My friend's bf is addicted to DXM, how can I help both of them. I know he needs treatment and it will be a life long battle, but this is not the kind of life for her. There really needs to be more info in the media about the use of DXM and how easy it is to get.
Hi and sorry to hear about your friends. DXM (Dextromethorphan) is widely abused and is a growing problem. What can you do for you friends? The guy abusing DXM has to want to get help, otherise there is nothing you can do. If he wants to get help he should confide in a Dr.
Your friend needs to know that he will only stop when he is ready and that if he doesnt his problem will get progressively worse. If he is not willing to get help, there is no future in their relationship. I guess you will need to let them figure this out for themselves. You need to take care of yourself and see if you can advise your friend to do the same.
Your friend needs to know that he will only stop when he is ready and that if he doesnt his problem will get progressively worse. If he is not willing to get help, there is no future in their relationship. I guess you will need to let them figure this out for themselves. You need to take care of yourself and see if you can advise your friend to do the same.
Dxm is a bad problem... this is actually my 13th day of sobriety from it.. which to me is a really big deal.
it really sent my life spirialing downhill and i know its tough to watch other people you care about make mistakes like this but really the only thing you can do is try to guide them.
so many people tried to get me to stop and i promised that i would so many times... but i had to hit my own bottom and realize that it just wasn't worth it.
the reason i stopped was because my best friend ODed and she was convulsing and she actualy stopped breathing... she survived but she hasn't really been the same...
i hope that your friend and her bf don't have to go that far before they see how detrimental it is
it really sent my life spirialing downhill and i know its tough to watch other people you care about make mistakes like this but really the only thing you can do is try to guide them.
so many people tried to get me to stop and i promised that i would so many times... but i had to hit my own bottom and realize that it just wasn't worth it.
the reason i stopped was because my best friend ODed and she was convulsing and she actualy stopped breathing... she survived but she hasn't really been the same...
i hope that your friend and her bf don't have to go that far before they see how detrimental it is