Now I have seen everything....I am watching right now...a young women drank 2 gallons of water in 2 hours....and killed herself.
Apparently it was part of a radio contest...that ended up with a women dead. Now there is a law was apparently about who ever drank the most water without going to the bathroom would win a Nintendo game console....this is unreal??
Tragic...she had 3 young children and a husband...she was trying to win this for her kids...s<<<<shaking head here>>>>
Very sad, really.
It really is Danny...its just so unbelievable.
My heart breaks for this family.
My heart breaks for this family.
It's true KeeKee...happened where I live and my prayers are with her husband and children...
A couple other people got sick during that contest also and she was also complaining of her symptoms but nobody paid attention....
A couple other people got sick during that contest also and she was also complaining of her symptoms but nobody paid attention....
i saw this to and it gave me chest pain...........and worry right away.
because the first thing i thought of all here
i tell everyone here to drink water....all the time......
and i thought to myself if someone did that here and died because i reccomended
them to drink lots of water.......
i would probably kill myself........
i thought my God ..please i the last thing in the world i would ever want to do is give some adivce and then something happened to one of you.......
i am going to research this..........
she may of had kidney or heart problems........
i am not sure
this is terrible....
her body must of went into fluid overload and her heart could not handle all the fluid..........
i am not sure..........i will be looking into this.......
i am going ask the doctors and nurses about this.......
get some feed back about this.......
i promise.
please continue to drink water but just enough for your body weight.....
i will be back with information about this........
i wonder was the water contaminated ?
was the heart overloaded, with the anxiety from being in the contest and the heart rate was already elevated.......
and then the dumping of all that fluid into the circulatory system......
her blood pressure could of been high and then all that water raised her volume in her circulatory system......
which increased her BP and heart rate even more..........
for example........when we have patients with a low BP, we will give a fluid bolus.
like 500 cc's......
for example my patient last night had a bp of 70/20 and for us , no big deal..
but of course we cant transfer the patient to the floor with a pressure like this.
the floor nurses would flip out...........
we lower the head of the bed and give a fluid bolus 500 cc's
and with in an hour it was back up to 120/45......
then slow the IV back down.....
we do this everyday......
well of course i had to post about this because i always
say.......DRINK WATER.......DRINK WATER...
i see alot of people that start on a down hill spiral all from dehydration....
and the colon needs water for proper digestion......
i love u, i care about you all...... and i will look into this.......
because the first thing i thought of all here
i tell everyone here to drink water....all the time......
and i thought to myself if someone did that here and died because i reccomended
them to drink lots of water.......
i would probably kill myself........
i thought my God ..please i the last thing in the world i would ever want to do is give some adivce and then something happened to one of you.......
i am going to research this..........
she may of had kidney or heart problems........
i am not sure
this is terrible....
her body must of went into fluid overload and her heart could not handle all the fluid..........
i am not sure..........i will be looking into this.......
i am going ask the doctors and nurses about this.......
get some feed back about this.......
i promise.
please continue to drink water but just enough for your body weight.....
i will be back with information about this........
i wonder was the water contaminated ?
was the heart overloaded, with the anxiety from being in the contest and the heart rate was already elevated.......
and then the dumping of all that fluid into the circulatory system......
her blood pressure could of been high and then all that water raised her volume in her circulatory system......
which increased her BP and heart rate even more..........
for example........when we have patients with a low BP, we will give a fluid bolus.
like 500 cc's......
for example my patient last night had a bp of 70/20 and for us , no big deal..
but of course we cant transfer the patient to the floor with a pressure like this.
the floor nurses would flip out...........
we lower the head of the bed and give a fluid bolus 500 cc's
and with in an hour it was back up to 120/45......
then slow the IV back down.....
we do this everyday......
well of course i had to post about this because i always
say.......DRINK WATER.......DRINK WATER...
i see alot of people that start on a down hill spiral all from dehydration....
and the colon needs water for proper digestion......
i love u, i care about you all...... and i will look into this.......
We played the driniking water game about 20 years ago...I was first out cause I cannot hold my pee, but my best friend, whom was ironically newely sober at the time. lasted the longest..and that girl was DRUNK by the end of the game. She kept saying she felt DRUNK...she was lying on the floor really acting intoxicated. Had we known then...... Yes, it is a real effect of too much water in too short a period of time. I'm just so grateful we didn't lose her all those years ago. She literally went from acting intoxicated to sick..and we, knowing no better, really didn't think that much of it. STUPID.
Thumper...stop worrying!! Drinking water is very very good for you! But...when you abuse it as with anything done to excess its dangerous.....
The real problem here was very simple....because it was a radio contest of some sort...the participants were NOT allowed to thats the problem...the build up of all that water with its toxins and no where to go....I believe it stopped the poor women's heart!
