina Thank you also, Jean told me of your concern for me, & that you were going to call me, I love you my friend...........and to all of you, too many to name, who were also so concerned, I Love you all........I Can not express adequatly how lonely I was without you all....I Felt like I Lost my lifeline & my cell phone died at the hospitol, so I couln't do any more calling, or else more people would have heard from me I Assure you, There is so much mail on my computer, It's not letting me open it yet, so I Had to find another way to get on this board,
But so glad I got on........I was having withdrawl not talking to you all,
Wendy & Gina never got off my case about this illness, THANK GOD, I FINNALY LISTENED.
I wii tell you as best I Can what's wrong..........OMG, Did they ever work me up
wanted to take a swing at those people more than once LMAO
after I Got out of work Sun. morning, I Came home & tried to lay down, No way was that gonna work, The Edema was so bad, I couldn't get my shoes off & almost had to cut my pants off, because it was now up to the knees.
I Got in my car & drove myself to the ER......Never thought I would be admitted
My Potassium was critically low........all the tests were coming back bad
So off I Go to admission, I Was petrified!!
Their started more tests than I Can count.
I Was convinced when they came back, that my liver was failing...........
Praise God, it was NOT, No damage that they could find, This was My happiest moment, I Burst in to tears when I Heard this, I was so grateful!!!
I will tell you what they found if I Can remember it.
A Hialtle Hernia........Kidney stones.............Diverticulitis.......excessive bile in the ducts?? gall bladder.........all the edema it appears, was caused by fluid retention, they think from sodium.........strict diet now, no spice,salt, all the things I Love of course, & scarring on my lungs, which is not going to cause problems for the moment.
All & All.........NOTHING, life threatning, problems will arise, but it's manageable
and I Just sit here feeling like I was given a new lease on life.
Let me add, had it not been for the love & support of this board & the loving demands to get my @ss checked out, I May never have made it, as the Doctor's explained to me, My potassium was so critically low.....I wouln't have made it much longer from that alone.
SO THANK YOU ALL, FROM THE BOTTEM OF MY HEART, I Believe in angels........when I found this board........I FOUND MY ANGELS!!
I Love you all & can't wait to talk to you guys!!
Love, A Very Grateful........Fiesty wench LOL
AND SHEEEEEE'S BACK YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What would we do without you???
Love, Your Twin
Don't worry us anymore - just do what we tell you to - haha - like that's gonna happen.
Hi Jean
You said it YaaaaaaaHooooooo, it's so good to be home!!
And from now on, I'm gonna try to soften that thick Irish Skull of mine.....
All my Love
Hi Dottie, so glad to hear your health is managable. Take good care of yourself!
Love, Kat
Hi Dottie:

Welcome home. Glad your O.K. Take care of yourself.

Thanks Kat & Jeff
I Was a scared chick, LOL
I Need you all
Love Dottie
Dottie ((hugs)) jaxxxxxxx
Wecome back wench!!!
Much love,
I don't blame you, Dottie. I would have been scared too. My ex has diverticulitis and it's no piece of cake. I feel for you. But I'm just glad it's not anything life threatening. Take care, love, Kat
Dottie, Im so glad you went in!!!! The same thing happened to me. Low potassium but I had a stroke because Im a stubborn Irish girl too. Glad you got it in time!!!!
PS-Im sure your doctor told you that it can cause either a heart attack or a stroke. Low potassium.
Hey Dottie Girl!! I'm so glad to see you, but more than that, I'm glad you got your stubborn @ss to the hospital...LOL
You sound so positive and optimistic. That's good to hear.

I know how you enjoy a good laugh, so I'll tell you what I did to my husband this morning. I'm cracking up, just writing this.

