Feeling Helpless

I found out that my son has been using about a year ago. I don't know what he is using - but its a white powder that I guess he snorts - His father was an alcoholic and ended up in prison - got out of prison and died. I left him whilst he was still in prison and married someone else - and my husband has been the most kind and wonderful man and has been a real father to my son. We have given him the best schooling at top notch schools - and my son has a law degree - Apparently he started using when he went to work for a large Legal Firm. He has since left there and has a good job - my son told my husband and I that he had been using but wasn't using anymore recently when we went to visit him. However, my son's live in partner has told us today that he is using again. I don't even live in the same country as my son - I found this site - and was thankful to find people who are going through the same. I feel so helpless because I just don't know what to do. I know my son has been lying to my husband and I - he recently asked for financial support. We sent him some money to see him over the rough spot only to find out he had spent the money on drugs - We are a scattered family - everyone living in different countries -I just don't know what to do. any suggestions would be much appreciated.
You found this site and I'm sure you've read enough stories to know what you need to do or at least what you need to not do. The first thing you need to not do is give him money. You cannot make his addiction easy for him. You can love him, encourage him to get help, listen to him if he wants to talk but that's about it. He has to live with the consequences of his addiction, whether that be not having money for the bills, legal issues, relationship issues....whatever it is. He will only want to get clean if that looks better than where he's at. Living on the street wasn't even enough for my son to want to get clean but he's still here so I haven't completely given up hope. I have given up living every second of every day dealing with "his" problems because of addiction though. God bless you and good luck.
Thank you so much - keeping positive - and praying - will keep you and your son in my prayers too