just wanted to let some people know i am still alive and the wife has not killed me yet still taking my sub and seeing the doctors been really sick and work has been crazy so i have not had time to get on hope everyone is well and fighing hard
johnny you hang in and be cool man i will try to call you tomorrow
cowgirl the wife told me to read your post on sub i thought is was real good thanks for writing that
neon saw your post a couple days back about sub taking it gives me a chance to have some kind of normal life and it has been a long time since the pain did not rule things it is nice to enjoy things again
none just saw your post about na thats how things should be whatever works no matter if it is the first or fifth time
john the pats gave them eagles plenty of chances to take the game but that had no heart
kerry marina poopie and everyone else thinking about you all be good
Hey BA, good to see you post and glad things are going well. I don't have to deal with chronic pain issues -- I made mine up. lol Seriously, I have a lot of respect for your struggle. Misty said you weren't a Philadelphia fan, so I won't offer my condolences on the game....but if Oneill reads this, PAY UP! (just kidding Mike)
BA... glad to see your still alive, although not for one minute would I beleive that your sweet wife would have anything to do with your demise...but I wouldn't push my luck if I were you.
Keep doing what your doing..it's working.
Keep doing what your doing..it's working.