Drug Test

I had to take a drug test this week and I was wondering if anyone knew what darvocet falls under on them? If anyone knows I would appreciate the info. the pharmacy didn't know? and believe it or not, I called my dr's office and his nurse didn't know? I have a call into him but he hasn't called as of yet.

Silent partner, are you around to answer
I bet Danny will know! Danny-you seem to be great at gathering info.
Darvocet contains Dextro-propoxyphene, derived from methadone.

Thank you Silent Partner. So it will fall under the opiate section?
It is an opiate but drug tests look for metabolytes of drugs, not the drug itself.

For example, morphine and codeine produce one type of metabolyte but buprenorphine produces another.

It depends on what the test is looking for as to whether or not it will pick up a drug.