Advice accepted, thanks.
After she sleeping for 2 days, I tried to suggest the topic of her drug use - the response was a 2 hour nap.
She will not take the topic - total denial. I am not good at confrontation. I want to say that she cannot live here and do drugs, she does understand because I hear her trying to find a way to rent her own place. Welfare will only help if she is homeless and I missed the opportunity to say 'any sign of drug use and you will be homeless'. I feel more power when I know my grandson is safe. But - pushing her out the door may mean I am sending her to street prostitution and death.
How do I push her out and live through the guilt?
I''ve read other posts and see that there is a cycle of no communication and a fluery of contact. Is this the cycle? 5 days of constant drug use followed by sleep - a rush calling people by phone to send money please
thanks to all...
hi mum i realy know what you are going through .my son is an addict we have gone through hell with him i know its easy to say you have to throw them out but its easyer said than done you feel so guilty and hurt for them .but i know its so hard you have got to be brave and think of yourself .