Drug Testing For Vicodin

I have been addicted to vicodin for almost two years and have been taking up to 30 pills a day. I'm going for a complete physical in two weeks, because I want to make sure I have not done damage to my body. I will stop taking them 7 days before my physical...will it still show up in a drug test. How long does it take to get out of your system so my urine and blood work will come up negative???
Any help would be great!



I'm a little confused. You say you have been taking 30 a day. You plan to stop 1 week before your physical. Do you want to stop taking vics for good? Know that is is not going to be easy to just stop. I want to help but need to understand what it is you are trying to do. As far as getting out of your system I think I have heard about 2-3 days but i'm not sure of that.

are they automatically doing a drug test? At my recent physical, they did a liver panel and a kidney test, but nothing to test specifically for opiates or barbiturates. Are you getting tested for work? Why would they look for opiates without a reason?

If you get a complete physical, a liver panel and kidney test should alert your Dr. to any problems, then you can go from there.

JD' s right- you are going to need to prep yourself for withdrawals if you stop the week before. You'll need to watch for shakes, restless legs, nausea, headache, and a bunch of other really fun stuff!

Do you want more info? There are a bunch of folks here who can talk about cold turkey with you. Best of luck and glad you posted!

Sorry if I didn't make sense. I plan on stopping for good, but I'm going to a family Dr. for a physical and he knows I have had a problem in the past and will test me for opiates. I'm also starting a in patient program in two weeks and would to be clean before it starts
Thanks for ypur help. Are you sure about it taking only 3 days to get out of your body?
I have heard 3-5 days to get out of your urine. It may be longer in a blood test, I am not sure. You need to start tapering now, your going to have a very dificult withdrawl just quitting cold turkey at that amount. Glad to see you are on the right track with quitting and going to treatment. That part is great! Rae


Good for you. The longer you wait the harder it will be to stop. I would start to taper down before you quit. It will help. I'm not really sure about how long it takes to get out of your system. I remember reading 2-3 days somewhere but really i'm not sure.

Rae was right.... opiates are present in your urine for 3 days after you quit taking them, but since you are taking so many, I'd say 3-5, just to be sure.

Drink plenty of water during withdrawals to flush the drugs out of your system (though not TOO much the day of or before the drug test.... if your urine is diluted TOO much, that will raise a red flag). Take milk thistle because that helps heal your liver and flush the drugs out of there.

Since you have two weeks, I'd taper down for the next 5-6 days, then go ahead and quit the rest.... that will give you a little over a week to get through the withdrawals and make sure the drugs will not be detected in the test.

Good luck.

Thank you so much for being so helpful. Even though I'm not looking forward to the withdrawl, I know that the hardest part will be staying off them for the rest of my life, but hopefully by doing the in patient treatment it will give me the support I need...Where can I get the Milke thistle, and what exactly is it?

Thank you,


You can get it at most drug stores. Rite-aid, Savon, Longs. There are also brand names like liver-rite that has milk thistle in it. It does help the liver in healing from all the bad stuff we addicts seem to throw at it.
