Finally Quitting. Please Help!

I am new to this site and haven't ever gone to anyone with my problem. I am clueless about my addiction tho, I will try to make this short. After a shouldr surgery I started taking percs and kept taking them for about 9 months. Getting scripts here and there. Basically abusing 2-6 5mg pills a day. Then about a year ago I was on accutane, The accutane started to make a back condition I have worse, and my doc sent me to a pain specilist. They were giving me more pills than I needed. I have been off accutane for about a year, but I have continued to use 2-10 pills a day for about the last year. Sometimes I'll take 10 of them. Sometimes I'll get by with 2 in a day. Just depends how much I've got and when I get my next script. For the most part I usually take 15mg every 4 hours. Maybe 3 -5's, 2- 7.5's or 1 and a half -2 of the 10's. I guess now I am going to force myself to quit and ride it out.
To sum it up. I have been taking 10-50mg of oxycodone a day for about 2 years.
So I have 2 questions....HOW CAN I QUIT? and IS IT LIKELY THAT I HAVE DONE ANY DAMAGE TO MY BODY TAKING THESE PILLS FOR SO LONG and if so will the damage heal when I quit? I have asked my doc, but they insist that Im a healthy active guy, and the only thing I have to worry about is the tylenol and my liver. I admitted the way I was using, but they say "that's nothin, we've seen people who take 15-20 pills a day" I hope someone has some answers for me. Im clueless.
Welcome jimjoonya,

I took 30 plus pills a day for 5 years. I quit over 9 months ago and It took me 6 months to get my health back but I'm fine today.

My pill addiction started with an injury just like you. A whole bunch of people get addicted with an injury.

There are a lot of ways to quit. CT or cold turkey. Just stop and suffer the WD's (withdrawls). WD's length is different for everyone but figure 3 to 7 days. A taper plan works. If you are taking say 10 pills a day take 8 the next day then 7pills 5 days later then 6 pills 5 days later and so on. There is hospital detox. There s a medication called suboxone. I took it. (I would say suboxone is the last resort). There is NA or AA.

There are a whole bunch of people here who have had success in all these differnet ways. Stick around and keep telling your story and asking questions. People will give you all the tools you need for a successfull comfortable "quit".

I was sure all I had to do was stop taking the pills and I would be ok. I always started taking the pills again and couldent figure out why. Addiction is physical and mental. We all have to figure out why we are trying to kill ourselves. Once we get past the physical NA or AA is great or any kind of support group.

You have made a huge step in comming here and telling your story. It's late so many people may not be here so don't stop with tonights visit.


I want to add not everyone has health problems. Don't get wierd about it.
Bump for this person who needs our help.
Welcome to the board!

You are an addict and you are in the right place! Most of us have been exactly where you are. There are several ways to get clean just like Catherine mentioned. You are not alone here.

I would find a doctor that is willing to help you and stop putting pills in your mouth. W/D sucks but it won't kill me...even though it is not pleasant you can get through it.

Then what? A real strong program will help....quitting is easy...staying that way isn't. I am happy that you realize you have a problem and you can get your life fact how about a better life!

Have you thought about therapy, rehab....12 step meetings...or other meetings. Addiction today has gained alot of recognition as a true disease so there are so many avenues available for help. You just have to surrender and be willing to go to any lengths to get clean and remain that way!

Happy your here...what do you want to do??
When you admitted to your use, did the drs say anything about helping you? Or did they refill your script? Being an addict isn't a death sentence but it can be if you don't do something about it. What about NA or AA? It's free and you'll meet people just like you who understand what you're going through. Getting clean is the easy part, it's staying clean that requiers a little finess and a lot of hard work. Most here have used for years so you're lucky there but don't think that it makes you different, it just means you might have a better chance of getting this right, right now, instead of years from now. Hope you stick around, read some of the threads and you'll find you aren't alone.
WHEW!!! It's nice to get some support. I never took my addiction seriously. You never hear as much about the pills as u do other drugs, and you can get them legally, so you never really realize that you are doing something that is wrong. You have minimum paraphanelia and they are just so easy to use. Just swallow! I guess I just ignored the fact that it's getting worse. It finally started to hit me now, ya know? "What the hell am I doing?I have to take pills every time I go somewhere and I don't enjoy the things that I used to unless I have my pills." I guess I am starting to feel like the drugs are controlling me, because I HAVE to have them. IThis will be my first time trying to quit, so I will stick with this site and hopefully I have that part down. Still worried about my health tho and detoxing my body. I was kind of freaking out that I've done some damage to my internals. I get bloating pains and little gurgles in my stomach and stuff like that...nothing bad or consistent, but I suppose it's probably just the constipation. I know my addiction could be alot worse. 30 PILLS A DAY!!! THATS CRAZY!!! And you didn't have any health problems?

