Elim Garak...please Check In, My Friend...

I miss you, I miss your wit, your understanding, your wonderful way with words that make me stop & really search deep inside and think...I miss you...

I haven't seen you post in a very long time so if you're out there reading, pop in and let us know "how's things"....

NOW I fully understand WHY the name Elim Garak...saw the episode the other night.
I too miss your wonderful way with words. Check in ok?

(waving at Stacey!)
Cowgirl, you are killing me with that picture......Been away from my honey too long.
Where in the world is Elim Garak?
I don't know...I sent an e-mail shout out yesterday too so hopefully Elim will check in and brighten our day...xoxo

I actually haven't been on the board, even to look for quite awhile. I owe some good folks some e-mails as well. Its good to see some recovery talk still going on. Do not worry, I am on Planet Earth, not Planet Elim. I still go to 5-6 AA meetings a week, have a step study, and am crazy busy at work. I am actually now doing some 12th step work as well, can you belive that? Me? Elim? Obvious signs the apocalypse is upon us.....

I am working on that youthful glow as I am using a fair amount of P-32 at work. Geiger counter central. Getting some nice data. House work, yard work, woh my.

I am typing this from Green Bay WI as I have just completed the Bellin Walk (its a 10K walk or run). I walked, my spouse ran. My time is going to be about 1:24 and spouse's is about :53. Not too bad. Kind of tired though.

Hey, thanks for thinking of me, it is nice. I hope those who asked are doing well also. Beautiful day out so I am going to go out again and enjoy Planet Earth.....
Helooooo Elim

Waving wildly from the southern tip of Africa

~big smile~

I still go to 5-6 AA meetings a week, have a step study, and am crazy busy at work. I am actually now doing some 12th step work as well, can you belive that? Me? Elim?

You've been doing 12th step work longer than you realize ~smile~

Thanks for checking in and I'm so happy you're out & about enjoying Planet Earth....

Nice to see you Elim. I spent the weekend with my sponsor doing the dreaded First Step again. Again. I swear, it's the step, that's the gift that keeps on giving. I was on Planet Lisa...back to Earth now, no problem.