last night I had my monthly check in with my sub dr. I had a slip last month due to a root canal and so he called my dentist to tell him I was on sub and blah, blah, blah. And he said my dentist said oh now it makes sense why her teeth are in such bad shape with cavitities and needing root canals because she's an addict and doesn't take care of her personal hygiene.
It just made me feel ashamed yes a lot of not going to the dentist was due to my drug use (percocets, oxy's) I just didn't care. But now I am off all that and it's still hard as a single Mom to find time for dentist and drs. appointments for me.. It's hard enough to get the time off to take the kids to all their appointments.
I think he meant well it just made me feel like a loser who is a mess.
And now I am in between Drs. my primary left the practice so I have to find another one and schedule a physical before my next appointment with my sub dr. so he can call them and tell them about my addiction. What about HIPPA and my privacy? I went to this guy for confidentiality. I'm just confused and a little mad at my sub dr.
Thanks for listening.
One thing I have learned is that there is no confidentiality among Dr's. Doesn't seem to matter how many documents you sign the information still gets around. You should hear them hack their patients on the golf course....makes you want to slam a five iron right up the side of their head.
Dear B, Please don't be upset about your physician's sharing information. You have nothing to be ashamed of.....you are taking treatment to help your recovery, It probably is best if each medical person you consult with is aware of your overall physical situation, and which medications you are using.
Give yourself credit for taking control of your life, and seeking treatment. You have much to be proud of.
I wish you nothing but success. rita
Give yourself credit for taking control of your life, and seeking treatment. You have much to be proud of.
I wish you nothing but success. rita
Hi Bebeeh....I'm not sure about the laws concerning sharing info between drs, but I do kinda see how you feel the way you do. I feel like it is our choice to divulge that kind of info to whom we want. I would feel a little bad too....but on the other hand it does provide a safety net for you....meaning now you can't get pills from your dentist if you have a slip. Sometimes it takes others to put those safety nets in place for us. But I do see where you are coming from. Good to see you posting!
Medical professionals are allowed to share information by HIPPA
In addition, when you see a doctor, you usually sign an agreement of some kind (hidden in the patient history or somewhere) also giving them permission.
But your dentist is an a-hole anyway.
In addition, when you see a doctor, you usually sign an agreement of some kind (hidden in the patient history or somewhere) also giving them permission.
But your dentist is an a-hole anyway.
Oh, I forgot........I would be so ticked at that dentist saying that kind of thing about hygiene.... what a jerk!
I would get a new dentist, too. That remark was totally unprofessional. Not too mention how you even found out what your dentist said. Did your Sub doc tell you? If so, he's a jerk, too.
There are plenty of reasons people don't get the proper dental care, and I would say drug addicition is probably NOT the most common. The expense would be number one for me.
There are plenty of reasons people don't get the proper dental care, and I would say drug addicition is probably NOT the most common. The expense would be number one for me.
That is horrible, Beebah, and I wouldn't ever go back. As someone else asked, how do you know what the dentist said? If the sub. dr. told you, he's a major jerk and you should tell him so.
I live in a rather small town where everybody knows everybody else's business, and was worried about the same thing.....drs. telling other doctors..... I have had 2 of my drs. tell me that no way would they ever repeat to other drs. what I have told them about my addiction. I assumed they would, but they said due to confidentiality AND moral laws, they would not. They might be lying, or they might just be nice guys. Hope it's the latter.
I live in a rather small town where everybody knows everybody else's business, and was worried about the same thing.....drs. telling other doctors..... I have had 2 of my drs. tell me that no way would they ever repeat to other drs. what I have told them about my addiction. I assumed they would, but they said due to confidentiality AND moral laws, they would not. They might be lying, or they might just be nice guys. Hope it's the latter.
Thanks for listenening.
I am mad at my sub Dr. and I do want to tell him off... He charges $200 a session and all he does is ask me if I'm using, does a uring sample and writes my script. He won't take checks and won't do payment plans. He takes the money right up front and the worst he puts it in his pocket. makes me feel like he is a drug dealer too.........
I am mad at my sub Dr. and I do want to tell him off... He charges $200 a session and all he does is ask me if I'm using, does a uring sample and writes my script. He won't take checks and won't do payment plans. He takes the money right up front and the worst he puts it in his pocket. makes me feel like he is a drug dealer too.........
Find new doctors all around..your sub doctor sounds like a quack..
that seems really really unprofessional!!--puts it in his pocket?? do you get a receipt--i hope so, should he be reporting this or like keeping track, maybe you should talk to the medical board--but then again, you dont want to screw up your subs--what a hard situation!!! dont feel bad--im sure both those doctors have their own vices and have family members w3ho are addicts, you are not alone--my teeth are not doing too good, and insurance is so dang expensive i can forgewt about trying to have anything major done!!! sorry this happened to you