Hello Jim,

I am so glad you came back.

Yep 30 pills a day for almost 5 years. I have met people that take more than 30, way more. I have also sat dumbfounded thinking "how could anyone take that many?" lol Addiction is an amazing thing!

You are so right about the pain pills. Doctors give them to you so what could be so bad?

It doesn't matter what kind of pill or how many. When you know the pills control you and you no longer control the pills, it's time to stop.

My pills started almost 6 years ago. My pills started with an injury. I have had surgery and surgical procedures. I wasn't taking care of myself and when I decided to quit I was badly anemic and had a kidney infection. The pills contributed to it. Eating right and stopping the pills fixed it.

I know you concerned about your health. Put your concern on the back burner and concentrate on quitting. Stopping cold won't hurt you. I quit more than once and lived to tell about it.

Have you chosen a method to stop yet? If you choose to quit cold or CT (cold turkey) there are many people here who have done it. There is a lot of advice here on how to make it as plesent as possible. Imodium for diarreah for example. People have taper plans that have worked for them.

Has your doctor suggested a plan? It would be great if your doctor could be a part of your "quit". You doctor can help you thru it.

Your daily amount of pills isn't as bad as mine so you shoulden't have a whole lot of trouble. Let us know what you decide and we will all be here for you and help you in any way we can.


Jim asks

Jim-There is always a possibility of damage but the liver is an amazing organ.If you are relatively young and stop now,it can heal itself.
The time is now.

I bit the bullet and quit cold turkey.Tapering did not work for me and Suboxone is another opiate that you just buy time with.It has w/d symptoms.If you consider that route go read the Suboxone board before you do.It might change your mind.

You haven't taken pills nearly as long as I did so give yourself a break.I will not lie to you and tell you it's easy.W/D's are hard and you will feel pretty sick for about 3-4 days.In the scheme of things 3-4 days is nothing to get your life back.
Once you get through that initial detox,there comes the real challenge.
How do I stay clean?
A support group like NA is your best bet.1-818-7739999
It's free and an introduction to the 12 steps.That's how your thinking will change.
Left to our own devices nothing will change for long.It is because the drugs were never the real problem.It has always been an intrinsic spiritual problem from the beginning that we chose to numb out with drugs.

Good Luck on your journey and know that many people here will help you.
Bump for jimjoonya. He is comming here late at night and really needs our help. Tell him your story.
Hey, Im down to about 6 pills a day. I think Im feeling better. its just so hard. Its like I have 2 personalities. One side of me says, "okay jimmy. you need to quit this. You can do it" But life is a bit rocky for me at the moment so the other side says "you are stressed out, f*** it! Take some pills and we'll quit when things get better. You can quit when you get a job" I am so torn. I just wish my life was in order so that I could put more emphasis on getting clean. I don't have a job right now and I'm stressed as a m*ther F***er!!! I just can't do this right now! I can't get up in the morning and retain a positive attitude unless I have a pill.
I just wish my life was in order so that I could put more emphasis on getting clean.

You've got it backwards.If you get clean,you're life will get in order and start making sense.
Tim, So true. The longer and more I used the more messed up my life got. It wasn't until I realized that and stopped the madness that my life started falling back into the place I wanted it to be. I actually believed when I was using that the pills were making my life better boy was I wrong. Hard lesson to learn. Shantel

Things don't improve when we are using. They may stay the same for a while, but then there is always a dip...and things never get back to the same level as before.

Have you ever tried to quit before? Are you married, does anyone else in your life know of your addiction?

There is a lot to learn about quitting these pills. You really need to start a plan of action on how to quit....and that isn't enough, you have to have a plan to STAY clean.

Withdrawals are a b****. The part where your body detoxes from the poisons you have been putting into it....but that is really the easy part compared to staying off the little demons...especially when, as you say, they are legal and easy to get.

Bottom line for folks like us....we cannot take pills, period. So, we have to learn new ways of dealing with things. So, you will have to figure a way to cut off all your sources.

This is doable. It takes work...and support. You will find great support here, and you can find great support from NA/AA.

Have you considered going to an Addiction Specialist?

I wish you the best....glad you came to the forum...There is tremendous support and love here.

