I wanted to post to you yesterday but ran out of time and now see that your thread is locked. I'm just really curious...did you get to that meeting? Is it one close by you? Do you know the times? If there is anything I can do to help you get to that meeting, please let me know. Another thing, I would really like for you to have an NA book. I would be so happy to send you one if you can't find or afford one. Take care, Cowgirl
thankyou so much for caring cowgirl! i was just on the prescription page board and jeff is calling me a liar! i did get that rohypnol or "hynodorm" as it was called from a legal doctor.....as i said an incompetant one maybe but it was a doctor!!! i dont know why i let him make me angry!
i have decided to go to a drug and alcohol counsellor first and i am going early next week!!!
thankyou again for caring!!!!
i have decided to go to a drug and alcohol counsellor first and i am going early next week!!!
thankyou again for caring!!!!
big hugs elvis...........
get angry and do something to step into the soulution.
your beautiful and worth it.
jeffery cares
get angry and do something to step into the soulution.
your beautiful and worth it.
jeffery cares
thankyou thumper, but personally i dont really think he "cares" about me as much as he likes to make fun of me.
i really did get it from a doctor and i didnt ask for it as i didnt even know about it flu......whatever its called. yes from what i have been told since i am appauled this doctor gave this to me!!! and silent partner is also correct about me not knowing so much about different names of types of drugs. but as i stated im going to a drug and alcohol counsellor, i am the first one to acknowledge i have a pill prob. as whenever there is a problem i think "oh what can i take"?!?!!??!!? but i never asked for these "roofies".
thankyou for ur support also thumper and yes keekee i agree a job comes just as important right now for me!
take care
p.s i never even told my nan when i found out what i had been given as it would make her furious!! someone actually told me i should report the doctor!?!?
i really did get it from a doctor and i didnt ask for it as i didnt even know about it flu......whatever its called. yes from what i have been told since i am appauled this doctor gave this to me!!! and silent partner is also correct about me not knowing so much about different names of types of drugs. but as i stated im going to a drug and alcohol counsellor, i am the first one to acknowledge i have a pill prob. as whenever there is a problem i think "oh what can i take"?!?!!??!!? but i never asked for these "roofies".
thankyou for ur support also thumper and yes keekee i agree a job comes just as important right now for me!
take care
p.s i never even told my nan when i found out what i had been given as it would make her furious!! someone actually told me i should report the doctor!?!?
Elvis, I think that might be a good idea. It's possible that the doctor made a medication error and got the names mixed up (if the names were similar). The least you should do is call the doctor and talk to him/her.
But you definitely have to do something about it.
There's no room for passivity in this game (as I am learning).
But you definitely have to do something about it.
There's no room for passivity in this game (as I am learning).
When one of your doctors tells you "here, take this" tell them no. You can tell them that if they give it to you you will abuse it and you don't want it. It's ok to say no even to a doctor. They are not gods. Happiness is not in the bottom of a pill bottle. It's inside you.
When one of your doctors tells you "here, take this" tell them no. You can tell them that if they give it to you you will abuse it and you don't want it. It's ok to say no even to a doctor. They are not gods. Happiness is not in the bottom of a pill bottle. It's inside you.
Elvis Hun Its been along time since I wrote you & I realize you dont have the easiest life.I have watched you go through all this for 2 years now.I know it may seem as if people are ganging up on you but I feel its because we do care.If only you could see yourself as the beautiful person we see.
Kats right,so many of us think Drs know everything etc,when really hun THEY work FOR US.
Elvis I know its NOT easy telling a DR NO when hes offering you a drug that may be your DOC but to really fight this fight you MUST say enough,I dont want this,I dont need this.
Please understand Im not trying to be harsh at all but I would LOVE to come on here & read that you DID try a meeting,or you DID go to an addiction specialist.
Your worth so much more than what has been happening.
We all at one time or another have tried to help & support you but unless YOU take a proactive role in your recovery your going to stay stuck.eLVIS THERE is a good life without drugs.After my usen & abusing for 20 yup 20 years Im learning this.Its not easy but anything worth while is worth fighting for.
Please know I say this with nothing but love & kindness for you,I see you as being so much more.....
Kats right,so many of us think Drs know everything etc,when really hun THEY work FOR US.
Elvis I know its NOT easy telling a DR NO when hes offering you a drug that may be your DOC but to really fight this fight you MUST say enough,I dont want this,I dont need this.
Please understand Im not trying to be harsh at all but I would LOVE to come on here & read that you DID try a meeting,or you DID go to an addiction specialist.
Your worth so much more than what has been happening.
