I dont no whats happening but i feel really im listening to pina kalda that song on my tape these is what your going to feel when life is clean people its a great feeling just thought i would vent in agood for a change I never had a chance to listen to music when i was young long stroy love you all stay clean
Glad to hear your feelin good, havent posted you before, just wish I was feelin the same way perhaps i should listen to the song you refer to!! well all I can say is if it makes you feel that good then just keep listening lol. Tommo
Y, thats great that your feeling good, I know the feeling now too. It takes a while but, yes, it is worth it.
have a good day
have a good day
Hey Y good for you, I'm glad you are doing well. It is nice to see a good post for a change. The weather is awful here in NY today, snow, we are going to get hit with a lot of it. Oh well. Have a great day.
Liz lucky you, we never get any snow nowadays, but thats the uk for you!! I suppose you don't think it's lucky gettin all that snow, more of an inconvienence!! Tommo
tomma I dont feel ilike often I have been hiking wakling with my dogs I have two sweet dogs one has heart problems and the other her daughter is fine 14 and 7 years im scared my old one going to leave soon its more my spouse dog she kinda mean at times but loves her park walks and hiking she can still keep up if anyone reads this could you give info on how to care for a heart problem in a old dog besides loving it to death..... the dogs are dancing to how funny they love there mom you what I mean dog lovers well tommma yoiur time will come soon dear hang in ther sweet heart.....you will feel better time is the reAL ANSWER I CAN give vitamins bathes but TIME is the real life key dear time love poopie
No, we don't feel lucky at all. It's a big inconvience. Can't wait until spring. We are supposed to get a foot or two of snow. That is a major problem. Keeps you stuck in. Oh well, I don't mind being in today, I'm so tired. Hope you are having a nice day.
No, we don't feel lucky at all. It's a big inconvience. Can't wait until spring. We are supposed to get a foot or two of snow. That is a major problem. Keeps you stuck in. Oh well, I don't mind being in today, I'm so tired. Hope you are having a nice day.
I read my post and it said give a bath I meant take a bath to help with w d sorry people are going think Im asex maniac but remember time is the key positve thinking poopie off for a 1hour walk
OH Y........thank you for a the big smile you put on my face.....sex maniac, you are just to funny sometimes.......I hope you have fun on your walk.....
Love Yah,
Love Yah,
y, great idea, takin baths, i'm told, is supposed to help detox your body, dont think i've ever been so clean lol, well i hope you enjoy your bath & that it helps!!! Tommo