
I've been reading a lot lately but not posting. Trying to take a step back from it all. Well here's some news. My son's father has not been doing good and I have refused to see him. He's the one that was at the court ordered rehab and just left a few weeks ago. Well yesterday he told me that this new guy he hangs out with uses Dust? Does anyone have any info on this? Anyway, I immediately knew he was too if he's hanging out with him. But he told me he has to stay away from him and away from drinking. Then calls at night and he's with the guy. He kept asking me to go to the movies and I said no. But he kept calling and sounding soo nice and happy but I still said NO. Then he calls and says he needs gas money as he is on empty and I said absolutely not and told him not to call back. I could tell he was high. He admitted in the morning that it was dust, but I don't know what that is. Then he calls and said that he called the rehab, they'll take him back and even found a detox for him to go to first. He is having major problems finding a ride but is staying positive that he will get there. He's supposed to be there soon so I pray that he gets there. He did this on his own. I didn't push as I know that will not help. I've brought him to detox by pushing him to go and he left the next day. So who knows what will happen with him now. I just hope he gets there and I can have some peace and quiet from the phone.
Can anyone give me any info on the dust?

Thank you,
Could be "Angel Dust", sorry don't know too much about it.
according to a website that lists street slang for various drugs, etc.:

Dust - heroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with various chemicals

The site includes a whole list of slang terms for drugs and paraphanilia. Here's the site for reference:
