Dumb Article

MSN has this article about how everyone should be given short acting opiods. No wonder there are so many of us.

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I didn't see anything unreasonable in that article. Opiods were the last option and only for the most severe conditions. Did I miss something?

Probably not. I was surprised they mentioned opiates for each pain is all. I know doctors used to prescribe narcotics every time someone whined too much. I wonder if they are still so free with their scripts.
I know doctors used to prescribe narcotics every time someone whined too much. I wonder if they are still so free with their scripts

yes kat its true, i just had my primary dr tell me so.
after my appt with him, he and i were discussing my addiction and i was telling him about my clean time and how easy it was for me to play my doctors for pain pills when i was using.
he admitted that he was guilty of being strapped for time with alot of patients and he would give them a script for pain pills just to get them off his back, but he did say after talking with me that he is going to think differently now.
i picked up a script at walgreens, foot dr put me on 6 days of oral cortisone for the ankle arthritis, the print out from the pharmacy now has a entire page that warns the dangers of vikes, percs and oxy's, especially cocktailing them with alcohol, i was like wow, the messages are starting to get out there to the public more now and hopefully that could help people to not have to go thru the misery that comes from abusing them. jewels
I don't get it? Why do you think that was dumb? I have to remind myself that not everyone is an addict and there are people out there who can truly use those meds and do so responsibly. I think we are so cynical because of our history...I think I get what you're saying though now that I think about it. xxxooo
Opiates for menstral cramps? Isn't that a bit extreme? How many of us here were given opiates for pain not knowing a damn thing about addiction and found ourselves enjoying the energy and the buzz and before we knew it things were out of control? I still think they are overprescribed. No, not everyone is an addict but everyone can become drug dependant. I'm still not sure of the difference <G>
I was given pp's for my periods, I had endometrosis..it's about as painful as it gets. So maybe that's what they mean? The way I read it, they were talking about percocet and vicodin for migraines...???
Yeah the opioids were an option for chronic headache that didnt resolve using other means.

I dont think there is anything wrong with this article, in fact I think its really good by giving lots of alternatives for the varying pain types.