We all at one time or another have tried to help & support you but unless YOU take a proactive role in your recovery your going to stay stuck.eLVIS THERE is a good life without drugs.After my usen & abusing for 20 yup 20 years Im learning this.Its not easy but anything worth while is worth fighting for.
Please know I say this with nothing but love & kindness for you,I see you as being so much more.....
Hey E...I'm glad to hear that you're going to a drug counselor...but what about the meetings?
Are you going to go?
Just curious.
As far as what other people think of you? It's none of your business and as long as you're doing the right thing, no one can question you. So think about that the next time one of these drs gives you something you KNOW isn't right. And honey? Stop going to drs. Lots of people get the flu every day and don't need a dr. Buck up girl...get a little tougher. lol
Take care
Are you going to go?
Just curious.
As far as what other people think of you? It's none of your business and as long as you're doing the right thing, no one can question you. So think about that the next time one of these drs gives you something you KNOW isn't right. And honey? Stop going to drs. Lots of people get the flu every day and don't need a dr. Buck up girl...get a little tougher. lol
Take care
Lisa, You hit the nail on the head. Who cares what other people think of you as long as you know you are doing the right thing. It took me a long time to realize that. Thanks for the reminder. Shantel
Something I need to remind myself of every day Shantell. I know in my heart that I've done nothing wrong or if I did make a mistake, I made it right. That's all I have to worry about.
man,, all I can say is where is Elvis living... I want to go there.... if all you gotta do is show up to a doctor esp one with access to medical info that is supposed to have in it that I am an addict and he/they still give me valium.. of course only a few..lol.. now roofies.... and before ambien..ect.... wow.. where was these docs when I was out 'having fun'... or was it sitting at home on my arse obsessing about pills and symptoms not working a job let alone a program?... man seems like I got out just before the internet ordering thing and didnt live in the right area to contact these supposed idiot docs of elvis'.....lol.. lucky me....
seems like this is sooo ironic.. I have gotten blasted time and time again for writing some of the same stuff that was in the last thread.. trying to call her on her crap... trying to make her see the falisies of her actions and thinking... but I was mean, and hateful... no now you all see that maybe having been in recovery for a few years I can spot someone in denial a mile away..... I gave up posting to her a long time ago mainly cause why waste my time until I see from her any signs that she is ready to really listen.... and two because I got real tired of the focus going from her to how mean and nasty I was..... anyway.... if you really wanted to go to the meeting you would have went without this nan person.... life is passing both of you by....
and as for the subsidizing thing... I agree to... I am not sure what country she is in be if she is here in the us my presence at my job is more than likely paying her abuse of doctors, meds and her general whining inaction..... I can honestly say that I recent the heck out of it.... anyway
elvis, I hope truely hope that some day you get clean and in recovery... I dotn want you looking over your nans casket and think..'boy sure wish she could have spent some time with me without worry and got to know the real me . the me that isnt obsessing about pills' I hope you find your way while you both can reep the benifits.. not only do you deserve it if you work for it but she deserves it for all the crap that she has endured whether it was her choice or not.....
have a great day all....
seems like this is sooo ironic.. I have gotten blasted time and time again for writing some of the same stuff that was in the last thread.. trying to call her on her crap... trying to make her see the falisies of her actions and thinking... but I was mean, and hateful... no now you all see that maybe having been in recovery for a few years I can spot someone in denial a mile away..... I gave up posting to her a long time ago mainly cause why waste my time until I see from her any signs that she is ready to really listen.... and two because I got real tired of the focus going from her to how mean and nasty I was..... anyway.... if you really wanted to go to the meeting you would have went without this nan person.... life is passing both of you by....
and as for the subsidizing thing... I agree to... I am not sure what country she is in be if she is here in the us my presence at my job is more than likely paying her abuse of doctors, meds and her general whining inaction..... I can honestly say that I recent the heck out of it.... anyway
elvis, I hope truely hope that some day you get clean and in recovery... I dotn want you looking over your nans casket and think..'boy sure wish she could have spent some time with me without worry and got to know the real me . the me that isnt obsessing about pills' I hope you find your way while you both can reep the benifits.. not only do you deserve it if you work for it but she deserves it for all the crap that she has endured whether it was her choice or not.....
have a great day all....
Molly nobody is ganging up on this person.
Simply put if Elvis has anxiety issues she needs to figure out how to deal with them without running to a doctor for a pill.
If you read what she writes? 2+yrs Look people all have different time tables. So maybe someone else can help her.
If Elvis wants to lash out and call me a liar? LOL hey good for her.
Hey if this addict wants to continue to write asking for help and then lash out at the people trying to help her? She is in denial.
