Dr Phil Desperate Housewives

Hey everyone, I don't know if anyone is interested but today and tomorrow on dr phil is the desperate h-wives episode. There is a woman on with a percocet addiction. mabye there will be good advice?
I'm sure he'll be very tough on her and insist she get into treatment immediately. He has a "zero tolerance" policy for substance abuse
Hey Angela! I saw that today but I missed her story just heard him mention it. I didn't realize they had it on tomorrow too! Thanks hopefully like you said we can get some good advice.
Hey Sarah, the woman w/ the addiction her story is on tomorrow, they only had time for half the stories today. So if you are into it check it out tomorrow.
I noticed on his night-time speial with that Inside Edition guy that I think that he has more than no tolerence - he acts likes he hates them. I was all ready to hear some good advice b/c I ususally like him and listen to him but he just kinda screamed at him the whole time. He gave him about a 1 minute pat on the back for being about 50? days sober. He seems to me tht people should just "quit' and of course e'one should but that wa like Nancy Reagan's "just say no"
Dr. Phil makes me want to drink...ha ha.
Sorry, that was bad humor.
hey kerry,
not bad humor.considering when i have my brothers kids,
i beg for some valuim,
for them, not me...lol
i'm sure that is against the law somewhere...
is that awful of me?
hey i didn't say thai i did it,the thought just crossed my mind,
bout every half hour....lol