Hello All:
I know I have read a lot of your post, and some of you have stated that you have either had or taked drug test at home (from loved ones). I am thinking of letting my husband back home (not totally sure yet) my thought was if I did I would tell him that the only way is that I would randomly drug test him. Is there such a thing? can I get that to show for Heroin? Thanks for your help!
Dear Lost Love,
Somebody with more answers will reply to your post concerning where to purchase a testing kit. I'm sure if you called your pharmacist they could point you in the right direction. Best wishes, Dora
Somebody with more answers will reply to your post concerning where to purchase a testing kit. I'm sure if you called your pharmacist they could point you in the right direction. Best wishes, Dora
I've seen drug test kits sold at many drug stores. If you're in the states try a Savon or RiteAid. if abroad i wouldnt know. the tests are good for heroin and morphine but i've heard that other opiates like oxy or vicodin may not show up because the test is looking specifically for morphine...but i may be wrong. i wish you and your hubby the best.
You can buy them on the internet for fairly cheap. If it is only heroin you are worried about, the tests for opiates only cost $2-3 each. I got some from www.uatests.com and they worked. Heroin only stays in the system for 2-3 days, so it will only show if he's used in the past couple days.
i'm pretty sure vic's and oxys show up as morphine too, they are opiates. we need kysharon on this one, she would know.
sharon if your out there help.
sharon if your out there help.
Yes, it tests for all opiates
Relationships are based on total honesty without dealt. If there is dealt then it sound not happen. Good luck