For Paul

Dear Paul

I want to thank you for all of the words you have shared on this site. You have played an enormous part in my acceptance of the need to let go of my son. It has been a long and painful process to reach this point, but without the support you have given, I would still be walking the old hamster wheel.

When my son is ready to get clean, I will be there for him. I have hope and faith that God has a plan for him. It may not be the one I want, but I will accept whatever the outcome is.

Your story about the butterfly in the cocoon was so inspiring. Guess I've tried to cut the cocoon open so many times!

I will continue to keep you and everyone else (Raerae, Morph, Kyle, Charmed,
Dora, Bette) ALL of you who share on this site in my thoughts and prayers.

Best of life to all of you.

Diff, I forgot to name you, Sorry!
Hey TE,

Thank you for sharing and I am so glad that I was able to help you in some way. Keep us informed on how you are doing, and if you need someone to listen we are always here.