She has an answer to anybody who has suggested advice.
Rehab? Meetings ? her answer is a doctor and a script. Elvis does not consider herself an addict like a junkie who tricks gets $$and shoots Junk.
I have met and shared a room with a junkie who was a doctor. I met a man in rehab who speedball and went nuts bet 5 games 50,000 a game lost the 250,000 the bookie waived the Vig.
lost his house practice marriage -kids ruined a paradise. Destroyed all his relationships with his family.
I have many stories from my past. 64 names in my NA book. Back in 1987--each year the book had less telephone #s that worked. Finally its down to one person. He is MR AA--thousands and thousands of days sober. Sickest addict I ever met. One of my best friends. 38yrs we know one another. Nobody knows me like he does. I am so lucky to have him in my life.
Elvis this disease attacks all races religions--Poor people Rich people poor people no hiding from this DEVIL--Its truly a "BAFFLING DISEASE"
I pray you get honest with yourself. Start listening to all the positive feedback you have received. Your quite lucky that all these people are trying to help you.
What are you doing to help Elvis? Time to take ACTION Elvis. You cant manipulate this disease.
Simply put if Elvis has anxiety issues she needs to figure out how to deal with them without running to a doctor for a pill.
If you read what she writes? 2+yrs Look people all have different time tables. So maybe someone else can help her.
If Elvis wants to lash out and call me a liar? LOL hey good for her.
Hey if this addict wants to continue to write asking for help and then lash out at the people trying to help her? She is in denial.
She has an answer to anybody who has suggested advice.
Rehab? Meetings ? her answer is a doctor and a script. Elvis does not consider herself an addict like a junkie who tricks gets $$and shoots Junk.
I have met and shared a room with a junkie who was a doctor. I met a man in rehab who speedball and went nuts bet 5 games 50,000 a game lost the 250,000 the bookie waived the Vig.
lost his house practice marriage -kids ruined a paradise. Destroyed all his relationships with his family.
I have many stories from my past. 64 names in my NA book. Back in 1987--each year the book had less telephone #s that worked. Finally its down to one person. He is MR AA--thousands and thousands of days sober. Sickest addict I ever met. One of my best friends. 38yrs we know one another. Nobody knows me like he does. I am so lucky to have him in my life.
Elvis this disease attacks all races religions--Poor people Rich people poor people no hiding from this DEVIL--Its truly a "BAFFLING DISEASE"
I pray you get honest with yourself. Start listening to all the positive feedback you have received. Your quite lucky that all these people are trying to help you.
What are you doing to help Elvis? Time to take ACTION Elvis. You cant manipulate this disease.
Teresa you have always given this person great advice.
Its a shame. Jail Institutions or death. This is our fate. I was one of the lucky ones.
I lived.
Your a smart woman.
Enjoy your day
Its a shame. Jail Institutions or death. This is our fate. I was one of the lucky ones.
I lived.
Your a smart woman.
Enjoy your day
Hey Jeff I didnt think I said "people were ganging up on her"What I said was
I know it may seem as if people are ganging up on you but I feel its because we do care
Meaning it to her it may seem like it.I know you Jeff & I know your intetions were good.
I along with many others have in at least since Ive been here have tried to give as much love & support that we can,BUT unless Evlis or whoever it may be is willing to put an effort into recovery all the support wont work.This we all know.
I would LOVE to see that shes tried a meeting or anything as far as getting help.I believe going to an addiction councialer is a step in the right direction but SHE must be the one to do it.
I also know as Im sure you & others know that its not always easy to turn down drugs that a Dr has offered us.BUT its something that a person NEEDS to do if they are trying.
Addiction to put it bluntly....SUCKS,getting sober is alot of hard work but well worth it/Those of us who have gotten to where we are got here through hard work.A determination to get our lives back.
By now Elvis knows & has seen it can be done,but nobody can do it for her or any of us.WE have to do it for ourselves.
I know it may seem as if people are ganging up on you but I feel its because we do care
Meaning it to her it may seem like it.I know you Jeff & I know your intetions were good.
I along with many others have in at least since Ive been here have tried to give as much love & support that we can,BUT unless Evlis or whoever it may be is willing to put an effort into recovery all the support wont work.This we all know.
I would LOVE to see that shes tried a meeting or anything as far as getting help.I believe going to an addiction councialer is a step in the right direction but SHE must be the one to do it.
I also know as Im sure you & others know that its not always easy to turn down drugs that a Dr has offered us.BUT its something that a person NEEDS to do if they are trying.
Addiction to put it bluntly....SUCKS,getting sober is alot of hard work but well worth it/Those of us who have gotten to where we are got here through hard work.A determination to get our lives back.
