Ex Model Charged With Doctor Shopping

I'm posting this to show what pill addiction can do to our looks. What a difference a few years can make!

Click here.
Hope she gets help instead of prison.

If the cops down there are so good at arresting one person for doctor shopping, how come they can't shut down the hundreds of pain clinics that pop up every day in Florida? I watched a program about it and it said that the majority of the nation's supply of oxy comes from those pain clinic's in Florida...

That's who they should be going after.
Wow. She doesn't look like the same person.

If anyone reads this article please explain what this quote means...it came from her attorney....
"These cases are really like rearranging pool furniture on the Titanic."

I don't get it.

Hello people,

Just popped in and saw this.

She was in playboy in 1992? So the "now" photo 20yrs after her playboy appearance. Ummm I looked a hell of alot better two decades ago too! Not saying drug abuse didn't age her at all, but can u imagine if she had abused meth for 20yrs? She would be looking a LOT worse. I am by no means defending drug abuse or doctor shopping but I mean I am in my mid fifties now and looked a hell of a lot better in my mid thirties...I'm just sayin.

Hope she gets help too, but it looks like the police may have screwed up on violation of privacy laws. I am all for drug intervention drug abuse prevention, but not at the cost of anyone's privacy. If the police can do it to a supposed "drug addict" and doctor shopper they can check out anyone's private records. Again I'm just sayin...

Hello to all the "oldies" who remember me. Have had some major health issues and just moving along with my life but like to check in here every once in a while and see what everyone is up to.

Hey to Kat and Lisa...Hope I don't pizz anyone off but it's only my observation anyway right?


I was thinking the same thing Lillypad. Not bad after 20 years. Could be a heck of a lot worse but I am glad Kat posted this.

I am just confused because there is so many more that do so much more than this playboy bunny. It said three local doctors. OMG> As Lisa mentioned, what about all those pain clinics and all those that pop to 10-20 doctors and pharmacies and let us not forget the online stuff.

There is just so much addiciton out there. Things like this make me so greatful for where I am at today. I do believe each and everyone who is introduced to recovery is a miracle and can't take this disease for granted.

Thanks Kat. Have a great day everyone
---->"These cases are really like rearranging pool furniture on the Titanic."

This is my spin on the statement.

The Titanic--a wonderful masterpiece of a ship beautifully made to be enjoyed and of service for a long time Meets it's demise by hitting an iceberg and well you know the rest.. Well it is serving as a Metaphor.

I assume for the State of America in 2010, or at least the state of The Drug problem in America in 2010.

The attorney sees it has a disaster with a rather horrible ending. That would be the drug problem, or America or either or both.

So as we head to our ruin, our sealed fate, by tying up the courts with bulls*** cases all we are really doing is shuffling around money and people without changing the course.

The pool furniture I would believe are metaphors for the people and monies involved in the drug business, both addicts and dealers.

We move the dealers around, we shut this one down, this one goes over here, this addict goes to jail, this one the pen, this one rehab, this one walks.

However, the attorney feels all this senseless tying up of the courts, moving people around and monies is a fruitless endeavor.

Apparently he views the real problem is the course we are on, and that if we keep our current course well the end is disastrous. No matter how the pool furniture is arranged.

But of course I could be wrong.

"These cases are really like rearranging pool furniture on the Titanic."

I think it means that the cops didn't get subponeas for her medical records which is wrong.They violated her civil rights.She obviously is an addict and it's illegal to doctor shop but there are still laws.The cops can't act like the gestapo.

A lot of states have a computerized monitoring system if you're getting multiple scripts filled for narcotics it red flags it.They notify the authorities and then get subponeas from the doctors etc.,like they did with Anna Nicole Smith.

And your right,20 years makes a difference on your looks regardless but still I see women in their early sixties that look better than that.

Florida is the worse state for narcotic traffic,especially pharmaceuticals.I am constantly getting calls on my cell phone to see if I want to buy Xanax,hydrocodone,etc. and they all have a 305 area code.They are also all Indians or Pakistanis.

