Feeling Helpless!!!!!!

Since my husbands rapid detox 28 days ago he is clean!
He started back at work this week and he is just so down!
He makes comments about how he cant work well , feels lazy, and has the dont wants.It seems that its all really bothering him now.(The sobriety.)I know he wants to stay clean though. He compares the difference of how he worked on pills and now not.It seems he is very frustrated with not being able to do has much .I keep encouraging him and telling him all that good stuff but it seems like i just cant reach him.How do you get pass this stage?Im starting to get nervous.Any advice is great.Thank you!!!!!!!!
ava ur husband needs meetings i am recovering addict,6yrs clean,
he is trying to get u to confirm he needs pills. making u the enabler. did the detox not offer an ater-care?im sure they did
HI Ava from what u are saying it sounds to me like the depression is now kicking in my doc told me that once iam through tappering off my pain meds that one goes through depression some have it worse then others u feel like u cant and dont want to do anything i have been through depression before a few years back before i was addicted to tylenol 3s but thats anouther matter' but your husband system is returning back to normal but there are alot of side afects unfortunatly that go with getting clean and my doc said depression is one of them it has to do with the chemicals in the brain that are working' u have to understand that we who are addicts have put our bodys through h*ll with our addiction and getting through the side affects of withdrawals and even after when we are clean for the first little while is a hard fight but it is well worth it so maybe u should talk to your doc and tell him how your husband is feeling he may have advice on how to help your husband BUT MOST OF ALL PLEASE STAY STRONG ' i know its hard on u but with the support he is getting from u and with your doctor's help he will make it BUT remember u can only do so much the rest is up to him' i hope i have helped in some way its just my opinion and what my doc told me about addiction and side afects' but take him to your own doc or if he wont go' then maybe u can chat with your doctor about whats going on with your hubby on your own it may help to understand on how u can help him AND U cope' with this . PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY STRONG FOR U AND HIM' and please forgive my spelling it sucks LOL.... HUGS LITTLE H.
Hi Ava, your husband is a lucky man. You might find the post by Gina titled "Hi All" (it's about 20 posts down) of some use as you try to adjust to your husband's recovery. God Bless, M.