Feel Hopeless


I just wanted to post to express how totally hopeless I feel. I was put on Xanax for anxiety about 18 yrs. ago. I never really abused them until I was prescribed narcotics for a back injury. That just blew the doors off of my life as I began to abuse both of them simutaneously. Well here I am 8 yrs later, divorced (my fault),estranged from my daughter, suffering the loss of my mother and am really without family support at all. I just got my first dui as a result of Ambien, and am on the verge of being completely homeless! What a fall from grace I have had over the last 2 yrs, especially, I was a prominent businessman making a great income and had all of what I spoke of above. Now, I do not know where to turn.
Anyone with any advice I certainlu would appreciate it, Addiction KILLS!

Whether or not you are still on narcotics, come over to the pain pills forum. It's much more active,and there are lots of folks with clean time who can help you.

You can break free of this nightmare. Many of us have done exactly the same thing as you - strted out innocently on prescribed medication, then snowballed into addiction. Don't let the fact that you are/were a successfull businessman get in the way of posting - lots of us have the same story. Addicts aren't just laying in a back alley with a needle in their arms!

We can help you kick this - and make lots of suggestions for you to get help in the "real" non-computer world, too.
Admitting the problem is the first step. Now take the next step and get some support and help. you don't have to do this alone. Make a recovery plan and put it into action. Find a support group. Do you have family or friends you could talk to? Keep posting....there are many great people on here that can help and just talking about it and getting it out really helps!
Isn't it ironic? Success and money won't fix addiction.There are all kinds of addicts.The soccermom ordering Vicodin off the internet and the football star getting addicted to Percocet.The street junkie shooting bad heroin.

Addiction doesn't have a socio-economic label.We all fall from grace with a menacing future.

My suggestion is to look up where a local NA or AA meeting is if you are already detoxed.If not,I would try and find a rehab who will take you in.If you're destitute,there are state sponsored places to go.Unfortunately,I can't recommend any but during this time it might be something to reasearch.

It's not the end and their are choices.People get clean and they do recover.
I don't know one person here who would be considered the poster child for addiction. We are from all different walks of life yet have one thing in common. We want to be drug free. You aren't alone..keep posting. You'll find so much support and good advice here.