Pam, how are you today? I have been thinking about you and everything you are going through at once. I hope you are feeling better, and hope to here from you on here soon. I found a sub doctor, I have an apt. Thursday at 1:45, so thank you for the advice and website, that's where I found him.
<3 ShawnTay
Oh ShawnTay, good for you...I am so happy that you have an appointment...I am doing much better today...As a matter of fact, I am dressed today...Wooo Hoooo....Later tonight I will be going to Cameron's viewing...Uuughhhh, I dread it...but will get through it...Thanks for thinking of me...I need to get an email out to you...I promised you that I would...Take Care and keep us updated on how the Sub works...
Hey, what does <3 mean? I see that all of the time and still don't know what it means and my children aren't at home to tell me...LOL...
Hey, what does <3 mean? I see that all of the time and still don't know what it means and my children aren't at home to tell me...LOL...
Pam, I am happy you are feeling better today, I went to Camerons Myspace and is was so sad reading all the messages from his friends. It seems so unfair for such a young man to pass the way he did. I will be thinking about you and hope you are OK during the viewing. Like I said before, you are in my thoughts and prayers always as well as his family and friends.
<3 is just a little heart. I know how you feel though when your kids are not home to explain computer stuff to you, my kids are 12 and 13 and they know much more then I do!
Try and have a good night OK. Get some rest and know that you have friends that are here for you OK? My email address is Use it anytime. I know I can use a lot of advice from you!
<3 ShawnTay
Hey honey, YGM...Thanks for your kind words...
hope you are doing okay
hope you are doing okay
Hey Pam,
I hope the viewing went allright for everyone. I know that when my brother passed away at 18 years old it was the saddest funeral I have ever went to. I've had both of my parents and another brother pass since but Chucks was the worst because of his age.My heart goes out to you and the families. If you want e-mail me at I noticed the mods locked the thread. I was suprised they let it get as far as it did.
I hope the viewing went allright for everyone. I know that when my brother passed away at 18 years old it was the saddest funeral I have ever went to. I've had both of my parents and another brother pass since but Chucks was the worst because of his age.My heart goes out to you and the families. If you want e-mail me at I noticed the mods locked the thread. I was suprised they let it get as far as it did.
Thanks Ali...I'm doing fair....Just a bit edgy...imagine that...I had to stand in line outside of the funeral home for over two hours and then I was in line an hour inside...There is No Way In HELL that all of the people are going to fit inside of the church tomorrow...Nope, it ain't gonna happen...He had the biggest viewing that this town has ever witnessed...No Joke....and the church will hold 500 people but I have been there for a wedding, I played the flute in this particular wedding, and people had to stand out in the rain because both levels of the biggest church in our community was cram packed....Lord, I'm debating on even going tomorrow...I know that I will go but I am so dreading it...Tonight was bad enough...and get this, my daughter finally walked up to her first open casket without me...I was outside in line when she came running out just crying like a baby....Man, I started crying then...It was bad and then, my boys were up ahead of me in the line and they got to the casket way before I did and the next thing I know, they are shooting down the isle towards me and out of the door just crying hysterically...
Sweet little Cameron had a precious little smile on his face tonight and his surfboard was there and his ole dirty Gator hat was laying on his chest and in his casket, there was a compartment which contained beach sand and a huge sand dollar and there were hundreds and hundreds of photo's on display of him and his girlfriend and my just rips me up thinking about it now....
Okay, enough of my pity pot....YGM too....
Sweet little Cameron had a precious little smile on his face tonight and his surfboard was there and his ole dirty Gator hat was laying on his chest and in his casket, there was a compartment which contained beach sand and a huge sand dollar and there were hundreds and hundreds of photo's on display of him and his girlfriend and my just rips me up thinking about it now....
Okay, enough of my pity pot....YGM too....
Wow Suzie, I had no idea that you have been through something like this...You are right...When they are young, it is tough....Shew...I'm tired of crying...I think i'm getting dehydrated....better drink some water...I'll probably email you tomorrow....Take Care of yourself honey...You'll make it...and we'll all help you here...