First Na Meeting Or Sort Of....

I clicked on the link Gina gave me, a NA meeting locator. The meeting time said 1900.
My husband said that was 7:00 military time.
I called the meeting place a little after 6:00 to make sure there was a meeting there. The lady who answered the phone was really nice, but she said "The meeting has already started, it starts at 6:00".
( I guess they had to change the time, but did not notify NA).

So, why go to the meeting? By the time I get there, it will be over in 15 minutes.

Because I told everyone here I was going, because I had to tell Shelly33 how it went because she is going to hers on Friday, because everyone on this board who have been helping are saying " Get to a meeting".

So I go! and I am glad I went. For 15 minutes ( really longer, some lingered longer just to see if I needed to talk), I was with people who were warm and welcoming. They finished up with what they were saying. They talked about surrendering. We said a prayer.

Sorry Shelly33, that's all I have to share. Oh, it was a small meeting, 7 people including me. Four of them were pretty young ( at least to me ) probably between the ages of 18 - 24. All of them were very kind. Your meeting will be fine - you might be nervous going in, but that dissapates as the people there accept you. They seemed really glad that I was there. That's all I got!

Oh and Chris 36, I am drinking vanilla Silk as we speak. It is goood!!!

I must be feeling better, I am getting pretty wordy. Love, Gracie

Hey Gracie....15 minutes of any meeting is better than no meeting at all!

Good for you...that's a huge first step.
do it again and again and again.
Keep an open mind.Listen for the similarities,not the differences.
good luck

Good for you. I applaud the way you willingly explore every avenue to your recovery.

I'm glad the folks at the meeting made you feel welcomed. As you get to know people better, get some phone numbers. Face-to-face support is essential.

How are you feeling today?

I will need to go back. I have a folder, journal, really just tools to help me. Included in this set of materials is a front page article of a very prominent attorney in our area, you has lost EVERYTHING, because of an addiction to pain pills inluding the possibility of being disbarred ( sp?). A man at the meeting asked to see it.
I said, " Just take it and read it at home, it will give me reason to have to come back next week". And so he did.

I have a busy day today ( good busy ), I will check in later

This will allow some of you angels to help others.

Oh, by the way, I just got a call from the fraud department of my credit card company. Someone is trying to use it my credit card --- how did they get that information?

Could it be from the online pharmacies that I was dealing with? duh?????

I LOVE you all!!! Gracie

I have a pure and healthy body. And so it is, Amen, So be it.
ditto what gina said, you are exceptional!
so willing, and you will hear in NA all the slogans that are constantly repeated, honesty, open-mindedness and willingness!
you have the willing part done, as matter of fact you have the other two down too,honest and open minded.
i have never heard someone so positive this early in recovery. thats wonderful, you shall excell gracie, dont give up, you are a fast learner
soy milk? yuk, i want to try it for the benefits of menopause, but as sick as i have been with the stomach issues, i dont know, i have a real sensitive gag reflex and i get the impression that its thick?? i cant even swallow pepto bismal or milk of magnesia, both i have been taking lately for my problem i am having.
i know i have stereo typed soy milk already, just looking at tofu, gross! i'm sorry
dont let me discourage anyone from trying something healthy. its just me.

It's good to hear that your meeting went well. It helps me less nervous about going to one. I know it sounds so stupid but I guess I'll be nervous until I go. My mind tells me there's nothing to be nervous about but my nerves tell me differently. It also doesn't help that my husband told me he doesn't want me to go. Oh well, he also doesn't like that I'm an addict so I'm sure he'll be okay with it eventually. Besides, right now I guess it only matters how I feel about it. Thanks for telling me about your meeting.
