Feel Like I'm Going Nuts

Hey there! Today is day two off hydro's. OMG I have been for a run lifted weights...then got home and husband accused me of cheating on him all because someine calledand had the wrong number and it was a man. I am so frustrated, can't even see straight. Hot, clammy, is there anything I can do?
You are in day 2 clean and lifting weights? Wow you are amazing. Has your hubby always been this paranoid? Have you ever given him a reason to be paranoid, or did this just start? Hang in there, Kim
yeah... put a foot up his a$$! Ack! Did I say that outloud?

Hun, my ex was like that... pay special attention to the EX part. Then again, if I got my butt up and started running around the neighborhood all of the sudden, who knows what my husband would think.

Does he know you were using and just stopped? If so, whats with all the triggers? Fight with spouse over something you didnt even do.... TRIGGER.

Some people are fearful of others who taper/stop using. My husband even mentioned divorce if I weened from Xanax. He changed his tune when he read the Ashton Manual and felt like a punk.

Now, Im tapered and he sees I am the same as before, other than maybe sleep a little less. His imagine of me without xanax was that of me red-lining, pinging off the wall, incessive talking, never ending energy and daily panic attacks/attack... all of the things I did while on 4 mils and the same things I do now that I am tapered. Nothing changed behavorially. I wish I had just one penny for everytime he has said "baby, I just want you to relax" and I dont even realize Im being rowdy. He is the laid back type as is my son and his oldest son. His two younger boys are pingers like me hehe. So he has himself and two laid backers and I have myself and two pingers. It evens out.

2 days with nothing and you running. WOW !!
I didn't get out of bed once when I tried to go cold trukey.
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You should be so proud of yourself I am !!!!!!!!!!

Hey thank you evertone you have put a smile on my face:) My husband and I have had trust issues off and on but for the last three weeks everything has been wonderful. I did leave him about a mo ago ..lomg story. But his Uncle was living here and he wass a alcoholic and he was flirting wwith me and things and hubby let it go on. So someother things happened and I lefft. Since then Uncle was arrested for assalt on me(pushed me while he was drunk) and husband and I have really been working on our realationship.
Mrs. Understood talked about a Trigger wow I have many of them either that or they are excuses to be honest but when he accused me of cheating I lost it. I wanted to take something so bad anything I really did.
Then I did muster up the strentgh also to clean the house. I don't think it seems like a big deal to him but it was to me I feel like He**. I don't know sorry to complain I'm not tring to through a pitty party for myself I just want to make sure all of this is normal. I do have a cute story though . I went to my gasto doctor for my tummy cause I have been hacing problems with it. I told him that the ER doctor put me on dilaudid 2mg every 6hrs. his eyes got hugfe and he said,"WOW they don't want you to become addicted but they give you the medicine in order to do so" I liked him already. At least I know he isn't going to push meds to me. I have a colonoscopy in two weeks so hopefully we will find out whats gong on. I do have blood in my stool perhaps its from 5years of taking lortabs with no food on my stomach.huh? ANyway. I love you all and appreciate all your support. I know this will get easier.
Hey hun: Im glad you took my post as it was meant.

I earned this nickname hunny hehe. But those that get me, get me... those that dont have nothing to teach me or learn from me so no love loss.

I hope today is better for you than yesterday. If he starts pulling triggers again just say in your head "Hunny, it will take alot more than the likes of you to make me use again." Say it over and over and over if you have too. Clean til your fingers bleed. Do whatever you need to do to get clean. And once you are, proudly stand before him and ask him "How ya like me now?" : )

Pity partiers are easily spotted and I dont play that, you arent looking for pity, that's obvious. You are looking for someone to hear you. If complaining cleanses you and makes you strong enough for one more day, have at it baby.
Hi Looking2b, Boy I feel your pain. My ex (Kaela) was so possessive,I couldn't see my family in the early years of my marriage. At the end every time we spoke I would use heavily. Now I'm not saying your husbutt is in the league of my ex, just get your drift. Kaela is right...use it to make yourself stubborn. Use the w/d to make yourself strong. Aversion therapy...that's how I see it. I really don't think I could take oc again, the comedown was soooooo gross. Good job on 2 days. Wish I had some of your energy. That's one of the worst symptoms I've had...lead butt! Take it a little easy on yourself for the rest of today. Breathe deep. Love Beck
Dear deep I just want to show my support & if I can help please feel free to ask....Let us know how your feeling...mj
We have to remember when we are in a relationship with people like that... it is THEIR problem... dont make it yours. They have major security issues which caused them to cling to us to begin with. We, as addicts tend to cling to anything that will cling to us. I dont know many addicts that are in healthy relationships but some of us have definately lucked up.