By now Elvis knows & has seen it can be done,but nobody can do it for her or any of us.WE have to do it for ourselves.
Elvis doesn't just somehow automatically "morph" to the Doctors office....she is in her late 20's...is it 28 Elvis? She knows only to well what happens when she presents herself there. She will get drugs!!!
This is the actions of a person in active addiction! Until something changes.....well....nothing changes!
Elvis knows what to do...she just doesn't want to YET!
This is the actions of a person in active addiction! Until something changes.....well....nothing changes!
Elvis knows what to do...she just doesn't want to YET!
Elvis is in austrailia.
I'm getting sick of the denial. it makes me nauseous. This has been going on SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO incredibly Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.
Elvis, get your a** to a meeting... NOW. NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!
Do not go to that doctor again, do not say anything about you're not sleeping well. You're not sleeping well cause your body is full of drugs. You know good and well that saying that will get you 'downers' ... you know that... don't act like you don't. I've played the game... we all have. you knew exactly what you were doing.
You've had some rough times, but you haven't hit your rock bottom. You apparently are going to HAVE to before you start to get real. I pray you do very very very soon. You're going to fool around with your life until it's gone. Don't you say nobody has been there for you...nobody warned you... cause people have given you the best advice...FREE advice... and you refuse to take it.
So you're going to a counselor?? I pray to GOD that is true, but why keep waiting? GO to AA, NA, ALANON...ANYTHING NOW!
I'm getting sick of the denial. it makes me nauseous. This has been going on SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO incredibly Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.
Elvis, get your a** to a meeting... NOW. NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!
Do not go to that doctor again, do not say anything about you're not sleeping well. You're not sleeping well cause your body is full of drugs. You know good and well that saying that will get you 'downers' ... you know that... don't act like you don't. I've played the game... we all have. you knew exactly what you were doing.
You've had some rough times, but you haven't hit your rock bottom. You apparently are going to HAVE to before you start to get real. I pray you do very very very soon. You're going to fool around with your life until it's gone. Don't you say nobody has been there for you...nobody warned you... cause people have given you the best advice...FREE advice... and you refuse to take it.
So you're going to a counselor?? I pray to GOD that is true, but why keep waiting? GO to AA, NA, ALANON...ANYTHING NOW!
Has there ever been anyother person on this board that has eaten up so much of our energy, like Elvis?
I along with all of you pray that someday, soemhow she will stop the denial and act, but until then I can only continue to pray for her. I,personally will stop posting. I feel that my efforts have done nothing, but drag it all out. If she were one of my sponsorees, I'd been all over her case, long before now.
Elvis, you said you are going to an addiction Dr. on mon. GO!!!! Don't waste another minute. Ther have been countless postings re meetings, treatment facilities, etc, I personally think you need an inpatient program, far away from your family, where you can tackle all you problems.
Good Luck
I'm signing off on this one
I along with all of you pray that someday, soemhow she will stop the denial and act, but until then I can only continue to pray for her. I,personally will stop posting. I feel that my efforts have done nothing, but drag it all out. If she were one of my sponsorees, I'd been all over her case, long before now.
Elvis, you said you are going to an addiction Dr. on mon. GO!!!! Don't waste another minute. Ther have been countless postings re meetings, treatment facilities, etc, I personally think you need an inpatient program, far away from your family, where you can tackle all you problems.
Good Luck
I'm signing off on this one
kafo, You couldn't have worded it better. Elvis is feeding off all of these post. If everyone would stop responding to her maybe she would seek some f2f help. We cannot help her here everyone has tried. I think it was Teresa who said maybe if she gave just a little to show she was trying to help herself then people would respond to her post differently. I think we are all frustrated. Shantel
posted by teresachey1
I so do like what you post that I really felt for you with this post. Its like an old Russian proverb says
Be careful what you wish for......, you may get it.
It perhaps is the Higher Power intervention or the dumb, totally undeserved luck of the universe that I, and you, perhaps didn't have a "sugar parent" doctor who gave all like Pez. How much fun, is that? NONE and you and I both know it, and looking at it now, and looking at Elvis, I don't have resentment, I have relief....
I just hope you don't have too much resentment over this. It is so not worth it. If people didn't like what you posted to Elvis, as AA says......
what others think about me is none of my business
As long as you weren't being verbally/emotionally abusive (and no, telling someone that perhaps quitting drugs and getting therapy/going to meetings is the way to recovery is NOT abusive), you have no reason for any type of amends.
