Today,another 40 minutes on the treadmill,and 20 on the elliptical.I love our YMCA,last year we had a local business man donate a million dollars to the Y.They redid alot of it.The exercise room is huge,with a track around the outside perimeter,all cardio on one side,strength training/weights on the other side and with 16 TV,all around the room.It is awesome!
Im getting ready to go with a trainer next week to help me with the strength training machines,im really not sure how to use them,how to adjust them,but he/she will show me all that.They also have this online log thing where every dya you log in all you do,how much,at what speeds,etc...put in your weight and adjust it sa you go along,plus you can log in at home and add other things you do around the house,like mow the lawn,etc...after the trainer shows me everything next week,i'll be all signed up for that,i cant wait!!!
Emptynester,i LOVE CURVES.Ive been going for 3 years now(ona nd off,lol)and yes,its only 30 minutes but i really have gotten alot of results with it.I havent gone a few months but im still a member and intend to start going MW&F again starting next week.
Rachel,holy moley,that is alot of exercising,you must be in great shape.I only do an hour at my own pace and that about kills me!
PM,go at your own pace,walking is the best. I agree,lets keep this going,keep each other going,exercise helps so much in so many ways.I knwo for me,if im feeling like crap,or starting to have cravings,i just grab my fanny pack with my walkman and i go and exercise,it works wonders mentally as well as physically for me.Makes me feel good about myself.You can do this,take it slowly,you will be feeling alot better in a short amount of time,take care~KIM
I'm glad to hear you say you like Curves; for some reason (and why say anything if you can't say something nice!) some folks say it isn't much of a "real" workout or it's "boring". Well, I'm just proud of myself for sticking with it and doing 3-4 times per week. I went tonight in fact. I hope to see a difference when I have my "measuring and weigh-in" on February 19th. Also hope to see a difference in the number of pills I'm taking each day.... but that's another story for another thread, I guess.
Anyway, thanks for the kind comment.
Anyway, thanks for the kind comment.