It's my fault.I use to buy Norco from some fuitcake in Florida and my number has been tagged for years.I even called the DEA and they said their was nothing they could do.

"These cases are really like rearranging pool furniture on the Titanic."

That phrase pertains to the idea that,when faced with a big unsolvable problem, our tendency is to try to solve it with small inconsequential actions. You can rearrange deck chairs on a sinking ship all you want, but the ship will still sink and your efforts will be for naught.

This certainly pertains to being an addict in active addiction. We have a maddening tendency to make the same mistakes over and over, each time expecting a different result.

It pertains equally to police and politicians making a high profile bust for the political gain of showing some efforts in the face of an unsolvable problem. There are a lot of deck chairs, drug addiction is the sinking ship.

I think it has been pretty well established that you cannot legislate away the problem. No law will stop and addict with an obsession to use, and no law will stop a dope dealer from dealing dope.

Addiction has to be stopped one addict at a time. It is an inside job, and it is important that every sober addict lend a hand. Perhaps one day we will turn the tide. That is why I believe that the greatest gift a parent can give a child is the example of living clean and sober.

This is not age 32 vs age 50, this is more like age 20 vs age 38. No doubt she had a few high flying years at the Playboy mansion before things headed south for her. No doubt she had a lot of things handed to her, and my guess is that she got used by a few selfish people. Perhaps not. My wife makes the very appropriate point that her looks are not the issue.

My heart goes out to her. My guess is that this is not the first time she has been used by others for their own selfish purposes. My guess is that things will continue to go down hill for her until she stops doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.
Much better explanation.I thought it was a remark pertaining to the legality of the bust.
I thought it had to do with legalities too Tim, but wasn't certain what. Thanks for the explanations I just couldn't wrap my head around it.
Wow. I just thought it meant it was a fruitless pursuit. I see her lawyer as already written her off. He's gonna get her off due to the police's illegal tactics but the end will be the same. She'll get her dope elsewhere and remain a junky. (the lawyer's thinking, not mine) My opinion is that most non-addicts will never understand why we do what we do.

As for her looks, well a little makeup can do wonders. Ever see the stars without makeup?

It's not the years; it's the miles.
Hard to look good in an orange prison jump suit. Especially if it is compared to a pro photo with make up and air brushing.
Just "3" doctors? Damn, I'd hate to see what they'd do to me. I lost count!
I agree with August...photo touch up and airbrushing does amazing things. Ever look closely at those fashion mags? Not one single pore on a model's face. That's just not right. Nor is it real.

If her lawyer meant that he was writing her off and she would now get her drugs elsewhere..that makes me sad. I had said originally that I hope she got help, not prison and that mean mandated treatment time. That's how we beat this disease, one addict at a time.
Nah, he is not writing her off. I do not work in this area, but I do watch Law and Order and thus am an expert.

He will do a good job of defending her. His comment was geared toward garnering some public skepticism for what he wishes to characterize as a PR ploy by the local constabulary: Hey, busting my client will make as much impact as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic." He probably has a good point, but that does not mean she will get off.

I cannot say if she is innocent or guilty. The law presumes innocence, and he has raised some collateral defenses along the lines of "hey she may have done it but the cops went about getting the evidence in a wrong way."

Legal tactics go like this: If your client did not do it, establish a defense that goes to that fact. If you have no defense, blame the cops for doing a bad job. If you cannot blame the cops, blame the lawyers. If you cannot blame the lawyers, blame the news media.

Her lawyer is essentially blaming the cops by saying their evidence is not allowable. Draw what conclusions you may from that.
user posted image

This season starring Ace District Attorney, August West.

(gavel slams down - sound effects...da doooooom)
LAMO! Sammy! That's good stuff!
LOL...I totally see David in the front row....

A star is born! <beg>
Not sure which pic is of me but they all have better hair than me, which is to say they all have hair.