Truly, this whole Elvis thing makes me...sad, bemused, and acts like a fantastic warning and wake-up call for me. Sad, because if what she posts is correct, here is a person who: 1) Has trouble functioning on a basic level. 2) Crippling social anxiety 3) Emotionally/physically abusive family. 4) Pops some benzo/tranquilizer or another like Pez.....
For whatever reason, she cannot....or will not...think that she can and will be able to change the situation. Why? absolutely no idea. If I had continued on the path I was on, I had a good chance of being in a situation with more than a vague resemblance to hers. Just reading this, makes my hair stand up. I would rather be dead. So I will do, no matter how uncomfortable it gets, whatever it takes to make sure I get AND STAY in the real world, chemical free and utilize whatever help I need along the way and really, really interact with people, not just the Internet.
I must give her props though, I absolutely could not live like that, she is tougher than I... Why she keeps posting like she does, I could only speculate, no data, so I won't. The only observations I have is that she is not in any type of recovery program and is still taking some tranquilizer/benzo or another and continues to go to doctors to acquire such medications.
But I don't want you to feel resentment over other peoples' attitudes toward your posts to Elvis. Not worth it. You don't need approval. I don't post for approval or to generate controversy. If people never responded to my posts, that would be fine, I can type to hear myself think, that works. Don't give anyone that much power over you. All the "effort" the board has "expended" on Elvis, I think, "Well what do you expect? What was one's real motivation?" I am not under one iota of illusion I could do or say anything that really could help..or hurt..her..or anyone else for that matter. I really want to avoid any "messiah complex". My experience is really all I can give.
And I can tell you that your experience, as you have written it, really helps me. It gives assurance that my experiences are not unique and gives me guideposts as well on how to use the 12-steps. Yup, that is help. You show and I watch, listen, learn and apply. That is how it works.....
all I can say is where is Elvis living... I want to go there.... if all you gotta do is show up to a doctor esp one with access to medical info that is supposed to have in it that I am an addict and he/they still give me valium.. of course only a few..lol.. now roofies.... and before ambien..ect.... wow.. where was these docs when I was out 'having fun'... or was it sitting at home on my arse obsessing about pills and symptoms not working a job let alone a program?. |
I so do like what you post that I really felt for you with this post. Its like an old Russian proverb says
Be careful what you wish for......, you may get it.
It perhaps is the Higher Power intervention or the dumb, totally undeserved luck of the universe that I, and you, perhaps didn't have a "sugar parent" doctor who gave all like Pez. How much fun, is that? NONE and you and I both know it, and looking at it now, and looking at Elvis, I don't have resentment, I have relief....
I just hope you don't have too much resentment over this. It is so not worth it. If people didn't like what you posted to Elvis, as AA says......
what others think about me is none of my business
As long as you weren't being verbally/emotionally abusive (and no, telling someone that perhaps quitting drugs and getting therapy/going to meetings is the way to recovery is NOT abusive), you have no reason for any type of amends.
Truly, this whole Elvis thing makes me...sad, bemused, and acts like a fantastic warning and wake-up call for me. Sad, because if what she posts is correct, here is a person who: 1) Has trouble functioning on a basic level. 2) Crippling social anxiety 3) Emotionally/physically abusive family. 4) Pops some benzo/tranquilizer or another like Pez.....
For whatever reason, she cannot....or will not...think that she can and will be able to change the situation. Why? absolutely no idea. If I had continued on the path I was on, I had a good chance of being in a situation with more than a vague resemblance to hers. Just reading this, makes my hair stand up. I would rather be dead. So I will do, no matter how uncomfortable it gets, whatever it takes to make sure I get AND STAY in the real world, chemical free and utilize whatever help I need along the way and really, really interact with people, not just the Internet.
I must give her props though, I absolutely could not live like that, she is tougher than I... Why she keeps posting like she does, I could only speculate, no data, so I won't. The only observations I have is that she is not in any type of recovery program and is still taking some tranquilizer/benzo or another and continues to go to doctors to acquire such medications.
But I don't want you to feel resentment over other peoples' attitudes toward your posts to Elvis. Not worth it. You don't need approval. I don't post for approval or to generate controversy. If people never responded to my posts, that would be fine, I can type to hear myself think, that works. Don't give anyone that much power over you. All the "effort" the board has "expended" on Elvis, I think, "Well what do you expect? What was one's real motivation?" I am not under one iota of illusion I could do or say anything that really could help..or hurt..her..or anyone else for that matter. I really want to avoid any "messiah complex". My experience is really all I can give.
And I can tell you that your experience, as you have written it, really helps me. It gives assurance that my experiences are not unique and gives me guideposts as well on how to use the 12-steps. Yup, that is help. You show and I watch, listen, learn and apply. That is how it works.....