Hey everyone.
I need some help and I know from past stuff, this boards is the best source of advice ever! Like I have said on here before, recovering addicts are the most caring people I know :-)
Anyway, back to what I wanted to ask: I have been clean for 24 days today (its funny how we count every day!) and have been having mood swings non stop for weeks now. Its terrible. It seems like the smallest things I totally over analyse and that sends me on a total bender for hours on end. My mood is like extreme ups n downs and can change from one to the other in a matter of like nano-seconds! I'm starting to get really upset by it. Also I'm taking everything people say to me the total wrong way, then I work myself up and get my head into a complete spin. Its terrible, but I suppose its all part of being an addict. Like about twenty minutes ago I was all happy and stuff and my day was all good, then someone told me something that totally threw me into a foul mood (I probably took what they said the wrong way anyway, but I'll never admit that thats probably the case - stick to 'maybe I did) . Now I feel like using!
I feel like a total nutcase! Anyone ever have similar stuff?????!!!!!!????
Hugs to everyone xx
Angie,hey girl,yes I have the same thing happen to me,and to tell the truth it still happens today,after 67 days clean from norcos.On the positive side of it it's not as bad as it used to be,and my mood is not a huge dark cloud like before,but more like a depressing thought.It changes back to positive with just a little mental effort.These things are the things that addiction tryes to do to us,and then it tryes to make us think,that we are "doomed" to think that we will be this way forever.Have faith that this too will pass,and take it from me it will.
Yes, I remember. For me, it was having a short trigger w/respect to patience/tolerance/anger. A mood swing of sorts -- a really fast swing at times!. You're not going crazy. Mic's right, it definitely evens out. Hang in, M.
I had that too. It was so bad....to me, that was the worst of it. I felt like a child and couldn't control myself at all...
I still have it, but not as bad. I am hoping it goes away. I am glad that you posted that. The first time I thought I was going crazy, and was going to stay that way. But little by little, it is going away. That is why I spend so much time on here for now, I feel like sometimes if I go into public, I will end up in the crazy ward..lol...
I still have it, but not as bad. I am hoping it goes away. I am glad that you posted that. The first time I thought I was going crazy, and was going to stay that way. But little by little, it is going away. That is why I spend so much time on here for now, I feel like sometimes if I go into public, I will end up in the crazy ward..lol...
I think the only thing that keeps me sane, is just the knowledge that there are loads of people out there who are just like me! Its sorta a relief, cos when you go off on crazy trips in your head you really start to wonder about yourself!!!! Its quite funny in a weird way...
Its so great to have people who are just like me... and the theraputic value of one addict helping another is without parallel - definitely true :-)
Its so great to have people who are just like me... and the theraputic value of one addict helping another is without parallel - definitely true :-)
first of all congratulations on 24 days great job!!! i feel the same way you do and you know what i did is i just asked everyone around me my family and friends to please not talk to me for like a month or two unless i talk to them or reach out i found that this way in the past when i tried to kick to be the best way not to hurt the ones i love especially my wife before she would always try to comfort me and come check on me and ask too many questions this was very nice of her but i just told her id rather just have her sit next to me on the couch and watch tv if she wanted but lets not talk now even the slightest touch from someone would flip me out so hang in there we are all in the same boat im on my 11th day of no sleep and would have done anything last night to get high just so i could sleep but i didnt thank god one day at a time BEST OF LUCK
Hey chuck
I don't know if you've read any of my previous threads, but I was also battling to sleep for ages. It lasted about just over two weeks, but it has sorta returned now. Now I'm trying to catch up the sleep but there aren't enough hours in the day!!!!!
Hit day 25 today and I am battling and part of me is like 'this is so bloody unfair, what did I do to deserve this?', but I suppose there's nothing I can do.
Keep well and keep it up - 11 days yeah!!!!!! Isn't it a strange thing when we're like "yay, double digits!!!!!"
angie xxxx
I don't know if you've read any of my previous threads, but I was also battling to sleep for ages. It lasted about just over two weeks, but it has sorta returned now. Now I'm trying to catch up the sleep but there aren't enough hours in the day!!!!!
