Finally Had Enough

Last night i had my ex's kids, while he went out. He has been using coke for over a year now. And party's all the time even when the kids are home. So last night he got home at around 4 in the morning, went into the bathroom and i heard in sniffing really loud. Well he came into the living room where i was half sleeping. He tried coming on to me and i said 'gotta go'. When i left the kids(2&4) had been sleeping since 9ish. About half an hour after i left, one of his roommates called me to tell me he had invited 3 girls over and they had the music on and where drinking and doing drugs. And that the kids had been woken up and were crying. I freaked out and called him and told him i was coming over to pick up the kids. He didn't protest all that much. I went over there and they were eating pasta from a can at 4:45AM. I got them a bag of clothes and shoes and jackets and took them to my parents house. They went back to sleep. We got up about 9 and i was trying to find there mom's #. She was suppost to pick them up in the afternoon. So i called my ex, who was still sleeping at 1pm and asked for the #. He gave me the # and said we needed to talk. I called therre mom and told her the situation, she had no idea he did drugs. He has in the past couple of months become a weekend dad. He used to have them all the time. She was going through some loses in her life and wasn't in the position to have them all the time. I told her everything about all the music and people in and out of the house all hours of the night. And different people puting them to bed every night and his little interest in them lately. She was shocked and is going to take full custody of them. He called me threatening me, calling me names. But there are no longer going to have to stay in a crack house. Everyone is mad at me. But i don't care i think it's about time someone stood up for those kids. And no one else was, so i had too. Did i do the right thing? I was trying not to get child welfare involved. I just want the kids to live in a safe enviroment.
Do not doubt you did the right thing....... Those kids to NOT need to be around their Dad at this time...... I think it's a good thing their mother know's exactly what is going on in his house while his kids are there...... so what if he's mad, he did this himself, not you.......

Good luck to you..... I will say a prayer for you....... Please let us know how your doing and how those kids are.......
You definitely did the right and courageous thing for those kids..
Good luck
He called me today and there was a lot of yelling between us. He was asking how i knew everything and i should get my facts staight. I told him i did this cause i care about the kids and he needs to stop the drugs and grow up. I just said that he should not be having the kids in that enviroment and if he thinks that it's a good one he's f***ed. He said he was going to start rumours about me, if i didn't stop. Well i've said my peace! There mom knows and she can take it from here. I will miss the kids very much. There mom is jelouse of the relationship i have with them. I don't blame her. The kids are now safely with her and are being taken care of properly. My ex said he'll never let me see them again. Hopefully he won't either! Anyways i know i did the right thing, but when it comes time to have a party with my friend i just pray he's not there. Oh well screw him.
I talked with my ex today and it was civil. I just said this was for the kids and not to get back at him. He said he's mad and that i did not handle the situation right. I said 'sorry you feel that way'. Anyways i told him i believe in him and i wish him the best of luck and then i walked away.
Everyone is mad at you? and who is everyone? you so did the right thing...those kids should not be living that life, think about how they are going to grow up...I praise you for taking care of them the way you did....
My ex and all his friends. They think it's none of my business. And that i'm stirring up the pot. You know what i know i did the right thing and everything will work out. You can't care what other people think,right?
Wow! You absolutely did the right thing. You should be Sainted for placing yourself in that position. You made a very difficult decision and I'm impressed that you did it without so much as a second of hesitation. You're a very Cool person and I'm glad that I got the opportunity to tell you so. Everything you did was so very right that there is no other viewpoint that could prove it wrong.
Thank you for all the nice comments. I definetly feel good about it.
Please read my post "Dealing with someone's addiction". You and I are in alike situations. Sometimes, we have to have the courage the do a very difficult thing. You did the right thing for those children. Addicts who do not do anything about their addictions, should not have parental rights. I'm so proud of you.
I've recently found out that the mother has let my ex have the kids back on saturday nights. I feel so mad and let down, all this crap for nothing. We still don't talk and i have not seen the kids since i droped them off at there mom's. Oh well next time i hear something i'm calling child welfare. Ugh i hate my ex!!!!