Dr. Phil Today

Anyone see Dr. Phil today? It was about addiction. I missed a little bit of the middle when the girl first came out. Couple things I noticed...
1. Dr. Phil made some pretty nasty faces when he said "those drug addicts"
2. Heath Ledger had 6 different rx drugs in him when he died.
3. Was the main girl who the show about disrespectful or something? Cause when she accepted the offer to go to rehab, AGAIN, Dr. Phil was kind of a d*ck and said "we'll see" with his eyebrows raised.
I totally missed what she said whe he asked her if she had used before tje show to.
Hi lynn, i did watch Dr Phil. Yes, the girl had used before going on the show. She accepted to go for help.
Dr Phil is not a doctor --he is a putz JMHO--What he did regarding britney spears was disgusting shows you what an idiot hypocrite he is.But hey some people like him. Thats there call I certainly do not judge.

Hi Lynn
I have some recommendations for Dr,Phil but I'll hold my tounge for now.
Good morning Tim.

Might as well enjoy the warm weather as the worst cold front is coming my way and well it sucks the big one

Hope your doing better

My sister bought a labapoo?? lab/poodle its freakin adorable and so smart.

Good morning guys, yeah Dr Phil is a pri*k! He never really bothered me till I saw thru him yesterday.I wouldn't mind an all expense paid trip to a nice rehab. If I didn't have a house and 2 dogs I would love to go away and work on myself. Priceless!
Jeff, your right on about the Britney Spears thing. That was totally inappropriate Guess he saw a personal opportunity and lunged. I heard Obamah is thinking about getting a ladradoodle (sp?)
Have a good day guys
I can't stand Dr. Phil. He is an egomaniac, I believe I saw that episode a few weeks ago and was disgusted and appalled. The way he treated that women was sickening. He doesn't have the foggiest clue about addiction. He was hell bent on embarrassing her and she was hell bent on getting the help. Good for her, I hope she recovers and I am happy Dr. ill is paying the bill!