Hit day 25 today and I am battling and part of me is like 'this is so bloody unfair, what did I do to deserve this?', but I suppose there's nothing I can do.
Keep well and keep it up - 11 days yeah!!!!!! Isn't it a strange thing when we're like "yay, double digits!!!!!"
angie xxxx
My husband wonders why I spend so much time on here and it's because who else would understand what I'm going through?
Being manic depressive, my mood swings during withdrawals were HORRIBLE. I really thought I would either kill myself or someone else (even people in front of me in the grocery store would make me want to pull my hair out... and I am normally a VERY patient person)....then, in the next moment, I would cry and cry and cry.....
The lack of sleep was the worst.... I'm convinced that going without sleep could KILL you.... I never want to go through that again
Being manic depressive, my mood swings during withdrawals were HORRIBLE. I really thought I would either kill myself or someone else (even people in front of me in the grocery store would make me want to pull my hair out... and I am normally a VERY patient person)....then, in the next moment, I would cry and cry and cry.....
The lack of sleep was the worst.... I'm convinced that going without sleep could KILL you.... I never want to go through that again
its so scary how one tiny little thing can set your whole day in a total tizz. My day was going quite well, then my friend called me and started ranting and raving on about her boyfriend and trying to get me involved in their argument. Its totally upset my whole day cos I'm sick and tired of being totally used by her. She only ever phones me to whine about her boyfriend, or if she needs a favour from me. And I hate it when people try to complicate my life with their stuff. I have my own stuff which complicates it enough without trying to deal with theirs too. I think I need to do some 'friend closet' cleaning. I've been told by so many people that it just ain't worth it to have people in your life who just make it a misery, it hinders you.
I need to work on angie right now, and I can't do that with others trying to stop that...
hows everyone else doing???
hugs to all, angie
its so scary how one tiny little thing can set your whole day in a total tizz. My day was going quite well, then my friend called me and started ranting and raving on about her boyfriend and trying to get me involved in their argument. Its totally upset my whole day cos I'm sick and tired of being totally used by her. She only ever phones me to whine about her boyfriend, or if she needs a favour from me. And I hate it when people try to complicate my life with their stuff. I have my own stuff which complicates it enough without trying to deal with theirs too. I think I need to do some 'friend closet' cleaning. I've been told by so many people that it just ain't worth it to have people in your life who just make it a misery, it hinders you.
I need to work on angie right now, and I can't do that with others trying to stop that...
hows everyone else doing???
hugs to all, angie
Hi angie...CONGRATS ON THE 25 DAYS!!!!!! I know how hard that is...
I had to keep things so simple. I wish they would have told me that I wouldn't feel normal for a while, then I would have know what to expect.
Does anyone with a lot of time know when this stops??
Angie, girl, just try to stay out of the drama. I found that positive people were the best people to be around. Because I was in such a fog, I just sucked up the positive vibes...not like an energy vampire..lol..I just liked the positive attitudes.
I had to keep things so simple. I wish they would have told me that I wouldn't feel normal for a while, then I would have know what to expect.
Does anyone with a lot of time know when this stops??
Angie, girl, just try to stay out of the drama. I found that positive people were the best people to be around. Because I was in such a fog, I just sucked up the positive vibes...not like an energy vampire..lol..I just liked the positive attitudes.
Hey Kez
I'm trying my best to keep outa others peoples stuff, but now it's like one of my closest friends, but hell, my mom's also a total negative person for me. She is always looking for the bad in everything and it takes its toll on my. I'm stuck living in the same house, so its hard to avoid! I just kinda try get out the house all the time...
I'm trying my best to keep outa others peoples stuff, but now it's like one of my closest friends, but hell, my mom's also a total negative person for me. She is always looking for the bad in everything and it takes its toll on my. I'm stuck living in the same house, so its hard to avoid! I just kinda try get out the house all the time...