Easter Weekend

hey all, we (me and my b/f) went away easter weekend, I was abit worried cause we went the same place as last time and one of his main dealers lives there, but all turned out pretty well, we did drop in on his dealer but he only got pot, he was strong and said no when his dealer asked him if he wanted any ox blood (which sends him very stupid especially with how much he takes, it's not unusual to kill people with the doesage he usually has at any one time, as he told me), but he was saying just up the road when we left the dealers house how much he needed it. he told me that he had been on s*** all week (not as good as the ox blood) I did know he'd been taking all week already but hadn't said anything, we had a fairly good weekend but he was worn out and slept alot, I see my sleeping patterns changing with his so i'm getting abit worn out myself. we had quite a good talk about the drugs well he did and I just listened, said how he needs to get of the drugs and for himself no one else (thats a start), like he said his done it before he can do it again, we decided that I wouldn't move with him until he sorts himself out his got a plan for when he moves and if it works then I'll move in with him, so he'll be 3 hours away from me and its gunna be hard, were used to seeing each other every day/night but were both gunna be working full time. so a big change there. he said that his guuna stop talking about the drugs because I only get upset when I gets talked about, probably true cause I try to block it out when its not mentioned, but I like him letting me know whats going on but its hard to listen to it, I don't know what to say when he is talking about it, I don't want him to think I think its ok (I know he doesn't), but I'll never tell him what to do, and I'll never nag him, you don't get anywhere nagging, but he is guuna talk about it when feels he wants to (that was my words to him - to talk when he wants to)
Hi Snoop,
I have to ask because I have never heard this before, but what is ox blood?
What is your boyfriend's plan?
What has your boyfriend been on all week? I'm sorry - I can't quite remember your story.
Why is he moving away or is that part of his plan?

Ox blood is a liquid methamphetamines, but the ox blood he injects is pure, what he was on all week was speed but not pure so doesn't f*** him up as much (excuse my language). I'll tell you some background on our story which will explain why he is moving, well ok, we are australians, I live in a small country town, with one pub, a lawn bowls club which is mainly for the oldies to drink at and about 5 shops, so in the short nothing to do!, I meet my boyfriend thru mutual friends on a visit from melbourne (where he lived - which is a different state than where I live) which is about a 10hr drive each way from where i live, we clicked and well yeah. he has had 6 months work up where I live, so his been staying with his best mate and my very good mate, but the work is coming to a end in a couple weeks, he can't live here I know that, so we split the difference (with 2.5 - 3 hours each way from each other) and his gunna move to canberra (Australian Capital Territory) where there he can keep busy, start his own business up again, and with the goal to get the cash to buy property and build his house (his a builder), get back into his kick boxing (as he was the kick boxing champion of victoria - a state in Australia), and be able to get back to seeing his doctor on a regular bases, that has helped him in the past to get of the drugs, so the help he needs is there not where I live.