Drug User

Today I foudn out that my mom uses cocaine and I don't know what to do. She doesn't know that we know this, but I want to try and help her any way that I can. The thing I'm struggling with is how to approach her, I don't want to just right off go, "I know you're doing drugs." or anything. But help please.
Hello Donald,

How lucky your mom is to have such acaring, loving strong son. And I am sure you learned a lot from her. For you, just try to be yourself, tell her your concern, don't push it, do it at the pace you feel her to be confortable. Always remind her how much you love her and also remind her of memories that you are fond of.

Unfortunately addiction is still not understood by many, and society is slowly learning how addiction is disease that causes much suffering. Learn about it as much as you can, doing this you will not be in the dark and helping your mom be much natural and easier. Also you will come in touch with wonderful emotions going thru this experience.

Always reach out and ask for help, never be alone, there are great people out there willing to help.

Best Luck,
hello donald.
sometimes how you appraoch her isnt as important as how she will react ...
you can say a thousand things....but will she want your help?thats the question.
will she admitt she has a problem?thats the other question.
u have to be ready for her to deny the drug abuse,or for her to deny her problem with it.....i think saying somehting like
"mom i haver to talk with u,its very important" and then
"i know you use cocaine.i want to help"
that should do it.
what happens from there is totally up to her.
sometimes people dont want to be helped,we need to be ready for that.
good luck