Feeling Sorry For Yourself.......

I can do everything right and still feel like I'm coming up short.If I hear "living life on life's terms" one more time I think I'll dig out the 38.LOL

I work my butt off,pray,go to meetings,get my head shrunk and still I can't afford to get my central air fixed and am driving around in the rain in a car where the window won't go up.Of course I have some smart a** tell me last night that at least I'm not living in the car.Thanks for sharing a******.....I'm pissed because they're right.

I'm not very grateful this morning and need to get there real fast.I am going to make a list but will do so grudgingly.I'm the first that will try and dig people out of their holes and yet at times I sink into the same hole.

What I need to do today is think of someone else and do something nice for someone.............Jesus Christ,I sure didn't mean that.I sound like Sybil.

I need some good ideals about what I can do.I need to get out of myself.Maybe call the Salvation Army and see if I can take them some clothes? You think they could use some boardshorts?LOL

I'm rambling and processing.Any good ideals would be appreciated.
scootch over Tim, I'll join you on the bench of feeling sorry for yourself. Oh and I don't have any ideas, I'm fresh out.

Sorry your feeling down.

I need to get laid too.I think I remember how to do that?LOL
Have to go to work and pretend like I give a s***.
LMAO, at least you can pretend, I'm having a real had time with that one.

Hey Cyber Sybil Surfer Boy!

A little something for you to mull on:

"When we find ourselves looking at the world and saying, 'There's nothing out there for me,' we should probably also look into our hearts and ask, 'If there's nothing out there, is there anything in here?' We need to examine our inner dialogue to discover where we might be blocking the conscious energy flow, then remove the ego, step out of the way, and let the fire of the soul shine through us." Deepak Chopra - taken from: The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence.

When I sit around and think about "things" that I can do, that's all it is...a thought, wish, or dream. When I let go of my ego, my awareness miraculously shifts from the outer world to the inner reality. It is precisely at this point that I realize by putting into action those thoughts/wishes/dreams my world has been transformed.

You already know what you want to do. Just do it!



.I am going to make a list but will do so grudgingly.I'm

I don't think it matters what mood you are in when you do it, just do it. Come work with me for a few days. That'll give you gratitude. So tell me, Mr. Tim, you mentioned meetings and shrinks but you didn't say anything about the steps. What step are you on? Didn't you tell me you were starting them over? Sometimes it's fun to wallow in our crap. I do it from time to time but we can't let it get out of hand or it gets too hard to get out of. I believe the Promises say fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us. That's somewhere in the middle of the ninth step. It doesn't say financial insecurity will leave us, it says FEAR will leave us. If we trust in a HIgher Power. Stuff isn't important. Serenity is.
Big smooches
Yeah, Tim. I need to get laid, too.

user posted image
LMAO! Gina. I can't stop laughing. I think alot of us or at least I get feeling this way around the holidarys you know like Tim is feeling right now. And sometimes we just need to lighten up. You just made my day with that one. Me too!
Love and much respect,
LOL........If I looked like that I wouldn't need to worry about working.......or getting laid.

What's that song by Whitney Houston? "It's not right but it's o.k."

I got one thing down on my gratitude list and one of my dysfunctional mutts grabbed the paper and tore it to shreds........it's all over my front living room.I haven't picked up.It seems so poignant.I don't know if the message is to clean my house or put the b*tch down.More will be revealed but not after I crawl in bed and take a nap.
Tim, you got futher then me.

I tried to make a gratitude list, and broke a blood vessel in my middle finger trying to get the pen out of the chaos called my purse. So now my finger hurts.

I took a nap too. Then my mother called and woke me up, just to remind of all the things that are wrong right now in my life. How very nice of her, Lord knows it would just be terrible if I were to "forget". LOL

Gina, can you hook me up with the dude in the picture? I'm feeling needy. LMAO


I don't have serious financial concerns so I won't even send out pithy (pretend) empathetic statements. It just is no fun in this society to not have moola.

That being said, we had a person from our AA group blow their brains out a couple of months ago. They had the great job, a nice house, boyfriend (so theoretically having sexual encounters) etc, etc, etc and it just wasn't good enough...

So as the Russians say (translated)...

Be careful what you wish for...you might get it.

Oh, and that ring on your butt from sitting on the pity pot usually doesn't look too good.....
I'll share with you what was shared with me when I get all into SELF...make the gratitude list with at least 10 things on it, go help another addict (and don't stop until you find one to help), and deal with it.

I don't know you but I've been reading your words long enough to know you've got things to be grateful for, you just need to change your attitude and shift your perception so you can see it....

Work on your steps and if you're through your steps, go get a sponsee or find a newcomer to help....


Oh, and that ring on your butt from sitting on the pity pot usually doesn't look too good.....

Oh, and that ring on your butt from sitting on the pity pot usually doesn't look too good.....

I needed that.LOL

Oh, and that ring on your butt from sitting on the pity pot usually doesn't look too good.....

I'll be the judge of that. Please post pictures.

Oink, with love,
The depravity of this establishment just amazes me. Now they want butt ring pictures....
I'm sorry. I should clarify. Not just anyone's butt pictures. Tim's.

Come on. Work with me here...
If you need a lesson in gratitude, go do an AA meeting at your local Men's prison. It is humbling and I can't find one single thing to b**** about this week.

I got your card Tim...I am grateful for you as well. Hang in there buddy boy, this too shall pass.
Okay...the degenerate that I am....I want to see Tim's butt ring pics too!

I thought it was nipple rings? LOL..butt rings??? Is that from sitting on the pity pot too long?
In that case...I have a triple ring! May need surgery to correct if I don't get up off it soon.