I took his deoderant (white solid kind), and I rolled it up and cut off about an inch of the solid. I rolled it back down, and filled it back in with cream cheese and I smoothed it out flat. So, this morning, I'm laying in bed, and he's in our bathroom. I'm pretending to be sleeping, but I can see him from the bed. He opens the cabinet and grabs his deoderant, hikes up his arm, and starts rolling it on. I see him staring in the mirror at his clumped up, sticky cheese armpit, and he says..."WTF???" I've got the covers pulled over my head by now and the entire bed is shaking, because I'm laughing so hard. I hear him scream... "DENAE????!?!?!?!!!!" WHAT DID YOU DO?????" I managed, in between gasping for air, that it was cream cheese. He was so pissed at first, but after another shower, he admitted that it WAS pretty funny. He swore revenge, so I've gotta sleep with one eye open for a while.

Hey Wendy
I Knew what happened to you but I Didn't know it was low Potassium.
Actually the Doctor's said nothing about heart attack or stroke, LMAO
They were very stong in their belief, that it was so critically low, I would have been dead in a week, Knocked the wind out of my sails........My son heard all this & said That's it Mom, I'm not kidding, I Want you to donate your body to science.....He says no one who's beat their body up so bad, would still be breathing at all, and I must have a strong constitution, He said he thought I Had a death wish, But that I Must have a hell of a purpose here or I would be Dead........It was all said with the deepest of love of a child (not a child realy 34 yrs. old)
He brought the baby to visit me in the hospitol,,& that raised my spirits so much, I can't begin to say what that meant to me, Scott trys so hard to let me know he's not willing to give me up, I'm a very blessed woman to have these wonderful boys........I Have always said I Knew for sure, That I knew I Had at least done 2 things right in my life, & their names are Richard & Scott!
When you got your potassium in the hopitol did they do it by IV ?
That is the most painful thing I ever had........It burn your veins up bad, OMG
I was in tears.
Thanks again for the kick in the @ss, I think I'll be a lot more receptive to good advice after this scarey sh*t
The Tapes have been very helpful also
Much Love
I am glad to hear that you are okay, Dottie. You better start eating your bananas.
Denea, you Im glad your husband has a sense of humor. LMAO

Dottie, yes they gave me potassium pushes. HURT like hell. Then I got IV potassium once they got it to normal. The same thing happened to Terry Shival...She was the one who the parents didnt want to pull the plug but the husband did? Right around the time the pope died. She had low potassium at 31 years old. She had a heart attack and was in a vegitative state for almost 15 years I think.


Was your blood pressure high?
Wow Dottie,
What a scare! I'm glad you are doing alright and they were able to straighten things around.

ROTFLMFAO.......DeNae your a pisser.....that was too funny, next time I want to get someone, I'm coming straight to you, you had me with this visual of cream cheese running down his armpit, too funny!

Wendy,Yes, my blood pressure was higher than normal, they kept me on a heart machinge & hooked me up to a machine that automatically keeps a watch on your BP ALL THE TIME, for hours, they put me on the IV Drip potassium, very shortly after my arrival, burned the sh*t out of me, all I did was cry it hurt so bad
I'm very farmilar with the Terry Shaivo case, I Had to drive by her nursing home all the while they were protesting her feeding tube, month after month, it was a sad case........but I Was not aware of her ending up in that state because of potassium, God I Just never knew how lethal it was not to have it.
I Was sent home with 40mg of potassium (some other name) & lasisk for the fluid retention, & apparently the lasisk depletes your potassium also, so I Have to continue the potassium, I am taking this very seriously, I Just had supper, with no salt, How funny that when people said drugs would kill me, I Didn't take it serious at all, thought I was invincible........But this had a profound affect on me, I Finally realized I Had no wish to die........I'm not sure I Was ever that sure about that until this happened......Kind of a spiritual awaking I Think.
I Have always believed that everything happens for a reason, now I'm convinced
I'm supposed to be here, all of you on this wonderful board are.......We have been given this wonderful gift of helping each other, as I Said before I Believe there are angels amoung us! For me all of you that kept after me are MY ANGELS & YOU ALWAYS BE MY ANGELS
God Bless You all
Dottie.... (The new & I Hope improved)