I am still so very sad....I am a big water drinker...I mean I easily drink a gallon a day...however..not all at one time....and I definitely let it out!
Your advice is sensible and don't worry honey....
God bless this women and her family...and her kids....what a shame
The real problem here was very simple....because it was a radio contest of some sort...the participants were NOT allowed to thats the problem...the build up of all that water with its toxins and no where to go....I believe it stopped the poor women's heart!
I am still so very sad....I am a big water drinker...I mean I easily drink a gallon a day...however..not all at one time....and I definitely let it out!
Your advice is sensible and don't worry honey....
God bless this women and her family...and her kids....what a shame
Thats sad i struggle drinking my 3 pints aday. i bet she was trying to win the console for one of her kids. ive never heard fo this happening just goes ot show nothing is good for you in exsess jaxxxxxxxx
This is very real, and happens more often than we think. I am shocked that nobody forming or entering or watching the contest knew what the consequences could easily be. I read the whole story, it was a contest for a Nintendo, I think. They should be sued for this. A saw another contestant who was quoted say "they told us to stop if we had to pee, not to put our health at risk." That almost proves that somebody knew a health risk existed.
Like many other things, I think you would have to intentionally be drinking excessive amounts of water. I often drink 16-20 ounces of water quickly. But after that, I stop. My body is hydrated after, and I don't need water for awhile. I hear kids often play "water games" with deadly consequences. In fact, my husband nearly killed his little brother when they were small. He made him drink water like this, and mom arrived home just in time because he had to go to the hospital immediately.
From what I know about it, the body will give many signs, like feeling drunk, and pain. Thumper, please don't worry, water IS good for people, and most do not drink enough.
Like many other things, I think you would have to intentionally be drinking excessive amounts of water. I often drink 16-20 ounces of water quickly. But after that, I stop. My body is hydrated after, and I don't need water for awhile. I hear kids often play "water games" with deadly consequences. In fact, my husband nearly killed his little brother when they were small. He made him drink water like this, and mom arrived home just in time because he had to go to the hospital immediately.
From what I know about it, the body will give many signs, like feeling drunk, and pain. Thumper, please don't worry, water IS good for people, and most do not drink enough.
They are being sued Atlas, and 10 of the people that worked there have been fired.
I did see where one contestant said if they had heard the call from the nurse, they may have stopped. The DJ's decided to leave this part out of the contest, along with one female DJ saying, ' we should have researched this before we set it up'.
I would also like to think that people that did participate in this would have done their homework beforehand, I would have, the people promoting this should have known better, (and they did, they knew the dangers) when the nurse that called in telling them the dangers was laughed off. They should have stopped it then.
They did know the dangers those that were fired, but greed got the best of them.
I am sure people thought going into it, well if the radio station is promoting this, it must be safe and what is the big deal, it is just water. Sadly a lesson learned.
Atlas I like you find it hard to believe that someone didn't step up to the plate that was there, or a family member, or anyone.
I only wish someone would have taken her to the hospital, she may have had a chance. They had an intern there that told her, no problem it is just the side effects of the water, he should not be able to continue with his residency.
I did see where one contestant said if they had heard the call from the nurse, they may have stopped. The DJ's decided to leave this part out of the contest, along with one female DJ saying, ' we should have researched this before we set it up'.
I would also like to think that people that did participate in this would have done their homework beforehand, I would have, the people promoting this should have known better, (and they did, they knew the dangers) when the nurse that called in telling them the dangers was laughed off. They should have stopped it then.
They did know the dangers those that were fired, but greed got the best of them.
I am sure people thought going into it, well if the radio station is promoting this, it must be safe and what is the big deal, it is just water. Sadly a lesson learned.
Atlas I like you find it hard to believe that someone didn't step up to the plate that was there, or a family member, or anyone.
I only wish someone would have taken her to the hospital, she may have had a chance. They had an intern there that told her, no problem it is just the side effects of the water, he should not be able to continue with his residency.
As participants in KDND-FM's water-drinking contest chugged bottle after bottle, a listener called in to warn the disc jockeys that the stunt could be fatal.
"Yeah, we're aware of that," one of them responded.
Another DJ said with a laugh: "Yeah, they signed releases, so we're not responsible. We're OK."
there ya go.
"Yeah, we're aware of that," one of them responded.
Another DJ said with a laugh: "Yeah, they signed releases, so we're not responsible. We're OK."
there ya go.
That's pretty sick.
But you know what? The participants have some responsibility.
It just is common sense what goes in must come out no matter what the prize??
I drink a lot of water.I may average 2 gallons a day if I'm surfing.Being in salt water and sun dehydrates you fast.
