Drug Tests

Where can you buy at home drug tests for opiates? And what are they called? I don't actually think my boyfriend has used at all; however, I can't seem to get rid of some uneasiness I have about it. I don't know if he will be mad if I ask him to do one for me. I would hate for him to feel like I don't trust him at all or think he's lying (especially if he's not), but it's the drug he loves I don't trust.
Would I totally deflate him if I asked him to do this?
Any ideas on how to go about asking him to do one?
Any help would be appreciated.
Well my first thought was let him go to the bathroom and dip it down in the toliet. Most men,don't flush. But the test may not be acurate due to the toliet water,LOL...Ok let's see just ask him if he is using and if he says no then say well then you won't have a problem with peeing on this stick,right?See what he says. He may do it and if he refuses than he may be guilty. Cause if my boyfriend asked me to do it and I really wasn't using I would pee on it and then throw it in his face... Good Luck , Keep us posted with the results. Rachel
Mickey, you can go to almost any pharmacy for a home drug test. I know they make a one panel for THC and a 5 panel for everything else including opiates. Walgreens, Eckerd, even Walmart....good luck. As for asking him to take a test, I think that if he is not guilty...he would just love a chance to prove it to you...so it should work out. Best of luck..xoxo
Thanks Rae
You made me laugh, because I actually thought of sticking the stupid thing in the toilet because he is a typical guy! But I wondered about the accuracy as well!
Crazy how your mind can work in these situations! I have to be devious at finding out if he's using because if he is using, then he's being devious. What a treacherous circle of events!
Do you know where you buy the tests or what they are called?
Are they available at any regular drug store?
Thanks Betsy!
I guess I was posting my reply to Rae when you were posting!
Thanks for the help!
Hey Mickey,
I found one kind at eckerds but it was 30 dollars and it only did one test. I am taking it back and going to look for the test strips I read about on here somewhere. Don't worry about having no trust, you have every right not to trust him. He should know that. If testing him eases your mind he really shouldn't care.....your attitude toward him would be different knowing he was clean. Mine has nothing no money, credit cards, mac card....and now I am adding drug tests too. Even if they test him every week at counseling there is enought time for him to still use and it be out of his system by the next test.
Take care,
Mick- If you live in the US, Walgreens sells them. My guess is if you suspect him of using, he is. Where there is smoke, there is fire. But you know the symptoms, so if you don't think it's happening, it might not be. Not trying to be wishy-washy. And GREAT JOB to him if he is not. But if he loves you, AND not using, he would simply take the test. I know I would take one if my wife asked me to take one. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is admit to the one you love that you have "another" problem.

PS- What with the typical guy stuff? I ALWAYS flush....
do you have walmart there?? if so ask the pharmacy they will be able to help you. one word of caution, if he isn't using it may cause some emotions to flair up, but i'm sure he will do it to prove you wrong. and if he is using, well i'm sure he will get very mad and protest. if you are really worried sit down and talk it over with him. ask what he thinks about drug testing and if he would be up for it. going and buying the kit before talking it over may cause some trouble, if he's not using. its really hard not to be trusted, makes us feel worthless and childish. i know you are concerned but think about this before you do anything.
good luck
Thanks everyone for your replies!
We live in Canada - I'll check out WalMart.

And Danny - good for you (and your wife!) for always flushing!! My guy's not too bad!

Thanks again!
Thanks for your reply. That is exactly what I'm worried about. I think he feels it is important that I have faith in him and I don't want to not or show him that I don't in any way.
No offense meant to anyone on this site, but it is just hard to trust him because he is an addict and it's the only thing he has lied about before. The only reason I suspect anything is that his recovery seems to be almost too easy for him considering what I read every day from everyone else on here. I really haven't seen any evidence or anything, but I didn't see a lot before either.
I will think about it.
I'm actually seriously thinking about the dipping it in the toilet when he doesn't flush just so I don't end up hurting his feelings about this - is that sad or what?!
Mickey.......that is not sad. That is having no trust. I would do the same thing in a heartbeat........
hello dear you can get them over the internent for 6to 7 dollars just put in google opiates test and it should bring it up ..good luck dear poopie
Ha-Ha-Ha, I say dip it in the toliet too and go from there...If it is positive well it is probably do to him using and not the toliet water having a narcotic in it!LOL Good Luck sweetie,keep us posted on the results! Rae
OK - apparently, they are not widely available in Canada. I just went and asked a pharmicist and she looked at me like I was on drugs myself and told me she had never heard of such a thing - no offence intended!
Thanks Poopie for the internet info - I think that is what I will have to try.
I will keep you posted of the results if it ever happens. Hopefully, it's to say that I am a bad non-trusting girlfriend (and I mean that in a good way!).
Thanks for all your help everyone!
hi micky
I have weekly urine tests, I asked the drugs agency who are treating me for them. It gives me great encouragement when I see from the test that I am clean also I love showing it to my wife to take away all her doubts. I know she trusts me but it must be on the back of her mind sometimes because I have relapsed before. Also it kind of tied me into recovery because if the tests stop she may wonder why.
That's fantastic Paul that you thought of your wife to do that and to hold yourself accountable for the present and the future. That's a great idea. My boyfriend treats me like gold which is part of the reason I don't want him to feel that I don't trust him. I wish he would just come up with your idea on his own. He knows I sometimes have doubts every once in a while and understands that that is only human under the circumstances, but I think it would really hurt him since he told me that he made a pact with himself and me to be completely honest with me about everything when he decided to get clean once and for all.
For some reason, I just started to get this need to have concrete evidence.
Maybe for the time being, I will just keep my eyes open and try to trust him until I see some concrete signs of something amiss.
Thanks and have a great day!
I did not think there was a test that can remove opiates?, weed, meth, ascid, but noy pain killers??, hum thats a new one on me, hehe,,,,
much love to all..
Jaz- it won't remove, just detect, just like when you take a drug screen for a job. Again, thanks for changing your Avatar. I was missing it. OK, Paul, enough is enough. Your graphics are KILLING me..they are so good!!!!
No problem, and i am watching that movie passion of christ, i will input my opion later, after... take care your friend jasmine(jazzy)