Common ways to know if you're properly dehydrated is one:
You're urinating regularly
You're urine is a light color
I don't know the circumstances of the contest but if you fill a balloon up with water and dont release the vaulve,it will pop.
I assume the human stomach is no different.
Very sad
Thumper-Keep drinking water.As long as you're pissing it out and not chugging gallons at a time,you shouldn't have any problems.
Also,you know how uncomfortable it would be to even drink a half gallon of water in one sitting?
But you know what? The participants have some responsibility.
It just is common sense what goes in must come out no matter what the prize??
I drink a lot of water.I may average 2 gallons a day if I'm surfing.Being in salt water and sun dehydrates you fast.
Common ways to know if you're properly dehydrated is one:
You're urinating regularly
You're urine is a light color
I don't know the circumstances of the contest but if you fill a balloon up with water and dont release the vaulve,it will pop.
I assume the human stomach is no different.
Very sad
Thumper-Keep drinking water.As long as you're pissing it out and not chugging gallons at a time,you shouldn't have any problems.
Also,you know how uncomfortable it would be to even drink a half gallon of water in one sitting?
I agree Tim, they do hold some responsibilty.
I would be interested in seeing exactly what the release said. I cannot fathom anyone signing something that says "you may die" or details the dangers. Maybe the participants should have known, but the radio station DID know. I did not know a nurse called in and was laughed off. Very sad.
We all know it's a lot easier to do something stupid if others are doing it too. I can almost hear her thoughts "well, this guy next to me has had 3 more bottles and he's okay, I need to catch up to win."
So the employees did know? Unbelievable. I always think of long term consequences of current actions. Especially in regard to lawsuits and safety issues. Maybe it's just me...? Nobody thought to at least GOOGLE water intoxication???????? There are 1.5 MILLION hits on google for water intoxication. It is just not that uncommon. We don't hear about it a lot, because it's not usually an exciting news story. We probably only heard about this because of the contest and imminent lawsuit.
Some people may have entered the contest spontaneously, happened to be listening or driving by and decided to stop...nobody knew to warn them.
We all know it's a lot easier to do something stupid if others are doing it too. I can almost hear her thoughts "well, this guy next to me has had 3 more bottles and he's okay, I need to catch up to win."
So the employees did know? Unbelievable. I always think of long term consequences of current actions. Especially in regard to lawsuits and safety issues. Maybe it's just me...? Nobody thought to at least GOOGLE water intoxication???????? There are 1.5 MILLION hits on google for water intoxication. It is just not that uncommon. We don't hear about it a lot, because it's not usually an exciting news story. We probably only heard about this because of the contest and imminent lawsuit.
Some people may have entered the contest spontaneously, happened to be listening or driving by and decided to stop...nobody knew to warn them.
With so many lawsuits happening everywhere, all the time, I think people almost expect everything to be safe. I mean, it can't be too dangerous if this station is not worried about having their asses sued off, right? They must have researched it thoroughly before moving forward. They should have done a "Survivor" style endurance contest where people use strength or balance. Okay, I'm done, but this one really did upset me.
What about these eating contest?That can't be good to eat 50 hamburgers in one sitting?
Also,there are the ubiquitous frat parties where they guzzle down mass quanities of alcohol in one sitting.There is someone who dies from those every year.
We live in a society where "it ain't done till it's overdone" mentality.
..............and we reward them either with money or accolades?
Also,there are the ubiquitous frat parties where they guzzle down mass quanities of alcohol in one sitting.There is someone who dies from those every year.
We live in a society where "it ain't done till it's overdone" mentality.
..............and we reward them either with money or accolades?
lol..........i just stepped out of bed..........
this is the first thing i thought of.............
goos morning........
i have to go into work here early........
have a nice day everyone..........
this is the first thing i thought of.............
goos morning........
i have to go into work here early........
have a nice day everyone..........
Hey Thumper.
Don't forget to drink a glass of water.LOL
Don't forget to drink a glass of water.LOL
you have nice day...........
you have nice day...........
I don't know if I would have researched it if I entered the contest. I probably would have assumed that drinking water couldn't kill you, hell I drank so much alcohol and it didn't kill me but that's my brain thinking which isn't a reliable source I do understand why the woman did it as I have 4 children too and sometimes it's such a struggle just to get them what they need in life that the chance to win a brand new Wi for them would have been such a treat....
I keep seeing the family photo every morning and evening on the news and all I can do is pray for her this point, whose at fault doesn't bring those 4 children's mother home.....
They did say last night that the Sherriff was brought in on the case and they are now pursuing criminal negligent charges besides the lawsuit....
I keep seeing the family photo every morning and evening on the news and all I can do is pray for her this point, whose at fault doesn't bring those 4 children's mother home.....
They did say last night that the Sherriff was brought in on the case and they are now pursuing criminal negligent charges besides the lawsuit....